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best open gun setup for a girl?


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Looks to me like her grip may be too low. At a minimum, I'd say her weak hand is too low. I didn't see a really close in shot, but look at her empty gun presentation, and from 0:17 to ~1:30 in


Not to discourage you from looking into an open gun, but I would think a low grip would cause similar issues there.

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Hard to tell for sure when looking from behind but looks to me like her stance needs a bit of work. Bend the knees a bit more and lean forward.

Notice how much her shoulders rock backward when she fires a shot? About every other shot she is readjusting her stance because she is getting rocked backward. It looks to me like she is arching her back backward on the draw and she is starting out with the center of gravity to the rear. With that stance and Open gun is going to really cause her a LOT of trouble because of the straight back push.

With my wife, I had to spend a LOT of time working with her on these sorts of mechanics. Most women don't typically grow up wrestling, playing football, etc. and so don't really have as solid a grasp on some of the mechanics of motion/impact that guys do. We know what a "fighter's stance" is, many women do not.

If you have Matt's DVDs have her watch the section on building a proper stance and help her work on it like Matt does with Kevin.

Her grip isn't entirely consistent and it looks to me like that grip is too large for her. This can lead to inconsistent grip.

Find someone with a CZ, an M&P etc. that have smaller overall grip sizes and see how she handles these. Given where are are located I'm thinking there is another lady shooter there with an S_I that has had grip reduction done to it. See if she can try that.

And if you have the chance, get her in on of Kay's "Ladies Camps". Then watch out! :)

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Right hand thumb is low on the gun, support hand is over top of it.

the guys were trying to help her today at the match. she wasnt shooting very well. she emptied two mags on a bunch of steel targets (and didnt finish the stage). she was definitely not holding the gun high enough. i think she resolved that, but my stock XDM trigger isnt helping her much. i think one of the local guys is going to fix the trigger which should help her a bit.

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openshootergirl: now my GF wants to paint her gun pink!! Thanks a lot!!!

Here's another pink gun (see attached)...... :cheers:

WHERE do you get them pictures? :cheers:

It's a picture of my wife............... No really, I don't recall. It was just one of those pictures I had to save.

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Thanks for posting the video's. It doesn't help a ton as most of the shooting is seen sooooooo far away.... but I concur that her grip needs help. She appears to be a an athletic lady that should be able to driver that pistol MUCH faster than what she is. She isn't using her body mechanics to control the pistol. She needs to get her hands higher on the pistol to help control that muzzle flip. She needs to lean into it more, on several of the videos she is verticle which causes her to get rocked back on her heels. Never shot an XD-M, but if it is like the other XD's they have a tendency to be flippy due to it's higher bore axis (don't mean to disss yall that have the XD, that is just my experience is all, Springfield makes VERY nice pistols).

If you get a chance try to seek out some instruction from a higher end shooter in your club to help her out. Then re-post a video or two in which the videographer is closer and maybe get some side shots while she shoots in practice vs during an actual match so you can see how her grip/stance is progressing.

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+1 on Babes With Bullets. Susan has made dramatic progress by attending those camps.

it looks like they are in AZ so maybe coming to Vegas wont be too dificult for 'em.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
I dont think an open gun is the answer. perhaps training. but i am not good at diagnosing other shooters problems or issues.


Wow. I shoot open, its harder than limited. The recoil in the open gun is straight back with little flip, like a baseball bat hitting you in the palm. This isn't the answer. I won an XD the wife and I shot it because she wanted to, it sucked. Steel is unforgiving and hard on all new shooters. My wife loves her CZ75 B and can mow down steel with ease. The ticket was the Angus Hobdell Hammer and a trigger job. Her stance isn't that good and her grip isn't either but she hits very well. Any new shooter except a natural born Rambo is going to take about 10,000 rounds to break the brains natural tendancy to jerk and flench so give her a break let her waste some ammo, jusk keep her shooting long enough she will get better. I recommend any 9 mm that fits her hand and has a decent trigger of <3 lbs, crisp and short helps. Keep working on the grip and the stance. Keep giving encouragment and keep expectations realistic, but keep her shooting.

I load 125gr 9 mm with 4.3 gr of WST at normal length. Her gun has a 15lb main spring and an 11 pound recoil spring, this shoots all ammo and the recoil is light it makes minor and most importantly it knocks down steel. You can drop the powder down to 3.8 gr and the gun will run fine and make enough noise no one will notice its light but it won't knock down steel without a good hit. This is a good practice training load to help her gain confidence with the gun. In USPSA I don't try to shoot faster I try to move faster, reload faster and draw faster, and take each shot in its own time depending on the difficulty. Its a visual thing I shoot when I see what I need to shoot.

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  • 5 weeks later...
my girlfriend has gotten the uspsa bug. she's been shooting my xdm 9mm in production. the recoil on it has been a bit difficult for her. Can anyone recommend a better option?

Got my wife a STI 9mm Steel Master and she really likes it.. Loaded to 130-135 PF no recoil and she likes the weight..I used her as excuse to buy it and it shoots extremely well

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Got my wife a STI 9mm Steel Master and she really likes it.. Loaded to 130-135 PF no recoil and she likes the weight..I used her as excuse to buy it and it shoots extremely well

Looks like my GF is going to shoot my STI grandmaster that I have as my backup gun. It has a few kinks that need to be worked out first, though. (And she needs a holster)

What gr bullet and what powder are you using? I have to mix up a batch for her and the grandmaster.

Did you leave the recoil master in there, or did you replace it with a guide rod?

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my girlfriend has gotten the uspsa bug. she's been shooting my xdm 9mm in production. the recoil on it has been a bit difficult for her. Can anyone recommend a better option?

Got my wife a STI 9mm Steel Master and she really likes it.. Loaded to 130-135 PF no recoil and she likes the weight..I used her as excuse to buy it and it shoots extremely well

Hehehe... I did the SAME thing. :cheers: That is a FUN shooting little gun! :wub:

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my girlfriend has gotten the uspsa bug. she's been shooting my xdm 9mm in production. the recoil on it has been a bit difficult for her. Can anyone recommend a better option?

Got my wife a STI 9mm Steel Master and she really likes it.. Loaded to 130-135 PF no recoil and she likes the weight..I used her as excuse to buy it and it shoots extremely well

Hehehe... I did the SAME thing. :cheers: That is a FUN shooting little gun! :wub:

momentary thread drift: So tell me, how do you get your laddies to shoot with ya? Mine HATES the fact that I spend so much money on guns. If only she was competitive... I think most any competitive people would enjoy this sport if they could afford it, although production isn't to expensive and still fun. I better start planning on getting her out to the range so I can get a new gun (for her of course :D).


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My wife had ZERO hobbies before me. I figured I had 2 choices, I could let her work be her hobby as it is for her father, or I could try and get her interested in a hobby we both could enjoy. When we were early on in our dating, I took her to an indoor range and talked her into shooting a couple rounds at a 3" orange dot. 3 of her 5 shots were in one hole and the other 2 were in another hole less than 1" away. She kind of had the knack for it. Now she has 3 Open guns and shoots competitively every chance she gets. I can't tell you how fortunate I am that we both have a passion for the same hobby.

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