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Chuck Anderson

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Everything posted by Chuck Anderson

  1. Don't need to wait for the next get together in August. It's being discussed now. I know a lot of the BOD is tied up at SHOT so it might take a bit longer to reach a consensus.
  2. What the fish said. The red dot is intended for close targets. I'd much rather worry about a 2" or less offset than 3-4 inch. Super quick to just keep the head in the same spot and just roll the gun a bit.
  3. Wanna bet? 300 is nothing. The chamber area gets pretty darn hot pretty quick. The extension gets a lot of heat as well.
  4. Lost it in that USPSA revoked it, or that the parent organization told the discipline they could no longer play? Lost in that the SC decided to stop the range from hosting USPSA events after the club BOD made it very clear they had no interest in allowing USPSA matches to continue despite their signed agreement that they would follow USPSA rules. If the SC hadn't done it I would have. There is no USPSA President waiver for clubs to prohibit the muzzle over the berm. I've been through this. Both with Voigt and Strader. Neither will grant the waiver and I agree with them that it shouldn't be. And in case someone thinks that decision was easy for me the club that shut down was my home club and the one I started at in 1996. It really sucks, but there are an awful lot of reasons to not allow that particular local rule.
  5. I did this on a recent build. Really worked out great. Anti seize on the barrel nut threads, but loctite on the barrel extension. Gun shoot 1/2 MOA. Best Ar I've put together.
  6. The duty gear exemption was put in because it isn't an advantage, but because most LE duty gear doesn't comply with the rules in regards to placement. Seems kind of silly to tell the LEO that shows up his triple security holster and double flapped mag pouch is to gamer and then have the Open shooter walk by.
  7. Damnit Talley, I told you about that in confidence. Now Jesse's gonna want to come spend the night at the Lair.
  8. Wearing two hats here so bear with me. As an Area Director I would love to see all MG matches under the USPSA umbrella. As a competitor I'd be bored to tears. I do think there needs to be a national organization to push three gun at the club level. But I definitely don't think all three gun matches need to be a part of it. Where a national organization can help is really at the club level. New clubs starting out can really benefit from having a set of rules that have been vetted instead of trying to come up with stuff on they fly. It can also help with getting the club even started depending on the Club policies. It's a lot easier sell to a bunch of trap shooters to say you want to bring in a sport that is run by a national org as opposed to showing the a set of rules written on a bar napkin and say you want to run around their range with a bunch of guns. As for the guys saying three gun only needs a two page rule book, or a ten. Good luck. The reason those short rule books exist is because the RM has discretion in everything else. That leads to inconsistent decisions or just falling back on USPSA rules. I saw both happen this year. In fact I had three different RMs at major matches ask me how the USPSA rule book would handle a certain situation or two. Not slamming them. A ten page rule book doesn't cover everything the gamey bunch of weasels that shoot three gun will come up with. Short answer, national orgs (spellcheck tried to change that to ogres, hmmm) aren't bad. But I wouldn't want to see all three gun governed by one or even two.
  9. That wouldn't make it equal. The 8shooter is shooting minor to gain a two round advantage over the six shooter. If that goes away he's at a disadvantage shooting minor. We talked about it and just couldn't come up with a good way to change them without screwing up hit factors etc. Not to say that similar versions won't appear at major events and become classifiers again soon.
  10. Short answer, like Mike said, is no. Small volume dealers often have problems getting fast selling items since the distributors will allocate them to large volume dealers. Additionally, some distributors will only sell to you if you have "X" amount of sales volume. Another reason is special orders are normally shipped one at a time and the whole shipment charge goes against that one gun. If I'm a big dealer and order 10 guns that ship for $50.00, that cost is spread out more than the single gun that ships for the same price.
  11. Problems in ARs. Lead wasn't intended for AR and is likely to enter the gas system and cause it to lead up. Whether it's piston or DI. even at 1200.
  12. Next question. Do you see any value to this portion of the rule anymore. The race holster manufacturers did a pretty good job getting around it by not using straps anymore. I hate seeing someone show up at the range with uncompetitive gear and be told they need to use all the straps and make it worse. Then see the next guy come to the line with his 014 and unlock it. Would we lose much eliminating this? Any suggestions for a re-word?
  13. No...just noI could be wrong, but this gun would be allowed for major, but reloaded after 6 right? In single stack and limited minimum caliber for major is .40, in open it is 9mm. Do we know yet what the rule revision will stipulate as minimum for major for revolver?Lee Yes, you can shoot major but only 6 rounds. Got the feeling this was a, "Hey, why don't we allow 8 round major in Revolver" type of question. Can't speak for the rest of the BOD, but I'm not planning any more revo rule changes while I'm on the BOD.
  14. Yes, and it's been covered repeatedly on this forum for the last two plus years.
  15. That's because we specifically didn't want to try writing out a list of what approved modifications are. The stuff that's disallowed is spelled out in the table. The same as just about all the other divisions. There are no special GOTCHA clauses in Limited anymore. Basically, if it is at least 9mm x 19mm, the mags aren't too long and you don't have a comp, ports or an optic it's a limited gun. I guess I'm not seeing what isn't clear about that.
  16. If you think it is the same as Open, you probably need to go back and review the Open rules. Here are some examples of differences: Minimum caliber for Major Maximum Magazine length, Optics Comps Barrel Ports You know, the stuff that makes an open gun an open gun. I'm really shocked you didn't know about the other changes since they have been discussed at length on this forum, in particular the stuff about thumbrests. I know you keep current on the rules so... In theory it's a great idea to only change the rules every few years when a new rule book comes out. In practice technology, equipment and shooters knowledge base is changing so quickly that it's not practical to wait 2 years, or sometimes even 2 months before changing a rule. If something is currently allowed because it's never been considered and it's such a dramatic game changer that something needs to put into place I don't want to wait until two years of people have purchased it, then tell them it's not legal. Chris, in answer to your question, yes, the prohibitions from the previous rules have been removed. The big one that came out was the 500 units produced which was never clearly defined or enforced. (At least in my mind) Once that was removed it was very difficult to say what is "Factory" anymore. If I build my Glock 17L/34 and say I have a manufacturers license, who can really say that's not a factory configuration.
  17. Read the link Sarge just posted. Barrel length is no longer a restriction. And hasn't been for a year.
  18. Yes, legal, under the handgun rules approved in 2011 (Link is found in the USPSA Rules section). This has been allowed since Jan 1, 2013. This change will be included in the new rule book coming out February, 2014. But it has been the rule for a full year.
  19. I've never considered it a full time job. Not at the salary we are paying. The ED absolutely but not the President. At least not on a weekly basis. I wouldn't say the President needs to be available 40 hours a week every week of the year. But there are times, lots of them, when the job requires more than 40 hours a week. It makes it difficult to coordinate with a normal kind of job. I know I couldn't do it and keep my current job.
  20. Probably to give notice to the folks who are interested in running. If the election is in 2015 they need to have their petitions in and ready to go by the end of 2014. It's a big job and one that anyone who runs should give serious consideration to the time committment invovled. I know I couldn't do it and still keep my full time job. I'd rather give everyone that might be interested lots of warning.
  21. It's one thing for an individual match who knows the quality of their steel to set up targets close. Setting up rules for a nationwide organization where each club has different quality of props is a bit different. Would I be comfortable shooting MGM steel closer? Sure. Would I be comfortable shooting some dudes recycled plow blade? Not so much. If you have a nationwide org, the rules have to work for everyone. In this case it makes them more restrictive that they could be. But it's better to err on the side of caution. I've seen some incredibly stupid things done at matches. Almost all of them have been matches that don't have a sanction. The MD decides what the rules are and can change them as he sees fit. I don't attend those matches anymore.
  22. Close to what IPSC specifies as minimum safe distance for rifle steel. I have seen any rifle steel manufacturers that will approve shooting steel at less than 50 with a rifle. Why, do you want to shoot 10 yard steel with a rifle?
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