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first ultra sound


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We just got back from the Dr and my wife is preggers. 7 weeks and 4 days. Had the first ultra sound to make sure that all is good and all is good. Dr. wants to see her again in 3 weeks for another ultra sound and then they will release her to her regualr OB. We had been doing IUI, did it three times and it did not work, this one we did on our own...

Now I just got to figure out if I will build an open or lim gun.

Yeah haw....

Any one at Rowan this weekend watch out.


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Congratulations John. As a dad and soon to be grandfather of 2 boys (2nd one due in August) there is no greater gift and joy that awaits you. As a reminder, the open and limited only need to be fed on occasion. This new arrival is 24/7 for 20+ years....if you are lucky!


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Awesome, some of the best moments of life are directly ahead you. Babies are great, toddlers even better, mine is almost 4 and is the best person I ever met. Enjoy :cheers:

A bit of advise, if the delivery is a C-section, DON'T LOOK! I was doing fine helping the little lady, then the Anesthesiologist says look over the curtain Dad, here he comes. The visual is hard to describe, but cleaning a deer comes to mind. I was pretty green after that. When the Dr. came to examine the baby the first thing he did was tell me to sit down.

Really, you have my best wishes. Try to remember when things seem at their worst, just how hard you folks tried to have this child. The sleepless nights and hormonal rage from your sweetheart can be tough. It really is worth it, you will be a better man!

God Bless.

Edited by North
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  • 4 weeks later...

Just a quick update - we are 11 weeks and 5 days, had another ultrasound Tuesday and all is good, got to see the arms and hands legs and feet, spine is good, has a brain so it is deffinately taking after me. :surprise: We have another ultra sound scheduled for three weeks and then she will get turned over to her regular OB for the duration. Every day is a day further that she makes it and we still have a long road ahead of us but for now we are giddy with excitement. Thank you to all those that have responded and to those that have viewed thank you for thinking of us. It has been a long time in the making. We have done three rounds of IUI and none of that worked. It just happened on its own. I am so grateful for each additional day that with get with her/him.

hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

John Lovell

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Congratulations! :cheers::cheers: It is Kidfest on Enos.com. My wife and I are at 5 weeks! That's 5 weeks from the due date. July 7 here we come. Enjoy every minute of the pregnancy. It is a wonderful thing. Keep your wife happy!!!!! :D Happy Momma, Happy Baby! :goof:

<--------At least that is how it worked with our 1st child 7 years ago. :surprise:


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Congrats! We just had our 20 week scan and confirmed that we're having a girl. Aren't ultrasounds awesome?

Yeah they are pretty cool, Anne is considered high risk, because we have had unsuccesful attempts before so we have had several ultrasounds but this was the first one that you could see anything. It was sooooo cool to see the little arms and legs move.

Made us both tear up a little - still to small to tell if a boy or girl, just want it to keep growing.

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Hope all is well. My sister is considered High Risk as well as she lost her first one very late in the pregnancy. With the last one, she basically saw her OB three times a week. Just drop in at the office after work, quick check, alls well, kind of thing. They always induced her fairly early. Three babies, less than 6 hours labor! Total!

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  • 1 month later...

Found out yesterday it is a GIRL. :cheers:

We are both very excited and we are now at 19 weeks due date is 12/20 - 12/24 so we are assuming it will be a Christmas baby.

Can not wait, got a lot of stuff to do before she comes but it is all good.

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AWESOME...Congrats!!!! :cheers::cheers::cheers:

My first baby girl is due here any day. I am excited and terrified all at the same time.

I've got another shooter buddy(Rob Romero) who is due with their first on Christmans Eve too.

It has definitely been a kidfest as of late on Enos.

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Yeah it appears to be kid fest here. Congrats to all the new poppas and mommas out there.

All I can say is that this little girl has already gotten me wrapped around her little finger. :wub:

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Just got back from the doc with the wife.....dilation has started......shes at 2cm. 8 more to go. They think shes gonna be right on track with estimated delivery of the 14th.

That is Awesome - Congrats - :cheers:

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Memories, of an uncomplicated life, misty distant memories of the way it will never be again (Thankfully)

We are into year 13. So far so good. She is still the apple of Daddy's eye.

All I can say is I hope you will be as blessed as we have with our little girl. I still look at her and marvel. Remembering holding her in the hospital minutes after she was born. WOW!

I used to say that having a child would not change my life. My Father kidded me about that one, my answer was that she didn't CHANGE my life, she ENHANCED it!

Enjoy every minute of every age.


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