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Chuck Anderson

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Everything posted by Chuck Anderson

  1. Can't cut and paste the rules for some reason. But if you take a look at it says there is no maximum capacity. Mags must be in a 30 round factory configuration max length only. I can't tell for sure what the whole (horribly written) rule means. It seems like they don't have a maximum capacity but the magazine can't be longer than a standard 30 round mag. Whether they use a gauge or not the length seems to be a determining factor. I'm not sure if they mean the magazine has to be a standard pattern, double feed, or if I cut down a SureFire 60 rounder an inch or so, or...
  2. My gear for the years I shot Trooper was pretty straight forward. Open rifle, open shotgun, Limited pistol with big ass mags. I did haul around a Long Range rifle till we shot it, then I dumped it and was done. It worked out for me time wise, but not by a huge amount. The biggest advantage over Tac is being able to use an Open shotgun. Seen a bunch of guys show up and just use a tube gun with a 12 round tube. With the high round count of the Ironman they don't do as well as having a mag fed SG. I have yet to see an XRail make it through the match without major failures, but it's been a couple years since I shot Trooper so they may be working fine now. As far as a PCC, I've never brought one. I preferred to use the extra weight for ammo and a spare pistol. But I'm pretty good with a handgun. If you can hit with a pistol out to 80 yards or so on a big 18 x 24 plate and at 40 yards on an 8" plate you should be good with a pistol. If not, bring a PCC. Ideally one that takes the same mags as your handgun. Just saves a bit on gear. The biggest thing is bringing gear that works. Bring equipment you trust and have a few spare parts to fix what may break. A spare headspaced BCG and trigger group for the AR won't hurt and doesn't take up much space and weight. Small parts for the pistol and whatever you need for the SG. It's worth it because you can't just borrow your buddies gun if yours craps out. The other thing, and I didn't figure this out till after the first year. Take gallon size ziploc bags and put all your rifle and pistol ammo in them. You'll be able to fit a lot more in your staging can that way and won't have to carry everything with you each day. The SG stuff stacks pretty well without removing it from the boxes.
  3. Chuck Anderson shot like crap in the Tac Scope match and thought his fat ass was going to die by the end of the match. At least that's what I heard.
  4. Magpul 60 Round drum, shorter than a 30 round AR Mag.So tell me about this mag gauge so mags can't be longer than a 30 rounder?
  5. Round count at last years MG Nats was crazy high. I really doubt it will be that high this year, but who knows. I think the match is a little shorter, 2 1/2 days, like most MG matches, instead of last years full 3. I was a little bummed with the last SMM3G I shot. It had been a couple years and some of the things I really liked about that match weren't there anymore. The gully runs, crazy round count stages and out of sight props were gone. The last two stages down by the clay pits just seemed like afterthoughts to get the stage count up. That said, SMM3G does an incredible job with the venue they have. There just isn't enough space to let those crazy Rio bastards create the match they could.
  6. There were at least 4 and I can only find about 8 of last years stages. I would much rather shoot a bunch of two gun stages that are well thought out and designed than a bunch of three gun stages where they are just trying to shoe horn in the third gun. For example the shoot 6 rounds of rifle, then 24 Pistol and 18 rounds of SG. The rifle is just an afterthought and feels like it. I'd rather shoot a bunch of stages where it really tests skills with each firearm used rather than just including them to say it's a three gun stage.
  7. Welcome to Enos. It'll do you good to listen to people other than your dad. Uh, so you can see how right he is all the time. Yeah, that's it.
  8. I'm already registered. Based solely on how awesome Pete is. Complete faith he's gonna put another great match on the ground. Probably should have looked closer, but what range is it at? Desert Sportsman or Pro Gun?
  9. Actually this changed this year. There's a $1500.00 fee to shoot the Pro Series, but as long as you show up on match day they don't cash the check and give it back to you. The Pro matches are free this year, from a match fee perspective.
  10. I think you did miss the point. If you're in the market for a $950 barrel you should either have the money to buy ammo that is appropriate to feed it, or save your bucks and buy a mid priced barrel. Testing a barrel with sub par ammo proves absolutely nothing except how that barrel performs with that specific ammo. I doubt you would get any manufacturer to send you a barrel if you told them your test protocol consisted of shooting plinker grade FMJ out of it, then comparing it to other barrels. What possible reason could they have to do so? I've seen some cheap barrels that shoot FMJ every bit as well as match grade. Usually they are both mediocre, 1-3 MOA. That's about as good as you're going to get consistently with 55 gr FMJ. Occasionally you might get a better group. I shot one 1" group at 200 with a Nordic barrel and Federal 55 FMJ. I don't consider that a 1/2 MOA combination though and anyone that does is a liar. The idea of taking a premium part and putting a bargain basement item in conjunction with it and expecting peak performance is faulty. Would it be easier to say, get the Proof and mount a $25.00 Barska scope on it and see how well it does? I'm not a Proof barrel shooter. Was thinking about buying one that's all. Still am. Actually probably more likely to do so. I do have several friends and one team mate who use them. All of them can put whatever barrel they want on their guns. Most of them are a lot better than me and could probably get whatever barrel they want for free. And they still chose Proof. I think I'll take my advice from them.
  11. I can't imagine testing a premium barrel of any manufacturer with crap ammo. If you can't afford match ammo to shoot on the long range targets at a match don't buy a $950 barrel. If all you're feeding it is PMC, by all means, buy the used DTI barrel. It'll work fine for you. That's like buying a Corvette and filling it up with last years gas from the lawnmower and complaining it won't break 140mph.
  12. Out of curiosity, how limited would you like to see the Divisions. True "limited" would prevent the weapon mounted lights and lasers. Or are you just thinking Tac ops weapon rules (limited SG capacity, limited pistol etc)?
  13. Nothing official yet, but I expect they will. This has all been pretty quick. Kent passed on my contact info about an hour and a half ago. I figure I'll be getting a call soon.
  14. Yep, I heard Chad blocked you after the memes you posted.
  15. Thanks, I was looking at the match info and clicking on the tab that said register. Silly me. Got in for Ut and TX
  16. How do I register? When I click on the register tab it just takes me to a screen to renew my membership. Which is good till December 2015
  17. Sorry guys. Really wanted to make it four but no luck. Jim came out the last two years and has shot the match. He knows what it's about and I'm really looking forward to what he comes up with.
  18. I don't really under stand emotional and unprofessional post like this....We where asked a number of times for the release date for the release date for these events, we answered after a lot of hard work by many in and out of the sport!! We don't intend to make your invoice due at registration...I take offence to being label stupid...if your going to post that type of unprofessional garbage don't hide behind a screen name! Sign up tomorrow and we will send out payment invoices later. We are guilty of two things, neither stupid, one adding six outstanding 3 gun matches to the shooting schedule for 2015 and second growing the sport of 3 gun. Hardly a cause for insult. Uh, dude, dial it back a notch. Aaron has his name listed in his profile. He is no more hiding behind a screen name than you are (which is not at all). You've been doing this long enough to know that three gunners are a bunch of whiners about everything. That said, you may know you aren't going to require payment right away but no one else does. Even if we get to wait a month I'm looking at having to come up with a lot of money before the middle of January between this and the ProSeries. Based on the short notice I won't be signing up for as many of the matches as I would have.
  19. This happening doesn't really surprise me. My two cents, but USPSA has a problem with where they are at now as an organization. We started as a volunteer organization and the huge amount of work needed to make the organization work is still done by volunteers. RO's, Match Directors, set up and tear down crews, Area Directors, Section Coordinators etc. The problem, again just my view, is that USPSA relies too heavily on volunteers for some critical things they shouldn't. Much of our IT was done on a volunteer basis by Rob Boudrie and others. As much as I like Rob (and I don't believe he is in any way responsible for the password issue) there are certain things you really need to pay for and maintain control over. Holding up a 40K project for almost a year while waiting for a volunteer to finish his part of the job is no way to run a business. Having people with attitudes that do nothing to promote USPSA and in fact drive members away, but excusing their conduct because they volunteer their time is no way to run a business. For that matter, having paid employees that are not fulfilling their obligations or are not the best people to have in those positions, but excusing it because they are our friends or are part of the "USPSA Family" is a sure way to run any business into the ground. I think that's the rub. There are more members on the BOD that don't think USPSA is a business and still treat it like it is a volunteer based organization. Until that paradigm shifts and people are held accountable for their missteps instead of being excused because they didn't charge us anything for their screw up, or because we like her as a person, screw ups will continue. Why would anyone expect anything different unless something changes?
  20. I wouldn't guarantee that your information isn't compromised just because it isn't on the list the hacker chose to make public. Not sure why it would be limited to 15K instead of everything. Safe bet is to change the password on any sites you use the same password for.
  21. One diagnostic trick I found helpful is putting a laser on the rifle. Being able to watch where the laser goes when the rifle fires is a great way to figure out technique or equipment issues. I found my lightweight AR tracked up and to the right. Clocked the comp over a bit and now it's dead on. Take up your normal firing postion and just focus on the dot. You'll be able to see where it goes. Alternatively you can set up a camera down range to watch. I set up a go pro a few feet off the target and fired Bill Drills. You can slow it down and see where each shot is going. I tried three comps that day. One allowed the muzzle to still rise, one actually drove the muzzle down too much and one was just right. It wouldn't surprise me if my technique has changed a bit over the year and that has changed. Good thing it's winter and I have some time to test stuff out before next season.
  22. Guesswork on my part but the length of the match is part. 15 stages in two and a half days is a lot to cram in. We also changed the order of stages a lot. Never really knowing what stage we would shoot next. It required a level of mental flexibility that isn't usually tested in most matches.
  23. The nice thing about total time is the penalties were the same regardless of the stage. If you picked up an FTE on a 25 second stage it didn't hurt you any worse than the FTE on the 180 second stage. And there were a lot of penalties at this match. Never seen so many mistakes from the guys at the top of the pack.
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