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Everything posted by Loves2Shoot

  1. Nope, you can't shoot as accurate as my open gun can and that's not saying anything about your skill. I have one fit by a guy name Fred Craig Lucky me. As far as super or super comp, get what the guys in your area shoot, it makes sorting the brass easier, I've shoot so many .38 supers that I've long lost count, and never had any problem. I wouldn't go with a titanium comp, as they wear out faster unless you have cash to burn, then I might, I like the KISS theory. Unless you have small hands, the standard mag button works fine. Get a slide racker for sure if you have an oversized button. I like the click adjustable C-more. I would spend the extra $ and get a SV Scott grip, love them, way better than stippling or roupe grips, you never need to worry about slipping, only getting the correct grip . Trigger, SV with inserts, not that it really matters. with an open gun I would use a light mag well (Aluminum Dawson's Ice is nice), not stainless. I have had good success with the Recoilmaster in Limited, but I didn't like it in my open gun, so I would try a stock one first and borrow a recoilmaster later.
  2. What Flex said. That being said .2 is plenty fast and when you get there, you will know what fast is for you, and that is all that really matters. Don't listen to these guys that brag about .1 -.11 splits, yea I've done them to on a freak occasion, but they are about as important as spinning a basketball on your finger is to playing a game of basketball. Learning to call your shots is the most important thing.
  3. Very true. I wish someone told me that years ago. Trying doing 20 round bill drills. I find that has helped me relax a ton. There was a time I could barely get 6 rounds out, now 20 with the same split on every shot isn't hard. It really taught me to take the time I need to break the shot, so for 20 A hits @ 10 yards I know .18 is what I need, and that is fast enough. The last 20 round drill I did = 15 .18's, 4 .17's and 1 .19.
  4. Whoever is selling itis out of his/her mind IMO. A 5 year wait is very odd. You should be able to get whatever you want inside a year. $2600 for a single stack. I think you would be best to run away from that deal fast. 9mm is fine, but limits your reloading choices. Any of the .38 variants would give you a lot more options. Dawson Precicion, Shooters Connection, Speed shooters, Benny Hill, and Brazos Custom are a few places to check. $2600 should get you as good of an open gun as you would ever need. Oh yea, gunbroker has his deal a gun and 6 mag, belt, holster, mag pouches, etc. for $2500. less $ yet w/5 mags for $1800 and a new Scott Grip and hardchrome and you are set Most comps work well enough, and the other options don't really make enough difference to matter. Welcome to the dark side
  5. I'm with David, a Bladetech is a fast as anything else, though it might not look as fast. BTW Is you want to be fast with your 226, send it to Bruce Gray and it will make a lot more difference than a "fast" looking holster. His work on Sigs will knock your socks off. A much better use for your $100.
  6. Of course, and I'm still ok (3 times unconscious, and one time wearing a friggin' helmet.) I agree, it my mellon. I appreciate the value of helmets, but telling me I'm too stupid to know when one is "required" is something I'm not up for.
  7. As long as it returns quickly it doesn't really matter how flippy it is.
  8. Aren't you an "open specialist?" Not bad, congrats
  9. Yep. Nothing like having the muzzle covered also. CR is hands down my favorite holster-belt-mag pouch combo. I only bought the belt, and won the others, I was not impressed until I realized how well thought through the product is and simple to use adjust and maintain.
  10. A Kimber should be fine. Great value for the price in my experience. Make sure you get one with adjustable sights.
  11. Sweet gun, I like Tangfolios (or knock offs) I wish parts and mags were plentiful.
  12. I think I usually shot a stage best the 1st time I shoot it, less thinking and more doing.
  13. Not a big dog, but if you focus on seeing everything instead of hurrying to do things you will shoot more like you practice during a match. Remember you have time to see everything, you don't have time to guess.
  14. Bruce Gray can totally trick one out also, a friend of mine has one and I shot it a couple of weeks ago and it is like shooting a full blown tricked out S_I, even the trigger, simple amazing. .28 -. 30 splits on a plates, it is a little snappy, but recovers awesome. It is heavy though, I didn't weigh it, but they are substantial.
  15. It has been over 100 years and we still use the same basic platform as John Browning did, so we might say that major advancement stopped there. Sure materials have changed, but I think guns today are at a point where they can out perform the user. How long ago was the sword perfected? I think most of todays latest greateest advancement, ie short open guns, are more mental, and as long as people think there is an advantage to be gained, there is no end to the things people will try. The patent office gets something like 10k applications a day. Now Bevens mag followers are a different story, they are a real improvement for an old problem. If Fred Craig, or someone like him, ever perfects some of the stuff he's done with gas guns, you might see something that really make a radical difference. I shot a Craig prototype gas operated gun and it was super smooth, soft and cycled fast, too fast But there are still things yet to be done, think about a open gun that shoots as flat and soft as a .22, that would be the ticket
  16. For me it is simple. The magazines SUCK!!!
  17. I've not seen problems like that with my c-more with wide temp variations, you might use some thread compound on your screws.
  18. I would only be asked to moved down if I still cared about winning prizes, but since I could care less about that anymore I wouldn't ask to be moved. Then again shooting for me isn't about where I finish, it is about testing my skills and seeing what what I need to improve. I guess it all depends on what is important to you.
  19. 21 splits, a 42 round stage, that is huge!!! Probably only 10 splits, which means at most with the same hits .5 seconds saved. Splits are on the same target, not target to target. Those are transitions, and I'll bet there is more time to be saved there.
  20. LOL Run and gun doesn't equal hoser. You can have standards that are hoser stages. Sorry to rain on your rant, but since you invited it
  21. I know, but they don't add up to much once you get the in the .2 - .18 range. Seriously if you want the fast splits, just watch the front sight rise and fall, it will be faster than closing your eyes and burning a mag into a berm. If you can see the sight rise and fall for a whole mag on full afterburners, you will have just had a major breakthrough, and it will be fassstttttt.
  22. "If I could make myself shoot .20 splits, I could win any match there ever was." Second hand quote from Rob Leatham. I wonder all that really means. I know it means, your splits arent holding you back. The fastest splits I've recorded in string of 10 shots are in the .10-.12 range, and the only way to do that for me is to be focused on what my sights tell me to do. No "trying" involved. Personally I shoot much faster overall if I keep my splits to as fast as I can see my sights on the target. I think it is Saul Kirsch that says, "Let your front sight be your speedometer." Your math is wrong unless you are putting all 32 shots on one target. In a 32 round course of fire there are generally 16 splits and 16 transitions (no steel.) So, on splits alone you would be .8 seconds down. Someone blazing .15's are not going to get all A's you can get all A's with .2's. You are way ahead to shoot for the A's and get the points. The gun will cycle faster than you need it to. Some people can work the trigger faster than others, but shooting isn't about the that, because you have to hit your target, and you can only do that as fast as you can see it. A good trigger might not help you with your splits, but it will help you hit what ou intend to. Most people don't call their shots at hoser range, the great ones do. Most GM's can do incredible splits when they, but watch them in a match and they seldom do. There are a couple of multiple nationals winners that have .18 splits. They go between tagets much faster than most, that is where the time is to be saved, starting and stopping fastest. Good luck.
  23. TravisT because his attitude is as good as his shooting.
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