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I hope all you Indiana and Ohio guys are hunkering down. We just had 2 tornadeos announced and from the weather radar we have more headed our way...good news is my Benos connection is here in the basement...

Not as often as ya'll in the flats but too often for me...going out to listen for the "train"...


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I wasn't even a gleam in my pops eye when the big one hit Xenia, but I have been in 10 tornadoes in my life...only two of them were in Xenia. Ask me about my favorite tornado story at a match ;)

Let's dance baby :devil:

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I wasn't even a gleam in my pops eye when the big one hit Xenia, but I have been in 10 tornadoes in my life...only two of them were in Xenia. Ask me about my favorite tornado story at a match ;)

Let's dance baby :devil:

Ahh...You didnt get pregnant...did you :surprise:



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Ahh...You didnt get pregnant...did you :surprise:



No...but since the educational gestapo is always looking on the net for statements of ill repute against educators, I will abstain from saying anything more here ;)

and Flex, you are nuts :roflol:

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.... but I have been in 10 tornadoes in my life...only two of them were in Xenia ...

Uh ..... the breeze you make whilst dryfiring is not equivalent to a tornado. :)

Me? I'm sitting in the Hot tub, drinking Margaritas, wasting away again! :rolleyes:

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We missed the bad stuff here in Blue Ash, OH but had some cool looking clouds and light shows. Never been in a tornado and don't want to be, but we did have one jumped over our house a few years back.

I've been in 2 killer storms, Super Typhoon Pamela (no running water for 6 weeks and no electricity for 4 weeks) and Hurricane Camille, we lost our house on that one. I definitely can count my blessings!



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I wasn't even a gleam in my pops eye when the big one hit Xenia, but I have been in 10 tornadoes in my life...only two of them were in Xenia. Ask me about my favorite tornado story at a match ;)

I worked cleanup for the 2000 twister. That was a fast sumbich, too.

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A lot of rain and lightning here south of Indy. Looks like we missed the worst part.

Worst part where I am in Indiana is that it made one of the dogs retreat under the bed.

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I wasn't even a gleam in my pops eye when the big one hit Xenia, but I have been in 10 tornadoes in my life...only two of them were in Xenia. Ask me about my favorite tornado story at a match ;)

I worked cleanup for the 2000 twister. That was a fast sumbich, too.

Yeah, it came about 1/2 mile to the west of my house. Knocked down alot of buildings, and did damage to a great many others as well.

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I wasn't even a gleam in my pops eye when the big one hit Xenia, but I have been in 10 tornadoes in my life...only two of them were in Xenia. Ask me about my favorite tornado story at a match ;)

I worked cleanup for the 2000 twister. That was a fast sumbich, too.

Yeah, it came about 1/2 mile to the west of my house. Knocked down alot of buildings, and did damage to a great many others as well.

The creepy part about a tornado is how "surgical" they can be. Standing in rubble on one side of the street and not a scratch to the home on the other side of the street. Weird.

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I was home from work the day the tornadoes came through Cincinnati in the '70s. They went through Sailor Park and up the hill. When one of them came across my back yard I needed the large economy size roll of wiping papers

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