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Yet another example of entitlement


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I keep a bunch of magnetic bumperstickers handy for people like this.

There a number of different sayings like "I Hate Cops", "I'm an a_-hole", etc..

Now THAT, my friend, is an awesome idea. :cheers:

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I think this bad behavior shows a lack of shame some people have. Bad upbringing is one thing. Not knowing how to act can be excused. Refusing to correct bad behavior when called on it is another. Simply giving a comment meant to show dissaproval or inflict guilt doesn't work. They don't care what anyone else thinks, and because they know there will be no real consequences, the bad behavior will continue.

There must be some punishment to correct behavior like this. Unfortunatelty, the people with ay standing to make it (store manager) are ussually unwilling to do anything. Me, if I were the manager, and you told me people parked their car in the traffic lane and came in to shop, I'd wait for them at the front of the store. When they were ready to check out, I'd ask them to leave without their groceries, and tell them they are welcome back if they park in the designated spaces next time.

I did a stint working evenings in the local hardware store. The store manager was an old guy with absolutely no problem telling it like it is. If somebody parked in a handicap spot or along the curb in front of the door he greeted them at the door with something like "you look pretty healthy to me" followed by "go move your car". If that didn't work he followed up with "I Have the right to refuse service to anyone and I ain't selling you shit unless you move your car. :roflol::cheers::roflol::cheers: There just are not enough of those kind of people around any more.
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I did a stint working evenings in the local hardware store. The store manager was an old guy with absolutely no problem telling it like it is. If somebody parked in a handicap spot or along the curb in front of the door he greeted them at the door with something like "you look pretty healthy to me" followed by "go move your car". If that didn't work he followed up with "I Have the right to refuse service to anyone and I ain't selling you shit unless you move your car. :roflol::cheers::roflol::cheers: There just are not enough of those kind of people around any more.

I would pay to see that, but just reading it made me smile :cheers:

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Used to have a HUGE problem with this at one of the local strip malls. It got to the point you could almost not get a cart into the supermarket because there are apparently more than four self important jerks around at any given time, and only so much storefront.

One day, the ballast goes on some fluorescent lighting, and the smell and the smoke has them call the fire department. The local chief is along for the ride and there is some noise about fines and some arguing.

Net result is that there IS a good answer to the problem if you share parking. you can contract out clearing out the idiots. Put up some signs, and contract out the towing to someone who can make some bucks on the impounding of said vehicle. They cruise by every now and then and nab anything in the wrong spot. All the business owners shrug and say I didn't do it, call the landlord.

Haven't had anyone park in the fire lane in years.

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I am particularly appreciative of this picture

Had a residency buddy who used to be a a fireman, in a cold part o' the country. He relished telling me of the need to bust out the windows of one twit who was blocking a hydrant.

Did I mention that it was cold up there? The car wasn't just suffering from broken glass, it was full of frozen water...

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I keep a bunch of magnetic bumperstickers handy for people like this.

There a number of different sayings like "I Hate Cops", "I'm an a_-hole", etc..

Now THAT, my friend, is an awesome idea. :cheers:

Magnetic? He's too kind... :devil:

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Well, believe it or not, you have all made me feel one hell of a lot better! I was about to post a very brief "What I Hate" about losing my temper tonight at the gas pumps when an older man (70ish?) in a 40' RV pulled in on an angle and came about 2" from the driver's side rear quarter of my car. I yelled "Hey!", he stopped, got out and proceeded to tell me he knew what he was doing, he didn't hit my car, he'll put that RV anywhere he damn well pleases . . . blah blah blah.

Well, I responded with a "F*** Y** (Quite unlike me, I was surprised at my response).

I no longer think of my response as inappropriate, and you all have me laughing and appreciating what self-control I normally have.

Now, I'm going to see about those bumper stickers. ;)

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I used to work with a nurse in Saginaw, Michigan. Her husband yelled at some young punks as they were driving too fast through the neighborhood. They got out of the car and stabbed him to death. I think about that evertime I see a car speeding through my neighborhood and want to yell at them.

Just out of curiosity, does it mean I'm an a-hole for double parking if it's way out in the outskirts of the parking lot? And I don't do it if the lot is full. I do this because I really hate it when somebody parks too close to me and door dings me.

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As a student i worked at a security company that helped businesses around town keeping everything in order.

We dealt with shoplifters, druggies and a whole lot of different things.

One of our duties was giving out fines to people that parked in disabled spots. Those spots are for the people that need them.

One day i observed a family pulling in to one spot, and the father running in to the store. Whife and kids still in the car. I walked over and politely asked the woman if she could move the car as they clearly didnt have permit to park there. The woman started verbally abusing me with all she could come up with. The family was from Iran or Irak so she ofcourse called me a rasist and all that.

So i just wrote a fine (100$ in Norwegian money) and slapped it on the window with her still sitting in the car yelling.

When the father came out i was back at my company car. He came over and pulled the front passenger door open. What he didnt know that i had my dog in the front passenger seat (tinted windows). My dog wasnt all that happy about beeing waken up in this manner so she started growling and showing her "pearly whites" to him. A tervueren isnt a dog to mess with so he quickly closed the door and ran back to his car. ;)

I could still hear the woman yelling as i pulled out of the parking lot.

Edited by Indijan
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I am particularly appreciative of this picture

Had a residency buddy who used to be a a fireman, in a cold part o' the country. He relished telling me of the need to bust out the windows of one twit who was blocking a hydrant.

Did I mention that it was cold up there? The car wasn't just suffering from broken glass, it was full of frozen water...

Normally the FD will simply push or pull the offending car out of the way using the front bumper or it's hooks.

My shooting buddies brother got a little impatient with a Mercedes, and failed to creep up to the bumper. He made contact with it at about 20km/h and folded most of the trunk into the back seat. Adding insult to injury, the cops ticketed the vehicle. :roflol:

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I used to work with a nurse in Saginaw, Michigan. Her husband yelled at some young punks as they were driving too fast through the neighborhood. They got out of the car and stabbed him to death. I think about that evertime I see a car speeding through my neighborhood and want to yell at them.

Just out of curiosity, does it mean I'm an a-hole for double parking if it's way out in the outskirts of the parking lot? And I don't do it if the lot is full. I do this because I really hate it when somebody parks too close to me and door dings me.

That's why I keep a Kahr PM9 in my front pocket when I'm home, doing yard work etc. If you see me I DO have a gun somewhere :devil:

I think double parking way out is absolutely fine if it's not three days before Christmas and the parking lot is full. R,

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I think double parking way out is absolutely fine if it's not three days before Christmas and the parking lot is full. R,

Thanks man. I don't always know when I'm being a d-head. Sometimes my buddies have to point it out to me, sometimes they don't.....

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Had a friend who got pissed at some bozo parking in his spot so he poured a can of STP on the windshield and rear window of the car. If you have never had to clean STP off of anything you haven't lived! He never had a problem with the car parking in his spot again.



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In college I had a good friend who was paraplegic. He seldom used his handicap tag for the spots. He was in good shape and could really move in that chair. He felt there were people worse off than him who should be able to use those spots so he didn't want to occupy them. I think of him and his amazing outlook whenever I see someone take one of those spots that obviously shouldn't. I know there are often conditions you can't see (such as heart conditions, etc), but 95% of the time I think it's just a mental condition (aka jerk).

Unfortunately I've lost touch with that good friend....


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