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Everything posted by redmanfixit

  1. Glock 26. Small, smooth. Won't rust even if you sweat on it a lot. Reliable, accurate, safe action is very nice day in and day out, so when you finally get to the part where you pick it up like car keys, you'll probably be fine. Runs even when packed with belly button lint. Not too heavy 10 rounds. If you're big enough +2 mag extension better accuracy for the finger rest. You can shoot it a lot without premature wearing it out so you can learn to shoot it well. The Keltec is nice and little but you shouldn't shoot it much because it's pretty light duty. They're pretty accurate. (both of em') I LOVE my 1911's so I hate to sweat on them. I only LIKE my Glocks so I don't care. So.....there!
  2. Hey everybody!! This is a REALLY good place to begin looking. There is Compression Ischemia to consider. Sleeping positions are a big contributor to all kinds of odd problems. Chronically depriving tissue of adequate blood supply causes hyper sensitivity in nerve tissue and inflammation responses in muscle. Joints do not like being in odd positions for several hours at a time without movement. If you sleep on a firm mattress, eventually position habits in sleep will start to turn into shoulder pain, weakness and tingling in the hand and forearm, neck pain and a bunch of other odd problems. A memory foam mattress topper at least 4 inches thick can make an enormous difference in a short period of time. It reduces tissue compression in a very pleasant way, inexpensively! Peculiar sleeping positions also make things in the upper Thoracic area move around in unpleasant ways. The muscular dynamics in that area are kind of complicated and we tend to carry a great amount of tension there. This in turn will also make pressure on nerve pathways. There are simple adjustments for the vertebra in that area and the tissue there responds well to trigger point or St. John method Neuro Muscular Therapy! "When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth!" Sherlock Holmes
  3. I may be making trouble but I really am curious about how good airsoft is for practice. I shoot single stack a lot. I have that inexplicable attraction to 1911's. I have thought about a better quality airsoft gun as a practice tool because of the expense savings and the fact that I can practice indoors when it's snowing and nasty. So.....how good are they really. Trigger, durability, accuracy, slide cycle. You know all that stuff. I would welcome opinions on this.
  4. Wow!! Both of these machines are VERY nice pieces of work. Very impressive and well executed. You must have a pal with a welding shop and or machine shop!! Did you do drawings for these? I'm a sparky and I have wanted to build a larger electric pot for melting but could not find a suitable controller, where did you get the 240V unit or does it use a relay? I have a bunch of questions !!!! Nice work!! AHH! I calmed down and read the text more closely, there is a relay on the 240v circuit. Thanks for posting this!
  5. EVERYTHING in excess!! To enjoy the flavor of life take BIG bites! Moderation is for Monks!!! Lazarus Long
  6. You know you're a shooter when you buy your wife a Glock 26, extra mags and some fobus mag carriers for her birthday and she isn't pissed at you! GOD I'm lucky, I can buy her tools as well!! "Whenever another approaches you with the clear intention of doing something for your own good, RUN, Run for your life!!" Oscar Wild
  7. Seriously folks!!! This is a list of REALLY good suggestions. It gets a person thinking about larger situations when you sit with it. How do we expend energy and what do we really need and what are our belief systems? Think of these issues in a cost benefit equation and engineering expense. Kerosene heater seems fine till you look carefully at the details. The fuel is expensive and it emits poisonous gas. If you are trying to heat a rough work space it's OK but it stinks and is a fire hazard. NOT GOOD for unsupervised operation (while you're asleep) or in a living space. Electric space heaters are wonderful. The small ceramic heaters work well if you MAKE SURE you are not overloading the branch circuit wiring in the space you are using them. This means you have to take a little time to understand some basic electrical theory so you can use the technology safely. (Ignorance = Death, a common theme) It helps you to make an intelligent purchase decision. Don't buy cheap junk. There are electric space heaters that heat oil in what looks like an old style hot water radiator that can provide efficient warmth in a small space but you still need to be sure the electrical wiring, cords and distribution equipment will accept the loads safely. You can upgrade to more efficient ways of consuming fuel. There are gas furnaces that run at 95% efficiency. They can be zoned with programmable damper systems that will direct heat to the parts of a house that is in use at different times of the day. Or just work the dampers yourself, I call it driving your house. I install Rinnai tankless water heater systems for people all the time. I think these things are great. They use NO energy if you aren't making hot water. Through time it saves an enormous amount of money. Step back just a little and look at the structure of these circumstances. Everyone here is a shooter, presumably or you wouldn't be hangin' here. The engineering/problem solving paradigm is the same one you are confronted with as shooters. Equipment suitability. What gun? What gear? What ammo? Do I reload? If you look at these questions from an engineering perspective you realize you already know how to solve problems like this, you just lack information specific to the problems you're trying to solve. And perhaps interest and impetus to solve the problems. Little decisions and small errors can sum up to big problems. Expand the space you believe needs to be warm and you spend more. Shrink that space and spend less. Do you feel deprived if the warm space is small? Why? If you read Brian's book and follow the fundamental themes, it's about efficiency, focus and problem solving. Internal reflection, attitude, openness to whatever works and gets you where you want to go. These are very good "muscles" to exercise. There is no action in the human experience that comes without expense. We are surrounded by thermodynamic processes. If you generalize the paradigms you have more energy to follow your hearts desire. (shoot more) at a lower "cost". WE (this is the editorial we) act together as a civilization in small ways, individually, that sum up to massive expenditure of energy. If WE act as individuals with an awareness of the results of our actions and encourage this in others, the sum is greater efficiency and less energy expended on a tremendous scale. Yes it matters. When you look at a course of fire and visualize how you're going to shoot it, little details add up rapidly to a good or bad performance. This a principle of non linear progressions. And people tell me all the time that they don't think consciousness can have any interaction with the manifestation of physical reality! HA! "A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." Lazarus Long
  8. I remember Bunker Hunt. I thought it was the Hunt Bros. Trying to do that. They must have not had the right friends in high places, I recall they got ripped pretty hard for that. Maybe someone is gearing up for an invasion of Werewolves? You REALLY have to watch buying anything on E-Bay anymore. Prices are way out of line and there is a culture of deceitful sellers that has evolved. The good deals are on Craig's List for now. That'll change eventually and it'll be somewhere else. "Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies." Thomas Jefferson
  9. Here's a weird little angle for you. I hate being too cold. There are a variety of dry chemical hot packs out there. For example Hot Hands leaps to mind, but they are all pretty much the same. Even some with sticky backs for low back pain relief. I usually wear crew neck cotton T-shirts that have a breast pocket so this is easy for me. Open either a hand warmer sized one or the larger body warmer one and stick it in the pocket of your t-shirt or some other convenient means of getting it over your heart. All your blood passes this spot every few seconds or so. These little gems warm up to about 102 or 104 degrees F and will often stay there for 8 hours or so. All they have in them is iron powder and a little salt, some other odd stuff. I think they are amazing in the amount of energy they release. I have them in my winter survival pack. They have NO ignition hazard associated with them. NO toxic fumes. NO substantial pollution. They can be found on sale at different times of the year, my wife Mary has found them for as little as .50 each and that seems cheap to me for being to stay warm ALL day. I get into the woods in Colorado hunting and if you have to be in a still hunting situation OR if you're stuck in a snowbank somewhere and the temperature is dropping, these things can be a life saver!!! Hope this helps you shoot more!!! P.S. Don't forget to finish getting dressed. And ladies, if you stick one in yer bra, wrap it in a paper towel or a handkerchief, they get a little warm!! "Whenever you get to thinkin' you're pretty important and people ought ta pay attention to you, try tellin' someone else's dog what to do!" Will Rogers
  10. I have not yet loaded Wolf in SP but I intend to. I have run 10,000 .45ACP I built with Wolf primers this summer and am VERY happy with how they perform. I have built lots of ammo on CCI, Win, Magtec, Federal (Well....you run out sometimes and you take what you can get!) as well and have only had failures with any of these traceable to ME! My guns liked all of them as did my Wife's guns. Glocks, Hi-powers, 1911's, S&W's. I do not modify my guns too much by some standards.
  11. Perceptually, Us H. Saps. run on a series of continua. A continuum of continua. ( number lines in a way) Too hot too cold? Too fast too slow? Too bright too dark? This test is a great way to look at the ultimate way we make our reality constructs. What do each of us "see". Having a brain like we do is kind of like having a Huge Craftsman roll away tool box that has locked drawers in it. Do you spend all your time using the stuff in the drawers you already have open or are you spending time trying to pick the locks on the ones that aren't available to you? It can be argued effectively that for any of us "reality" is an hallucination. We sense nothing directly. It's all about reflected radiation and interpretation of tactile data. All this is filtered through belief systems programmed into us by well meaning but possibly deluded adults when we were children. How do you test the fundamental belief systems you carry around for validity? Albert Einstein pointed out that most of the fish out there do not understand water. If you are one of the fish that gets the idea of water, can you remember the concept as you experience consciousness? Train your weaknesses. You cannot IMAGINE what you will find in those drawers!! I know of a scientist who intentionally does EVERYTHING in a days routine out of order EVERY day. Because of the fundamental way we fall into unconscious patterns. To remain fresh in his thinking and vision he intentionally forces himself to see the world from a different perspective!! Your kinesthetic environment effects the way your brain processes information. In case it matters to anyone INTJ I consistently Run at 50/50 I, 50/50 N, 50/50 T. "Hey Moe!!! whoop whoop whoop!!!" Wise guy HuH?" Curly Joe Howard
  12. I have an XD9 5' that I got this summer. I have been shooting a 1911A1 in competition for about 2 years in single stack and doing not too bad. I also have a G21sf and I like it very well. I recently started shooting my XD9 in Production class and for IDPA. As much as I hate to say it, the XD is way quicker for me. It points very naturally and runs like a watch. I put a Springer Precision kit in it and it improved the trigger hugely. The fitting was not difficult at all so it was economical. If you are good with hand tools it is not a hard job. I think that the ergonomics of it are very much like a Browning Hi-power, just a little bulkier. I am a fan of the Master, JMB. I have a good friend that just got an M&P9 and I find it to be an excellent shooter. I think you ought to try running a few hundred rounds through each one of the guns you are thinking about to see what works. There is SO MUCH good engineering out there you shouldn't have much trouble getting one that really fits you!!
  13. I have a G21sf. I like 1911 A1's just because and that size frame fits my hand perfectly. I find the G21sf to be only slightly larger so I can still get hold of it properly. It gives excellent wack! Many times. +2 extension on the mag and you end up with an excellent handful!
  14. "Thanks to you and others for the response. I just did a search and took the Jung Typology Test, which I think is what you are referring to. The test said I’m ENTJ saying:" Time passed and Meyers & Briggs a mother daughter psychologist team (Jungian's, obviously) expanded on this work. Thus was born the Meyers-Briggs personality inventory. This instrument was offered to businesses in an effort to help differing personality types in a business setting understand the differences in problem solving approaches based on four continua of personality. Handy tool to understand the basic way, for example, an artist approaches a problem solving task vs an engineer. Team building and efficient member interaction being the idea. This concept is framed by the idea of hemispherical dominance. The continua are indicators of the relationship between approaches to problem solving and the brain hemisphere in which the approach is seated. The implications for this are interesting when illuminated later by studies involving functional MRI in which it was confirmed that indeed, an engineer is left brained and an artist is right brained! (see what lights up on the MRI!) When reflected on, this view leads to an interesting insight as regards the suspicion with which these two seemingly polarized groups view each others processes! Move this into the realm of kinesthetic intelligence. Don't forget what we're up to here at the most fundamental level. We are practicing how to stay alive in a gunfight. These are "stressed" shooting situations designed to challenge your processing equipment (Brain) to handle multiple data streams in real time in less than ideal conditions. Winning at a game is fun and motivates us in a way that the practice warriors must undertake, takes on a less serious side. How to optimize? At a very fundamental level this has to do with a balancing act and how that internal balancing act turns into action. It's fairly obvious here that a balance must be struck between "figuring out" how to shoot a stage (engineering) and trusting intuitively(artistically) your ability to just shoot it. I contend it is useful to look at the continua on which we are trying to balance. In fact, installing the concept of these continua of action helps to find ways to train that are effective. In Yoga practice, you try to create strength and flexibility between the halves of your body. We have a tendency to "favor" our right or left side, depending on handedness. With that we ultimately develop imbalances that can be shown to lead to physical injuries. By seeking to be strong and flexible on both sides, physically as we move through space we are more balanced, less likely to fall (fail). Train the left hand because of the way it effects your nervous system. Kinesthetic action affects the manifestation of mental processes as mental processes affect physical action in space time. In Aikido as I have been privileged to witness, there is an energetic balance taught between non-engagement and the will of our purpose. Where is the energy directed? Have you "Engaged" your opponent from your energetic center or is your energy directed to your own purpose? By using the model put forth by Jung and Meyers Briggs you can have a frame to look at your own "style" and find ways to make yourself more flexible and stronger. If you are more comfortable "figuring out" how to shoot a stage which is left brained, try teaching yourself to be more intuitive and allowing yourself to access the subconscious intelligence that resides just below consciousness and waking awareness. Conversely, being wholly intuitive is no advantage. Balance between knowing where you intend to go, selecting an optimum path and then allowing it to happen without thinking about it too much. (yeah, I know, this is getting a little fuzzy and Woo Woo, I'm doing the best I can with the symbols I have to work with). We meditate to find a still place where there is not too much noise. Still, we are here to act in the physical world. OBTW In Meyers Briggs I am an INTJ. I tend to be 50/50 split in my tendency toward disposition on 3 of those continua. "I'm tryin' to think, but nuthin's happenin!!'" Curly Joe Howard
  15. Never take a laxative and a sleeping pill at the same time! And you know how they always teach you to keep water and electricity apart? How come every time I go on a service call it's nearly always about water and electricity being together in a bad way? Why will the bottom of the water heater nearly always fall out just as you pull out of the driveway on a 2 week trip? Have you noticed the similarity's between a large caliber hand gun and a big hammer? I like big hammers!!
  16. Quote "( This technique is actually called diaphragmatic breathing and is used extensively in pain management and relaxation training.) This allows the full and efficient use of the entire pyramid of your lungs. " Ok this'll sound a little snotty. Sorry. It is actually called Ujjayi breath. A beginning breath form. It is part of Pranayama practice which is Yogic breathing. The techniques are some 3000 years old.... or so and have been worked out in detail by some extraordinarily SMART people. They are part of the limbs of Yoga. These practices are the root of every martial art. There is no modern excersise system that has not been on ground explored by one or another lineage of Yogi Or Yogini. Pranayama has remarkable potential application to shooting. It is an extremely effective adjunct to bringing stillness to agitated minds. No one from the AMA invented it. By copying it, renaming it and getting it a treatment code, they figured out how to get an insurance company to pay for it. Sadly the real substance of the technique was effectively lost in the 'conversion'. Bummer Dude!
  17. Best possible material for protective glasses at this point in technology is polycarbonate. This is THE most impact resistant material that lenses are made from at present. If you would like to have an inexpensive demonstration of this toughness, get a cheap pair of polycarbs and a sixteen penny nail. Put the lens front down on a 2x4 and drive the nail through the lens from the back. (Wear safety glasses when you do this.) It should not break into pieces if it's real polycarbonate. As far as color goes, the color in which we see sharpest is Yellow. Turns out the peak of the photopic vision curve is in the yellow green band in the visible spectrum. (Odd correlation here, since the sun is abundant in iron and sodium the peak of it's emission curve in the visible band is in yellow and green. It seems we see very well there because that's where there's the most light!! Cool Huh!) When the light is flat (cloudy) the best definition is in yellow. Clouds allow UV and near blue radiation through and these wavelengths produce the equivalent of "noise" in optical systems by having a natural tendency to focus short of the image plane. The energy of these photons is quite high and will over drive photo receptors. (Think cones here. Also where sunburn comes from!) Works that way on CCD devices and photo emulsions, but that's another topic. Yellow is the color opposite of blue in the additive color system, so filters out blue by absorbing those wavelengths. You see sharper, try it!. Some people don't like yellow for a lens color so try brown it's a nice compromise and softer on the eye. Almost as sharp. Green is the next best color and has a nice natural sensibility to it that many people like. B&L did the research for the Air Force many years ago and developed Ray Ban sunglasses for Hi altitude flying for these reasons. For a general tint, there is nothing I know of that's better than gray. Called Tru-Gray by B&L, it has a flat transmission curve and renders color evenly. The transmission spectrum of the lens falls off on either end. On one end in infra-red and on the other end in near blue and UV. These absorption characteristics are important because a tinted lens causes your pupil to open up and exposes the crystalline lens, vitreous humor and retina to more potentially damaging radiation. This is implicated in macular degeneration and cataracts among other things. Bad sunglasses (read cheap here) contribute to diseases of the eye! Combat related equipment, entry team protective gear, windows for bullet proof application are often layers of glass and polycarb with clear, special polyester for reinforcement. The goggles you see on entry teams and combat teams in the police and military are scratch resistant coated polycarbonate. Generally, if properly designed, manufactured and supported, if anything hits you hard enough to make a polycarbonate lens break while you're wearing it, you won't care anyway. It is not possible to make a glass lens this tough. It is only more scratch resistant. It will always be easier to break and therefore less safe for shooting applications. Period. Layered lenses are thick and heavy. Tough but ugly. Kind of like a A10 Warthog or a HumVee. IF you choose glass lenses they MUST be chemically strengthened. This is done in a molten salt bath in a Ion exchange process. To meet ANSI standards for industrial impact standards they must be thicker and therefore heavier than polycarbonate. It is VERY useful to be able to check the optics of a lens if you intend to shoot with it. Especially in sighting we tend to use the peripheral area of the lens. (Edges) Particularly near the corner closest to your nose. If the lenses are not ground to be plane, as in the case of a pressed or molded lens, it will have distortions that will interfere with ALL visual tasking and may give you a headache. (It sure gives ME a headache when I miss too much!!) It is simple to do this so...no worries mate!! Hold the lens you wish to check the optics in, away from your best eye about ten inches or so and look through it. Locate a strong straight line about 20 feet or more away. Vertical or horizontal no matter, just nice and straight (Doorway, shelving edge of a window). While looking at the line, move the lens around while still looking through it at the strong straight line. Notice the appearance of the image. If the image becomes distorted as you near the edge of the lens, that represents distortion because of irregularities in the surface curvature. Or possibly variations in the optical density of the material the lens is made from. This will distort your vision and make you unable to acquire a good sight picture. I have been surprised at how many fairly expensive pairs of glasses I have looked at that were distorted and causing shooters I play with no end of trouble and confusion. This can save you a lot of experiment with equipment that you don't need to try if you're not confused by lacking this information! Hope this is helpful. See Everything! Fixit!
  18. Now for something completely different! (Sorry Monty!) There is a quiet revolution going on in biology now as regards a growing understanding of bio-films. The implications for this growing field of knowledge promises a conceptual shift regarding relationships between microorganisms and large organisms as only one area which will be affected as this research continues. The essential bio-film in this case is the colony that inhabits the human digestive system. It does so apparently as a symbiont. When it is composed of the right mix of organisms, it performs an astonishing variety services for us that include synthesizing vitamin complexes which do not pass intact through the human digestive system. Among them are various members of the B family. These vitamins are essential to synovial fluid formation as well as many anti-inflammatory processes in the human body. There are an enormous variety of disease processes that are characterized by low grade inflammation that persists through time and is generally of uncertain cause. They are not the point here but are similarly affected by the lack of B vitamins that would be synthesized by the members of the colony in a healthy bio-film in the lower intestine. As insults are visited on this mass of "bugs" existing as a complex, interdependent community, their function as far as their relationship with us, their host, changes in ways that are no longer exactly described as symbiotic. The nature of these insults is variable. Too much sucrose. WAY too much corn syrup as a cheap additive to processed food. Various common preservatives in packaged food. Loss of enzyme complexes as a result of preservation processes and sterilization methods. Another potent source of insult to this complex community is, sadly therapeutic mycotoxins. (Antibiotics literally from Latin, anti-life) The organisms which cause diseases in our species are often tough and dirty. They appear intent on devouring our tissue and fluids and poisoning us with their metabolites. When in a weakened condition our personal colony of residents is unable to fight off infection and we get sick. Antibiotics, although wonderful in their ability to help us fend off an overwhelming invasion of pathogens, leave in the aftermath of the therapeutic regimen an unoccupied fertile area for unchallenged growth. Your gut. A rather quiet and incremental series of disease processes begin as a result of lack of the healthy symbiotic processes being replaced by parasitic processes. Any of us that have had courses of antibiotics and the usual increasing pattern of recurrent infections which require more and more powerful antibiotics in larger and larger doses to arrest infection WILL be sick in this way. There is an excellent body of information and references at www.ercprobioticenzymes.com in the FAQ area So....What?? I have found the following treatments to work remarkably well in a large variety of people. If you have a Vitamin Cottage in your community go there and buy Sublingual B Total. If they don't have it, they can get it, it is in their system. This is a B supplement that bypasses your digestive system and is taken directly into your circulatory system passing through the capillary network under your tongue. It does not even taste bad!! It is also inexpensive. It addresses a variety of nutritional deficiencies that result when your biofilm gets screwed up. Find, get on and STAY on a good quality probiotic. ESPECIALLY immediately after you have had a course of antibiotics and MOST ESPECIALLY after you have taken a course of Zithromax. Doing this will make you more infection resistant and overall, healthier than anything else you can do for yourself. You will live longer and be smarter than you would if you don't do this. This path addresses repetitive stress injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome also. It directly addresses system wide inflammatory processes that are the substructure of a wide variety of chronic deteriorative disease processes in humans. When your body is not being flooded by bacterial toxins produced by pathogens in your personal biofilm, the food you eat is no longer being transformed into poison and you will be healthier in a remarkable number of ways. Try it out and see. I have!! B Total is made by Nutraceutical Solutions in Corpus Christie TX. 1-800-856-7040 I am in no way associated with this company OR Vitamin Cottage. I make NO money from these businesses and will receive no personal benefit from this working for you OTHER than knowing that I've seen it work for a lot of people and that I gave you good advice. I am connected to ERC and if putting this pointer here gets me in trouble, I will grovel and scrape and try to make it up. I just hate to see people be sick and die too soon when there are simple things to do that make a difference. Shoot WELL See Everything!
  19. "We have a local plate shoot, 5 plates at 7 yards, that I've been a part of for several years. Great guys and a lot of fun. No IDPA or Ipsc around here, I think the closest is 110 miles away. But, I'm very happy to just shoot plates locally and that's all I'll ever do." Oh! Sure!! "and that's all I'll ever do" It ALWAYS starts out like that!!! You'll shoot plates for awhile, then you'll see a video from You Tube of some of the USPSA stages or something like that and then you'll say to your pals " Ya know. that looks like fun". Then it's " Well I wonder if_____". Next thing you know it's every weekend, your wife wants you to go to counseling with her and you're scrounging for little bits and pieces of steel to build another prop. HA!!! " That's all I'll ever do". HA!! John M. Browning is a GOD as far as I'm concerned!! I LOVE my 1911A1! .45ACP. That said since my theme here is, one thing leads to another, I have some 9mm pistols. 5" is wonderful for steel I have found. I lucked out and won a Springfield XD Tactical and jealousy of my wife's Hi-Power made me get a clone. I was trying to stick with my .45 for steel shooting because it is after all the one true path! Got my butt kicked by an extremely sweet, polite, cute factory shooter from GLOCK named Randy Rodgers. Holy crap she's quick!! I still love my 1911. I'm shooting a 5" 9mm much more now and for me it is faster. There are SO many nice guns to run! You're going to have fun I bet! Hee Hee Hee!!
  20. Pranayama practice (Yoga Breath) may help here. In the basic practice you simply begin to attend breath with awareness. We are often unconscious about what our breath is doing in most activities. When you begin to intentionally turn attention to breath in non stressed situations you gradually begin noticing it during stressed times. Awareness intrudes, kind of like a little nag, reminding you to breath. There is a basic pranayam technique to balance the hemispheres of the brain called alternate nostril breathing. Deep slow breathing immediately before you begin a stage increases the O2 level in the blood and helps to delay onset of O2 debt that comes with activity. It is natural to lock the throat (bunda) to brace the rib cage for any activity that requires precision. The arms are attached to the torso almost entirely by soft tissue. The only bone to bone connection is between the clavicle and the superior aspect of the sternum. ANY activity that requires precise control of the hands and arms makes us "brace up" from the neck and shoulders. (This pattern is the origin of most headaches) The trick is to take rest between periods of tension to allow the tissue to re-oxygenate and flush metabolites. Constant tension in soft tissue impairs blood supply. These techniques are used by Biathlon shooters to find the still places between heartbeats. I don't know if the coaches give proper attribution for the origins of the methods, but warriors that study at a high level have used them for about 3 thousand years. This sport requires precise motor skills and visual scope. Activities which are profoundly affected by blood O2 levels. Adding basic Pranayama to your training can only improve your performance! Namaste
  21. I would consider replacing the extractor spring as well. Springs do get weak with time and sometimes there are variations in manufacturing....even for Glock. +1 0n replacing the hook.
  22. It's always a question of balance. In any dis-ease there is a lack of balance on one or another or some combination of continua. We exist in a continuum of continua. When we finally manage to allow all (or most) of the oscillations hit zero, something wonderful happens. Last weekend, I went to an IDPA match in Clear Creek Colorado. Decided to shoot my new, lucky, XD 9. Usually I'm attached to shooting Single Stack. But that day, I decided 9 would be fine. The weather was beautiful and there were SO many people I like to see. I was feeling no agitation. I could remember to breathe. My gun ran perfectly. It was effortless. Had I been able to remember how to count to two right then, I would have shot a clean match. My friends told me they had never seen me be that quick. It felt completely unhurried, I had all the time in the world. I somehow managed (allowed) myself to see everything and only the aiming point on each target. NOW I have to try and not to grasp to get back to that place I think more yoga would, might help! What I felt was complete entrainment in the moment. My kinesthetic awareness was neutral. My psychological awareness was neutral. (VERY nice distinction AikiDale). I have heard it called flow moment. SO nice!! Perhaps the Deity will allow me moments like that again before I die!! " If you push something hard enough, it will fall over!" Fudds first law.
  23. I'm a little cheap. Been hemorrhaging from the checking account since I got back into shooting. I bought a G-force paddle type holster for a G21 and with a little bit of fiddling around with my heat gun and a pair of cotton gloves, it fits my G21SF perfectly. The holster came from a local LE/EMT supply house. Can use the gun as the form. (cleared first) Does not have to get very hot at all!
  24. I've been casting for awhile now with the Lee 6 cavity TL mold. I have found that resting the mold on the edge of the pot as I'm heating it up to begin casting brings it up to temperature nicely, almost never any bad bullets. I have been running the 230gr TL bullet design for awhile in my 1911 and in my Glock 21sf with no leading problem, very good accuracy at 170 IPSC power factor. I think the lee alox bullet lube works well except for being slightly sticky. NO sizing operation this way. I'm a little paranoid when I drop a partial mag in the sand, after I pick it I want to unload it and wipe the bullet noses off. I'm shooting lead I recover from ranges I shoot at. 1 in particular is an indoor with a steel backstop that drops them nicely into a long row to pick up. I use the dutch oven and turkey fryer trick for melting and cleaning and pour the out put into ingots that weigh about 4# each. If I pause a moment and plunk an ingot into the 20# pot the level never gets low and the mass of melted lead keeps the pot from overworking. Cooling the bottom of the aluminum mold occasionally after I get up to speed by touching it to a damp cloth sucks heat right out and the sprue's cut easily. The mold doesn't seem to mind at all. I don't think I'd do it with an iron mold that way. Iron has such a high specific heat. A fan to disperse lead fumes and keep me cool! The Magma unit seems OK but I can make 1500 or so bullets in an hour and a half or 2. Nice karma Yoga as I don't sit that well. Cheap done right can be a GOOD thing. More money to spend on guns. Don't know if any of this will help! OBTW a local metal recycler pays .35 per # for dross from cleaning! Lots of copper and of course I can't flux ALL the lead out. It's kind of nice to place it like that as that part of the leftover is fairly toxic. OH yeah...I'm a bee keeper so I have a wazoo full of beeswax around for fluxing. Easy to make a good bullet lube that way too if I want!!
  25. While the Major's gun control comments make sense, I respectfully disagree with you on the above comment. I look at my most important relationships, those of my family, and have no urge to have power or control over any of them, especially my wife. It's hard to explain, but if you love someone, your goal is not to have power or control over them, but to please them. It is so hard to explain by the written word, but my wife smiling at me, or my son laughing with me probably mean more to me than anything. That's my experience. I was taught in college that power isn't hard to accumulate. You just have to be willing to pay the price. I found that price was more than I was willing to pay. Just my humble opinion on it. dj dj Thanks for this gracious response. It sounds to me that you've looked in the mirror. Another of the things that beings I consider Holy and Wise have consistently said is: One of the most important things we can know is our own nature. We must know ourselves. I think love is real. I think that the things you speak of have the true substance of this experience. I think that power and control are illusions. It seems to me that most people are oblivious to the expense of their pursuit. I think that on the last day, that to leave with the images you speak of impressed in your consciousness is the point! I've learned something about you! In another post here there, is a correction regarding the attribution. Thanks for that as well. I found the words I posted spoke more clearly than I could. It's hard to track now in the internet time, who said what. I admit to being a bit envious of the author as I found those words to be so clear and well reasoned. Fixit
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