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Chuck Anderson

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Everything posted by Chuck Anderson

  1. So if I go to a safety area and put the unloaded gun between my knees, can I walk around the range like that? I'm not handling it? This just doesn't seem like that difficult of a concept to grasp. The gun stays in the bag or holster until under the direction of a range officer or in a safety area. If it is not in one of those two locations, bag or holster, and you're not under the direction of an RO or in a safety area, and you're somehow preventing that gun from hitting the deck, whether it's pinning it to something with a leg, playing hacky sack with it, or rapidly tying the bunch of helium balloons you were carrying to the trigger guard, it's a DQ. I've seen dozens of guns in mid air. Most as an LE trainer, a few as an RO. I've never seen one caught that didn't somehow point at a body part. And I've never seen someone catch it with enough sense to keep their finger clear of the part that makes the gun go bang. I've seen them caught but the grip, barrel, and pretty much everything between. The most recent one was a guy who caught it with his pinkie finger in the trigger guard, muzzle pointed at his face. I'm all for gaming every stage I can. Get every bit of advantage I can out of the rules and stage description. But I'm not going to try and skirt a safety rule. Whether it's a rule book safety rule or one of the four primary ones.
  2. I know it's not the same, but at a recent 3-Gun match we were leaving guns, they were being cleared and set in the racks by other competitors. I finished the course, grabbed my rifle off the rack, put it in the case, took it in the hotel that night, realized I was too lazy to clean it or dry fire (thank God), put it in the rack for almost two hours the next morning, climbed a 20 foot tower with it and when the RO hollered to Make Ready, I racked a live round out of the gun. This isn't specific to the above poster. A safety rule is not something that can be conveniently ignored in favor of a better score, faster time or because it might cost money. If you don't want to damage your $5,000.00 Open gun, get a better holster, cheaper gun or take up a less active sport. I'm not willing to point my gun at anyone, which is exactly what happens in that split second decision to grab a falling gun, to save the finish on any of my weapons. And I have a few pretty expensive guns. I actually find it a little disturbing that there are so many people that think it's okay?
  3. For $50.00 buy it. One of two things will happen. You'll get a decent optic you can use and get some life out of. Or you blow $50.00 on a piece of junk which fails on you at the worst possible time (match, hunting trip, defensive shooting) and if you're still alive in the case of that last one, you turn around a buy a decent scope from a reputable manufacturer. It's not something I would do but you seem to want to.
  4. My take on it would be it's perfectly legal. Glock has produced more than enough Glock 24's to make it a legal barrel/slide length combo. Same for the frame. The rules for Production are different than for Limited/L-10. I would point to the rulings regarding Para-Ordnance and Springfield Armory guns using 6" uppers. Seems like this would be much the same situation. However if I was going to do it, I'd check with Amidon first by sending an email to dnroi@uspsa.org Better safe than sorry.
  5. Have you tried some of the more exotic sporting clay targets? I'm thinking the rabbit or the flash target. The Rabbit is thicker and harder. Seems like it would be more likely to break on impact. The flash target has a little pouch of dust. Haven't tried them yet myself.
  6. Are you talking IPSC or USPSA? The rule might be different.
  7. Okay, I played around with my mags and the mag gauge and came up with a combo that works. The SPS 133mm tube and the Double Alpha pad are a perfect fit in the gauge. Just a hair under sized, and I mean a tiny hair. Had to use the pad with the thick end forward, but it fits the gauge. Now I just need to find 4 more SPS tubes.
  8. On a close, tight rifle port, particularly one where the rifle needs to be canted, it's well worth the extra time to ensure the bullets are striking the barricade. Also, touching off a .223 with the muzzle right in front of a big flat wall is a fun experience. It's a little like having a flash bang go off 3 feet in front of you. And you're talking about of foot of difference with most of those positions, not two steps there and two back.
  9. I'd poke the barrel through, but lift if off a bit off the barricade. For me I stick it in, make contact and then lift slightly. Then I know I'm clear. If you just put it through and hope you're very likely to have contact of some sort. I've seen hundreds (literally) of missed shots because of people making contact between the barrel and a support. It's frustrating to watch at a match when you can't coach.
  10. Tell him to get his barrel off the support. At that range he'll probably hit, much farther though and the shots will be way off. Those barricades are a blast though.
  11. So I picked up some of Saul's brass base pads for my L10 gun to get them out of the gun a bit quicker. I used some of the Limcat ones last year but they were on loan and it doesn't look like Johnny's going to make anymore anytime soon. I know they aren't designed for the 140mm mags but I was hoping I could get them to fit the gauge. I was wrong. I'm also pretty sure I'm not going to like the combo if I put them on my 126mm tubes with the magwell I have. My question is what are my options for intermediate length magazine tubes. I seem to remember that STI or SV made some 136mm or 138mm tubes that might work. Anyone know what I should be looking for?
  12. Which list? The self squadding list? If so this is posted on the USPSA Nationals site. Self Squadding Notes A couple of notes for self squadding for the 2011 STI USPSA Handgun Nationals 1) If you got your slot from the wait list you might not appear on the squad lists yet. The squad lists will be updated once a week to include wait list people as the entries come in. If you don't see yourself there then please check back next week. 2) We have not squadded any of the super squad folks yet. The match administration has yet to build those squads, but as soon as they do we will start moving those folks into those squads. If those shooters squad themselves elsewhere in the interim they will be moved.
  13. Damn, those are some impressive pants. Rob just tell Springfield you forgot where you left them. You're getting awful close to the age they would believe you. Feel free to ship one of those up here to Oregon. I'll give it a thorough whooping for you.
  14. JP makes a trigger for the large pin Colt receivers. Might as well get the best. http://www.jprifles.com/
  15. Wow, that's a lot of posts rebutting a guy with 12 posts who joined a week ago and is clearly trolling. I too would like Springfield to make a gun that shoots into 3/4" at 50 yards, has a 1 1/2 pound trigger, will never jam, will let me do .10 splits on a swinger at 25 yards and get 2 A's, comes with lifetime one one one training sessions with Robbie, reloads all my ammo for me and only costs $200.00. Guess I'll live with disappointment. Springfield Armory has come out with a gun that is financially viable to them and what many many shooters want. I'm sure SA could come out with the ideal custom XDM, but you'd have to pay for it. I would much rather have a solid base gun that I can tune the way I want. I don't really want a two pound trigger on my gun. My Glock 34 is set up just like Dave's and is somewhere around 4ish pounds. What's the actual weight? Don't know, don't care. It works flawlessly and does what I need it to do. Glock gave us a gun with the slide and barrel that we could modify if needed for whatever sport we wanted to do. SA has now done the same with the XDM. Add a barrel if you want, do a trigger job yourself if you want, send it to Scott if you want. Expecting any gun company to come out with a race ready gun under a $1000.00 that will appeal to every shooter is truly naive. Even a factory STI Edge at $1600.00 + is going to require work before it's fully up to potential. I would expect that the XDM in the $700-850 price range is going to sell very well for SA. Might even be a bit cheaper than that once SA starts donating them to matches, which I'm sure they will. I'll get one, I'll give it a fair shake. Am I getting rid of my Glock for it? Probably not because of GSSF, but I'm always looking for any advantage.
  16. The 60 rounders are available???? If they're marked "backorder" I'd make alternate plans. Got 8 of the 16 I have ordered delivered to my doorstep yesterday. They're available. This was from an order at the SHOT Show.
  17. You can do all the checking and calling you want. You can fly the most gun friendly airlines out of the most gun friendly cities. It's still a crap shoot who's gonna be behind the counter. The last time I flew I didn't even open the case. Just put the tag in the suitcase with my locking hardcase. My buddy traveling with me was checking in at the counter next to me. He had to pull his out and show them empty. Just depends on the agent and their basis of knowledge. Seems like the ones who know the least about guns are the ones who want you to pull them out at the counter. The CTX is accurate enough to determine if the gun is loaded or not. If they can't tell they open the case. I normally don't even have my suitcases opened. And I travel a lot with a lot of guns. Just be prepared for any level of shenanigans, show up early and do what they say. You're not going to win that argument.
  18. USPSA.org under match results. Just look for the 2011 Area 1. You can also find the unofficial combined results at www.columbia-cascade.org if you'd like.
  19. I'm not sure what waiting lust you want to get onto that involves Larry but leave me off of that one.
  20. Because Las Vegas is hosting three Nationals this year and probably next, and they have for the previous couple years. Vegas has agreed to assist St. George with putting on the match, MGM Targets has agreed to help out and supply steel for any courses that need it. St. George is in an area with about 100K population, 90 minutes from Vegas. Salt Lake does not have a range capable of hosting the match. St. George has 20 bays we are are committed for, and 16 more we can use if we need. They recently underwent a major rennovation at the range where they had to basically turn all the bays 90 degrees. The County paid and would like to bring in some major shooting competitions to use the range. As far as Area 1 shooters being squeezed out of their own match by Area 2, we'll have a generous registration period that is only open to Area 1 shooters. Haven't squared away exactly what that period will be but say from August 2011-December 2011 any Area 1 member is guaranteed entry. After that we open it to everyone. If you want in, sign up early. Here's the other part of this. Albany was the only other venue that said they would do it, and that was only as a, if no other club volunteers, offer. While I wouldn't mind doing it in Albany I do want to get a match in the SE portion of the Area, where it hasn't been for a very long time. If you give St. George a chance and actually take a look at the venue, beyond just a critical look hoping it will fail, I think you will see it's a beautiful area and an excellent venue to hold the match. I spoke to the Chamber of Commerce for St. George this morning. They are excited to have USPSA coming. They pointed me to the website they normally refer people to, www.atozion.com Beyond that, the dates listed above are not correct. I'll have a good match date and the ability to make a more coherent announcement in a couple days.
  21. I've got one as well. I have a separate rig that I use for teaching with a Safariland Duty holster. I just took the belt sander to the barrel stud and problem solved. I normally wear this on my offside in a Blackhawk Serpa holster and a Glock 17R in the duty rig for training days. Both have their strengths. I had one of the first gen ones. Issues with the red laser. Sent it back in and they sent me a brand new one. The red laser is a bit dim for outdoor training, but the green shows up quite well even on bright days. During our current training rotation I'm using it to demonstrate wobble zone, trigger control, as an aiming point for point shoothing and to demo when to put the finger on the trigger during the draw. Working great so far.
  22. Without getting too much into this. I'm not worried about next year. I think it's gonna be a great match. We just picked the venue 24 hours ago. Give me a couple days to get everything locked in and I'll give some answers out. I promise.
  23. I'll have an official announcement in a few days. Just want to lock in the dates. As far as being in the middle of nowhere, it's less than two hours from Vegas. We've held the match in a lot of locations around Area 1. Very few of them anything I would call close for the Area members who live in Utah and southern Nevada. Missoula, Puyallup, Marysville,, Portland, Albany etc. We've been spoiled in the NW never having to drive too far for an Area match. Figure it's time to give the folks down south the opportunity.
  24. Wow, kind of slow. I wonder how long it's gonna take for people to realize Fallen Brethren (Ft. Benning) FB3G is back!! Now I just need to figure out how to weasel out of a little prior committment I have that weekend.
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