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Everything posted by Loves2Shoot

  1. Looks like you got the main things figured out. Nice post.
  2. Maybe you have small hands I wear men's medium glove and don't have to roll. Travis isn't a big guy and his hands are average sized. If you have to roll you might want to invest in a paddle for your mag button.
  3. SVI makes a great trigger, with a 1911 you need the hammer and sear.
  4. The essence of shooting for me is a reflection of our lives. Endlessly striving for perfection that can never occur, stretching our imaginations, breaking boundries, and the endless journey of self evalutaion and discovery. Disiplining ourselves so that when our characters are tested we can rise above the moment and react and respond in a way to make us great.
  5. Amen to that! I actually carve out the underside of my trigger guards so they make room for my weak hand index finger. Putting anything there would seem counter productive to mounting and dismounting the pistol smoothly. Lock your wrist out right and it won't move anyway.
  6. I heard the REALLY cool way was to shoot the first string strong hand while holding the mag in your weak hand
  7. Proof that open guys need to learn to reload
  8. It depends on how much dominance you have. I have none, so I use a piece of black tape to create a blind spot, it doesn't bother me at all. I found the clear tape was distracting, where black just sort of disappears after a few minutes. If you could use your right eye I would just move the gun in front of your right eye. I find trying to close one eye induces blinking, so I wouldn't recommed that. It really isn't a big deal, there are so many way to deal with it. The patch works to, but you don't need to block out everything, just your front sight, so that is overkill (I shot with one for a year.) BTW I'm a Master class shooter, and the tape won't stop me from GM.
  9. I've been lucky too, but then again I only have 15 mags New springs and replacing followers once they crack is all I've ever had to do to maintain mine, but I think Bevens new followers will last forever. You must use Grams new followers and springs they are AWESOME, Beven is that man if you are unlucky and need mags tuned.
  10. Shouldn't you use 200 PF ammo in IDPA anyway
  11. You won't be disapointed with Brazos, he is top of the line. So if $$$ isn't an issue, go for it.
  12. It doesn't hurt to look at the mag you are going to grab. It doesn't take any more time and you don't even have to move your head. Just a thought. That is how I reload in pretty much the same time from any pouch.
  13. I think a lot of it depends on how you shoot, and what you are comfortable with, that is why it is hard to explain. For instance, if you have some really far targets, you might not want to try to shoot them on the move, even if you can see them (far is relative to your ability.) I tend not to shoot targets past 10 yards while moving, it just takes too long to get good hits for me while trying to move at that distance, open I would say 15 yards. Some people take easy targets on the move coming into a port, but I've found for me it is generally faster to get to the hard target first and then take the easier ones while exiting the port. I guess what I'm saying is you just need to set up different target scenarios in practice and try them different ways and see what you are most comfortable with and produce the best hits. You will find that after awhile you find what work and what doesn't. So much depends on how you shoot. There is no general rule for me, it is all based on experience.
  14. Bingo! If you are trying to do anything you are handicapping yourself. Speed up, slow down, whatever. You have to react to your vision. Your skill set will determine how long it takes you to do things. Just see it, then do it. Don't worry about how fast, your intent to do it as fast as you can will take care of that. I think that is a huge hurdle for C/B Classer's, trying to be fast. If you worry AT ALL about doing something as "fast" as anyone else, you will not shoot to your potential, you have to just shoot in the moment, your skills determine where that will pan out in the match.
  15. If it sounds too good to be true .... Always ask them to send somthing in writing and never, ever, ever say the words yes on the telephone to someone you don't know.
  16. Consistancy is my main complaint with using the star in a match. If you don't shoot it just right it is a VERY punative target. Getting it to work the same for everyone has been a challenge in the matches I've seen it in, and the nice thing about having standardized targets is EVERYONE can practice them, if you have a star to practice on it is a definite advanatge. That is my complaint about "special" props being used in big matches.
  17. Ooops I didn't intend to imply 6 inchers are a trick deal. There are a lot of thing out there that are though. If I liked the feel, I wouldn't hesitate getting one.
  18. Just another reason stars should be banned from "real" matches
  19. My point is they are faster because the are more effiecient The speed comes from the lack of wasted motion more than quick movements. Thats why the really fast ones are so smooth. Smooth = Efficient They are more efficient in using time and use less of it to shoot the target and then shoot the next target, that is why they seem fast You can move fast and be very inefficient, just look at most B class shooters, most are very fast, and not very efficient.
  20. You want your draw to be rock solid. If the .25 seconds it takes you to do a perfect draw verus a fast draw, then do the perfect one, and realize that is your "real" draw time. That extra .25 is well worth it.
  21. Isn't it easier just to remember you better it all the targets with the 1st shot? I've found it is better to plan to do it right the 1st time, if I make contingency plans, I generally need them. Better to keep it simple and do what you know that you can do it the way you want to. You have to instantly make up misses and D's pretty much all the time anyways. D Peters, Not really. You need to see your sights enough to call the shot on every target, you don't make up time by spending less time on your sights. You make up time by calling each and every shot so you can get to the next target the instant you fired the shot. if you don't spend enough time on the sights you will be slow and unsure. Points are always important, the time it takes you to finish the course depends on how much skill you have at shooting the targets and how fast you move through the course of fire. If you sacrifice accuracy for time you can and will miss, you can't shoot fast enough to make up for misses. Try thinking of it this way, the people who are the best aren't really probably much faster, they are just a lot more efficient. If you focus on being effiecient, you will be faster. If you focus on being fast you will be slow and inefficient.
  22. Hmmm, most gun's return in .05 if you can shooter faster than that, hats off to you. I think it more feel thing. Look at the top 16 of top at Nationals, or the top 32 for that matter, how many 6" gun were there? Not many. Shoot a few first and then see if it is really what you want. You can spend a lot of $$$ trying "the trick" things. I know GM's who shoot 5's, 6's, 165's - 200's and then gun/loads seems not to matter that much. It all comes down to what YOU like best, and thern using the heck out of it.
  23. PWalker, It may be working for you now, but your aproach will serverly handicap you later as you improve. Let your front sight and your target determine your cadence. Using a predetermine "cadenece" will keep you from shooting to your abilities. Trust your eyes, they are the fastest thing you have. "Let your front sight be your speedometer." Saul Kirsch. DVC
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