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Chritmas Parties...


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I apologize now if I may offend anyone at any point in this post.

Oh how I hate Christmas Parties.... Last night I was convinced into going to a christmas party. ( girlfriend ) Upon arrival I found that my worst nightmares might have actually come true. There were roughly 100 college students packed into a very very small room singing christmas songs. ( it was a church party ) About this time the only thing that irritates me more that Christmas music is not being able to shoot during this season here in IL. :angry: Within a matter of seconds I was wondering if i would be able to make it look like an accident if i somehow stabbed my spyderco into my leg. After the sad realization that i wasn't going to be able to make a quick exit from this terrible noise, I began running through my dry-fire sequences on whatever happened to be in front of me. I found a nice set of 19 candles lined up on the fireplace and began mentally blasting away at them. Next came the miniature santa's everywhere. I believe I could make a run of about 15 seconds on the candles and santas with two reloads. This is assuming everyone would move out of the way. :D Anywho, my girlfriend finally noticed that i was ready to put my leg through the fireplace and promptly asked if I wanted to leave. Hallelujah indeed. There's my little rant for the day. Once again, I apologize if anyone may be offended by my hating christmas parties of this type. There were no gun nuts there. Sad to say.


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Let me get this straight. You were at a party with a bunch of college kids, probably ALOT of 18-20 year old girls and ALL you could think of was dry-firing using the Christmas Candles and decorative Santas?

J/K.....I feel your pain brother, I too hate Christmas parties. Last one I went to I stayed about 15 minutes, made the rounds and said hello, stufed my face with all the free food then left.

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"I believe I could make a run of about 15 seconds on the candles and santas with two reloads. This is assuming everyone would move out of the way."
The true shooter's mind 'talks shop' to itself 24/7... regardless of the number of 18-20-yr-olds on hand. :lol::lol:

I decided to skip MY office Christmas party Saturday night. Well-meaning folks and all, but for some reason I just WASN'T in the mood. And I felt OK about that, dammit.

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As someone who HAD to attend (by force, not by choice) every stupid company Christmas party for 5 years, you have my deepest sympathies. I can go the rest of my years without ever watching upper-management get sloppy drunk and go whoring on company funds again.

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I must have left the part out about my girlfriend being right next to me the whole time :D Oh, and I had a three pound steak before I went. Gotta Love Alexander's Steak House. If you guys knew exactly who i was/what I looked like, most of you could be rolling. :P


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Dude! A three pound steak would be thicker than your torso! :lol:

I'm SHOCKED AND AWED by the fact that even with the GF in tow and the meat-induced coma, you still couldn't enjoy a room full of college girls.

I'd pay cash folding money to attend such a party!

:blink:SHOCKED AND AWED :blink:

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The only cool Christmas parties I've ever had were in my art school days. Imagine yourself as a single 19-year old, and one of 5 guys at a party with 90 girls, all in the 18-25 range. Ah, those were the days :wub:

Rest of the Christmas parties suck mostly, so I feel your pain. Funny, I also do the whole dry fire thing when parties become boring/annoying.

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..."shocked and awed", my ass... <_<

Mistah Rhino, you..? Pay cashfoldingmoney...?? I thought you "attended such parties" all the time!! :lol:

I wish!

They won't even let me in the door when I'm wearing my Matrix Coat.

Apparently, that have a "No Creepy Old Guys" policy. <_<

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p.s. just fyi. Eastern has been voted in Playboy for 4 years running for the best looking women in america. So wonderful.

Man, if I weren't a Creepy Old Guy (COG), I might suspend my "NO ILLINOIS" rule just to visit your school! :blink:

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Brother you need to make a trip to VEGAS, if you like hot women, or if you don't like them surgically enhanced, try South Beach, Fl, or So. Cal followed by Padre Island, Tx.

The gals in Vegas are enough to make you slap your gf. You got free buffets, cheap shows, and you might get to see someone almost get eaten by a tiger...can't beat it

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LOL TL, "see someone get eaten by a tiger" now that would be funny. Yes, it's no lie that I love women. It just happens that at least 51% of that goes to one and only one. Now, to Mr. Rhino. Get your ass over here! There are lots of lovelies, I promise at least one will be to your liking and you to theirs. Female to male ratio at Good ole' EIU is about 3.1/1. :D Ohh happy days


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