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you can't ship your kids in a "pelican" case


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I have one thats BIG enough :surprise:

Its just like the label on a 5 gallon bucket...(no baby diving)

At one time I would have agreed it is stupid...But as I get older, and see how utterly devoid of common sense some people are :surprise:

Its a wonder broken glass has no label to prevent its use as toilet paper


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Its a wonder broken glass has no label to prevent its use as toilet paper


That makes for a crappy image!

[fake British accent on]

A bloody crappy image indeed....

[fake British accent off]

there's some funnier jokes in there but juuuuust over the precipice of good taste...

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"Its a wonder broken glass has no label to prevent its use as toilet paper"
LMACO!!! (A weird visual, though, I'll admit.) (but point well taken). :rolleyes:

Actually, some toddlers have accidentally fallen head-first into 5-gal buckets (kinda like peering into a toilet, which dogs, cats and toddlers love to do) (anything with water/fluids in it) and have drowned. Basically, though, people just need to keep an eye on toddlers better than that.

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Do we need to be told everything?

Yes. Because we have all become too stupid to walk and chew gum at the same time. And if we try and do that and there isn't a warning sign to tell us not to, and we fall and break an arm, we are going to sue someone.

"We have met the enemy... and he is us" - From the foreword to The Pogo Papers

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For that sticker to have been made and added as part of the routine means that someone was dumb enough to try it and probably sued Pelican for an adverse outcome......

I have that same thought everytime I read what I would consider to be a stupid warning label. And there seem to be more of those every day!

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Do we need to be told everything?

Yes. Because we have all become too stupid to walk and chew gum at the same time. And if we try and do that and there isn't a warning sign to tell us not to, and we fall and break an arm, we are going to sue someone.

"We have met the enemy... and he is us" - From the foreword to The Pogo Papers

I don't think WE all fit in the catagory of being that stupid. If everything did not come down to the universal language, which is $$$, many problems would not end up in a court of law and thus lead to assanine stickers such as this one. It boils down to the fact that SOME people are stupid and greedy. Don't get me wrong, there are some situations that do need to be involved in a lawsuit... just not everything as it seems today.



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Do we need to be told everything? I'm not sure this is funny...but there isn't a "dumb" category here.

Yeah, but wouldn't it do a nice job of protecting the kid? Just think...protection from theft, physical harm, etc. Then again, their IS that little issue of being air tight.... :surprise:

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As Wil Rogers once said "Stupidity got us into this mess, why can't it get us out?" And the all time classic from my Dad " Son, ignorance can be cured, but stupidity is forever". He was trying to tell me that being ignorant is not always a bad thing, but that stupid, well, is stupid.

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Do we need to be told everything? I'm not sure this is funny...but there isn't a "dumb" category here.

Yeah, but wouldn't it do a nice job of protecting the kid? Just think...protection from theft, physical harm, etc. Then again, their IS that little issue of being air tight.... :surprise:

And don't forget... what a great hiding place for that popular little game, "Hide & Seek"! :goof:

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