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Everything posted by Loves2Shoot

  1. Maybe that would be a good question for Amidon in the next Front Site, at least it seems the NROI guys are giving the same story, it is a no no.
  2. Guys do it all the time, especially when shooting two guns. I don't see as it should pose any safety problems.
  3. Drop it in a fire. That's the only way I know of
  4. Why is it asking for trouble? I've shot 100K + of that particular combo with no pressure, no problems, ever. Maybe in theory, but definitetly not in the real world, I now at least 20 people who have shot that combo for at least 3 years or more, probably more than 1,000,000 rounds and I've never heard of problems with it from them. Maybe you were loading it shorter or crimping it wierd, but I've NEVER had pressure problems.
  5. HP's 1012 are great, cheap, fast. The bubblejets will cost you a ton in ink in year or two.
  6. 48 wow, you don't look it, it must be that Arizona tan Happy B-Day!!!
  7. I've had awesome service by calling, not as great with the web (2 weeks) but I've only used the web once. If only all business people where like Chuck.
  8. I hate that most of the people who claim freedom of speach have no understanding what that "freedom" cost. I think every "journalist" should have to watch the opening scene to Saving Private Ryan 10 times a month, maybe then they would get it, probably not.
  9. The only people who shoot M class percentages at major matches are generally GM's or should be. No M even shot 85% at last years open nats and most of the few that did in limited are open GM's
  10. Send me your cracked SV's and I'll send you STI tubes. PM me if you are interested.
  11. Just a thought, but sometimes I shoot better with an unfamiliar pistol in practice. Having something new or different can change your focus level, and that impacts your shooting more than gear. BE addresses this a in his book as the "trick" of the day. Short, long, heavy, light, I think it been proven they can all do the job better than we can. If you believe in it then do it if you can afford it, just keep in mind what may work for you is all that really matters. If turning your C-more upside down to get the dot closer to the bore is he answer (I've seen it more than once) then by all means go for it. 'Cause in the end it all comes down to the shooting.
  12. Great answer Steve, that's why I ask, for the benefit of the guys/gals who have no clue that the ONLY way to go THAT FAST and get your points is to react to your vision. I had horror visions of people trying to duplicate what you can do without realizing that you actually can see that fast. I know that's what I would have tried to do a year ago, wasting time and $ and getting really nowhere.
  13. LOL, sometimes you can get away with it too The benefits of being a GM Smitty, Not jealousy (cause I know he could do it from relaxed too) but motivation
  14. RELAX "both arms hanging relaxed, at sides." is what most classifiers say. I just say they aren't hanging relaxed. I know you can politic the point of what is relaxed, and is it possible to start in that un-natural position and really have your arms hanging as relaxed. I've heard a few arguments for someone wanting to start in a way other than than honestly having your arms hanging relaxed at your sides. I've had a few try to push and I always repy simply, "Why don't you unload and show clear and go see the CRO or RM if you don't agree with the start position." No one has yet. That is the reason I will never be a CRO or RM. This sport should be about shooting and not seeing how you can tear apart symantics. Just pet peave of mine. I do think that you could do it just as fast (or faster) from the relaxed position (I've practice that way too and couldn't get it to be faster than full extended and relaxed) That clip makes me want to break out my open gun, it's been in the safe 2 years now Maybe I'll have to scratch that open itch next weekend Thanks for sharing the clip! I hope people notice that with the lightning draw .76 and .15 splits is truely amazingwith all A's. If you take the time to add .14 for the draw and .03 for the splits and it is something you can do like clockwork, day in and day out and not that big of a deal for you. Which strategy woud you use if it came down to winning or losing Nationals and the last stage was a bill drill? Hose it or take the sure thing? You wold be giving up 4.5 points taking it easy.
  15. Steve, That's OK to challenge it, I just wouldn't start you Let the CRO decide is my moto, I just do as I was taught
  16. Yep, I wouldn't let you start that way, because the RO who taught me said relaxed is relaxed. No scrunched up shoulders, no bent elbows, arms hanging "naturally" at your side. Your start position doesn't look natural to me with your shoulders all up like that. He was an old fart but as many nationals as he's RO'd at I figure he know what he's talking about. Sorry Steve it wouldn't fly by me
  17. All a bad performace is is a starting point for your next practice. There is nothing wrong with a bad performance if you want to get better. Do you really ever get better from focusing on what you are good at? I used to suck at everything, now I suck less, not because of my sucesses, but by learning from my many, many failures. Every time I succeed it is because of the leasons I've learn from doing things wrong.
  18. Travis Tomasie was a quick riser, not only is he a gifted athlete, but he worked 20 times as hard as the average Joe, and put in massive amount of dry fire practice in the short time it took him to get to GM.
  19. OK I won't say he jumped the buzzer then, but I will shure as heck not let anyone start that way if the course was hands relaxed at sides Nice shootin'
  20. Erik, We had a nasty stage from hell for limited shooters, 8" plates at 15 yards WAAYYYY around a barrel. I think keeping the triangle is good, but sometimes I find it works to twist the wrist forward to get around a barricade on especially awkward angles. I don't mind shooting sideways, but I hate trying to keep the gun upright, it just seems to mess up the recovery.
  21. I hit 2 alphas on a 7 yarder doing that last match, leaving a port, I left my gun in the port while I started off downrange not a 180, but I was saying cr@p the rest of the stage, stay on your dang sights. Sometimes it is better to be lucky than good, but not often.
  22. 320 and 200 grain bullets is no problem.
  23. Is it really a big deal? Hardchrome is the way to go anyway
  24. The easiest way to memorize for me is to memorize less. Pick points in the course of fire that will put you in the best position to shoot the targets. When the buzzer goes off get to that point, shoot targets, get to the next point, shoot targets, ect. I guess you need to know what your sights need to look like on the target, and I visualize putting the sight in the center of the scoring area, but I don't "think" about it much, when you see the target you should know what you need to see from your practice. I see a lot of people trying to over plan. Sometimes I find in the heat of the moment, you do something you didn't plan, but that isn't always a bad thing. If you try to make sure you always have some extra rounds in your mags when you plan your reloads the bumps in the road don't hurt so much. A lot of people try to run so close to the edge they can't afford to make any error, saving a 10th to lose 3 seconds if they aren't perfect. Putting that pressure on yourself seldom pays off. It is like when people go if I miss the steel twice I have a plan "B" to go to. That just doesn't work that well most of the time. If you you the KISS (keep it simple stupid) aproach to planning your stage you can be much more flexible to handling adverisity during the COF. Finding the "magic spot" or hiting super tricky shots seldom win over shooting good solid stage plans. Always look for the holes in a stage, but keep your game plan something that is easy to get your mind around, because being confident is more important than a lot of things. Don't try somehting you see someone else do if you don't think it would work best for you, especialy if they are a M-GM, we do some stupid stuff sometimes, and we can get away with somethings maybe we shouldn't. That's my 2 cents worth.
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