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Hatcam/Vids from the 09' Infinity Area 4 Championships


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Just got back in from shooting the A4 Championships and of course shot some video. I had a great time there and the staff there was awesome. Met a TON of Benos members and got to put names to faces. Weather was less than stellar, but great company made up for that minor inconvenience. I have shot in cold conditions before, but even I struggled with the cold, windy conditions. Sure is hard to go "fast" with 4 layers of clothing on. :wacko:

On one of the stages I took a nasty "spill" and well... you'll have to see for yourself.

Here are the videos, enjoy.

See you guys at Space City in April! :cheers:

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Not sure that is going to be on our list for next year - I think area 6 is going to be there. Ill let you know.

Just got back in from shooting the A4 Championships and of course shot some video. I had a great time there and the staff there was awesome. Met a TON of Benos members and got to put names to faces. Weather was less than stellar, but great company made up for that minor inconvenience. I have shot in cold conditions before, but even I struggled with the cold, windy conditions. Sure is hard to go "fast" with 4 layers of clothing on. :wacko:

On one of the stages I took a nasty "spill" and well... you'll have to see for yourself.

Here are the videos, enjoy.

See you guys at Space City in April! :cheers:

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Nice video, and way to keep your bearing on the fall.

Did you feel like your cleats helped or hurt your traction in the mud?

They definitely did not help in the mud. There were stages that were not so muddy. Looking back at the video and my recollection of the incident what happened was after the rain fall, and the dirt turned to mud allowed alot of the ground to move. As it dried up for the weekend match, the displaced dirt created a little elevation change at the center of the shooting area causing an elevated ground. This is why I fell. I was concentrated on sticking my mag change rite where the ground was uneven.

I initially suspected it was my magazine, but it doesn't look like it was the suspect at all now that I have reviewed the video. Which is the main reason I started to record myself in the first place. What you sometimes "remember" is not always accurate. And you need a very clear view of what you "actually" did.

As I was falling, it felt like everything was going in slow motion and I had more than enough time to rotate the gun in a manner that would allow me to roll onto my arm and allow my elbow to absorb the impact and for me to roll onto my side. Could also be that I did practice Judo for a number of years and as you may know, they teach you how to correctly fall, which was something we practiced every day. Something in my sub-concious mind must have kicked in there.

Edited by Aristotle
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were you wearing double ear protection if not you should have been stopped and given a reshoot due to 5.4.2 and 5.4.3

He actuallly asked for a reshoot and was told that ear protection is not considered equipment (if I remember correctly, that's how it was explained).

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5.4.2 If a Range Officer deems that a competitor about to make an attempt at

a course of fire is wearing inadequate eye or ear protection, the Range

Officer may order the competitor to rectify the situation before allowing

the competitor to continue. The Range Master is the final authority

on this matter.

5.4.3 If a Range Official notices that a competitor has lost or displaced their

eye or ear protection during a course of fire, or has commenced a

course of fire without them, the Range Official must immediately stop

the competitor who will be required to reshoot the course of fire after

the protective devices have been restored.

Wow... I guess you were right Ari. :(

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yeah, I was pretty certain of this as well. But earlier in the day, I had already gone through this with another stage were they were about to give me 18 procedurals and I got it reversed to only 1 procedural after speaking with the RM.

I didn't want to be the "problem child" of the match. It did not hurt my standing within my class and still placed 7th on that stage so I didn't press it too much. Who knows what the reshoot would have been.

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Here are the two that apply in a situation where you lose eye or ear protection during the COF.

5.4.3 If a Range Official notices that a competitor has lost or displaced their

eye or ear protection during a course of fire, or has commenced a

course of fire without them, the Range Official must immediately stop

the competitor who will be required to reshoot the course of fire after

the protective devices have been restored.

But what if the RO doesn't notice? Then you always should stop yourself, per 5.4.4.

5.4.4 A competitor who inadvertently loses eye or ear protection during a

course of fire, or commences a course of fire without them, is entitled

to stop, point their handgun in a safe direction and indicate the problem

to the Range Official, in which case the provisions of the previous rule

will apply.

Note that you are entitled to stop, but not required to. If the RO doesn't stop you and you don't stop, then we fall into a gray area. For safety's sake, I would suggest always stopping if you lose ear or eye protection and the RO doesn't immediately notice and stop you.

Of course, intentionally losing them to halt a COF is a DQ under 5.4.5.


Edited: to add another point to the discusssion.

Edited by BayouSlide
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I didn't want to be the "problem child" of the match.

You always have the right to point to the rule book if you believe an RO has made an incorrect call. If the RO of the stage doesn't agree, appeal to the CRO of the stage. If he or she doesn't agree, then go to the RM. A good RO should never hold it against you if you can politely cite the proper rule and you are interpreting that rule correctly. In a case like that, I would thank the shooter for pointing out my error. And I would expect the same courtesy from the competitor when I cite the correct rule.


Edited: 'cause I hate typos!

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Absolutely Curtis. Although, during the time my primary focus was on gun handling and not the rules. Adrenaline also does funny things to ones reasoning. It wasn't until after the fact. So I think it was the correct thing to do and allow the run to stand. I don't feel too bad at all about not pursuing the re-shoot.

Who knows, I would have probably done a barrel roll on my reshoot. :P

BTW, it was a pleasure shooting your stage, without a doubt my favorite of the match. :)

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Absolutely Curtis. Although, during the time my primary focus was on gun handling and not the rules. Adrenaline also does funny things to ones reasoning. It wasn't until after the fact. So I think it was the correct thing to do and allow the run to stand. I don't feel too bad at all about not pursuing the re-shoot.

Who knows, I would have probably done a barrel roll on my reshoot. :P

BTW, it was a pleasure shooting your stage, without a doubt my favorite of the match. :)

I heard a lot of people say that they really enjoyed Stage 2.

And FWIW, I think you did the correct thing as well for not pursuing the reshoot. It would have been cut and dry if the RO had stopped you or you had stopped, but that didn't happen and you finished the run. And I, too, have seen firsthand reshoots that end up worse than the first. Ouch! You really handled a tough situation well...first class effort.

You were a great group and hope to see you guys again sometime down the road :cheers:


Edited: typos, typos, typos...I hate 'em

Edited by BayouSlide
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