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Everything posted by Jadeslade

  1. Jake I admire your enthusiasm, but you are giving really bad advice. Don't make it worse. Primum non nocere. A draw is a extremely complex movement involving hundreds of small, medium, and large muscles. All of the nerves surrounding the shoulder girdle are cut or damaged in a total shoulder artroplasty, often leading to the patient having no proprioception or sensation in that area. Hence no ability to tell when the joint may come apart. And no ability to quantify the muscles being recruited to move the arm. Gentle guidance by an experienced hand here is warranted. It may be the best for AT to switch hands. Certainly he needs to stop and get assessed.
  2. I've been working on my seven day weekend.
  3. I agree with badchad-no weights. Try walking your hand up the wall-start at the waist and go as high as you can without pain. Pencil it. Try 5 reps. Now go watch TV or read the forum-use weak hand on mouse. Do it again tomorrow. Go to 2-3 times a day or more if you can. Stop if it hurts. If, after a week there is no change or increased pain-need to see the surgeon and get his recommendation about your activity. Guys who do shoulders are usually at the high end of the spectrum and are usually very specific about rehab. It's been 3 years for you and you have had no problems, so it is likely that your draw is the problem. Take your holster and belt in when you go-worth a thousand words. I agree with chad-it may be time to go with weak hand draw-think how good you will be on weak hand classifiers! Shoulders are a huge operation! I am amazed you have been able to do so well. If your MD says ok-here's some rehab instructions-you might want to move where chad is for a couple of months. Good PT and the like are rare and more valuable than gold. I wish you well and good luck.
  4. Ever try to thread a sewing needle really fast? Party starts when I get there. Been my philosophy for a long time-I think I got it from Keith Richards. For different reasons. Keeps headaches and indigestion to a minimum. Now, if you are going to chase me, I do run a lot and can move if I have to. John Wooden had a saying very similar-don't hurry but be quick. Shooting is many precise movements done very quickly-that is one of the reasons I love it. Hurry less, do more. Yes.
  5. I've used Glockmeister-good shop. You can also probably buy one from someone on this forum.
  6. Excellent video-I like the stage diagrams. Good shooting. Thanks.
  7. Red. No kidding. I would look through them before you buy. I have Trijicons with red, amber, green. Reflex, ACOG, and Accupoint. They all work, they all show up when looking from a dark room out to sun and from sun into dark room. I pick the red up faster with two eyes open and I do not have to think about it. When shooting fast. If you are shooting slow or semi-slow it really does not matter.
  8. I forgot to mention this is an outstanding photograph. Thanks.
  9. Jadeslade

    Which one?

    Glance Wet or dry?
  10. Dave-Really great pictures. Thanks.
  11. Yeah. Way cool, awesome and most excellent.
  12. If the iPod is up to date-just plug it into a new Mac that has the same Mac ID (the itunes name) the the old computer had and the program (iTunes) will ask if you want to download the songs that are not on the new Mac or not. If it does not ask you to transfer the songs, exit out and call Apple to explain what happened and they will explain how to put the music back on the new Mac. If it is an old iPod(one that can not use the latest iteration of software) I would take it to a real Apple store and let the Genius Bar people do it. Good luck. Happens not uncommonly. There are no more DRM issues with Apple. A few artists have DRM issues.
  13. Don't throw it overboard. If the removable hard drive is not corrupted, it should be able to dump back into your new computer. Is your iTunes current? Up to date, that is. Sometimes trying to dump libraries from older computers into newer ones gives a software compatibility problem. Do you have an iPod that has the tunes on them? Sometimes that is the easiest way to establish the new iTunes as being yours on this computer with this computer enabled. Do you have more than 5 computers enabled? Is yours an Apple or Windows? If you have the software for your laptop, I would format it, reload the original software, update it, then bring in the library. Sometimes it can be tedious and you may have manually remove the dupes (use the built in iTunes program show duplicates. Sometimes Apple will help-I find email or chat faster than a call. Even the best case you are looking at some hours, don't want to lie to you. But if the drives are legit and they play when the removable disc is attached, it should eventually do what you want. Sometimes it's just better to sleep on it and try again. I hope this helps. I used sometimes a lot because without being there-it's hard to know.
  14. The PACT timers and the CED timers are both good. PACT been around a little longer, are a little bigger (can be easier to see), and are what most people are used to using at local matches. The CED timers are 2"wide, 4" long, and 3/4" thick. The PACT has a button that some RO's prefer in that you hold it down and it beeps on the release after they say Standby. THe CED is new kid, has soft and loud beeper settings, and has lots of neat par times, features (like a clock so you're not late for dinner), and good customer service. Here's what I use-it's around $110, has been extremely useful and I think is excellent for practicing at home or on the range. It has also been used at our local matches at CAPS. It is an essential to have a timer to practice. Good luck.
  15. Excellent video! Cool. Makes me want to take my J frame out. Can't load as fast as you, though.
  16. 80% in Blue Book is 400 for the High Power. What model is the Colt? Some of those are rare. Especially .45.
  17. All these are good answers, but if you can bear with it and take the time-contacts are a better solution.Contacts and Monovision It can take several iterations by your eye doctor to settle on the right ones, but dominant eye on the sight, the other on distance is basically it. It increases your sharp peripheral vision by a factor of 10 or 100-have not done the math. You also have the option of many more really cool sunglasses.
  18. Jadeslade

    Which one?

    Totally necessary. Wicked Weasel or Catalina?
  19. Jadeslade

    What is it?

    Zen is meditation to achieve enlightenment. So you could be the bullet. In a sitting position. However, being a typical American guy I just think be cool. Kind of like sliding a rattlesnake back into the woods. BE is the Master. It can take a while-years- to understand this and your understanding will change as you learn more. There are several other Masters. They don't usually post, but you can get things from them time to time if you go to important matches and wait and watch and ask. The sport of shooting is a game, but it has applications that can be real.
  20. Wow, 00bullitt is a veritable encyclopedia. Congratulations, Tod on being new mod! Back to post. + 1 everything he said. Are you going to be shooting Tac Optics or open? You may want to borrow a scope before you buy one. The TR24 is the hot scope right now, for good reasons, the glass is crystal clear and it just works. Red is good, but you may prefer amber (I think this is due to rods and cones issue about who sees what color better) One of my buddies got a TR24 a few months ago and sold his Meopta Meostar to a deer hunter. If you can put two optics on, the ACOG of your preference plus a small red dot is really excellent. I like the TA01NSN because of the BDC reticle. And the tritium post at night! Welcome. Oh yeah, once you try the Larue mounts, you'll never go back.
  21. Bullets back. So you can grab it pull it slam it tug it. You can do it other ways, but thats the way most do it.
  22. Bodacious!! I love California. It's a California thing. I miss California.
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