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5" or 6"...for a newbie


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I've read a number of threads discussing the preferences b/n a 5" vs. 6". It appears the majority of responders in those threads were in favor of a 6".

As a newbie looking to procure a nice limited gun, would you recommend a 5 or 6"? I know the best thing would be to play with both and then make the decision; however, I don't really have that option at the moment.


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If you can, get ahold of a 6" gun. But if you find a good deal on a 5", I wouldn't turn it down cold.

I know there are a lot of options out there. So much so it's kind-of overwhelming. Out of those options, I've got my eye on a Benny Hill fat free. He's received lots of good reviews, he answered my phone call on my first attempt, was very helpful and quoted a great price. Geesh....I'm not sure what else I need! :goof:

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Grim, it may help your cause to post where you are located in your profile. Then people could see where in the USA you are. You would be suprised just how generous shooters are when it comes to stuff like taking someone to the range and letting them try out their 5" STI vs their 6" STI. Another option would be to research the local USPSA matches in your area and go to one and talk to people at the match. Once again, very generous when it comes to getting others into the sport. I have repeatedly seen shooters loan out thousands of dollars of equip to strangers to shoot a match with, including donating their ammo for the shooter. The also regularly let others try their pistols, rifles, shotguns to help them make informed purchases.

Hell, if you are in the CO front range in a couple of weeks, I'll take you out with my two STI's and let you see the difference between and Edge and a BHFF.

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What is better, vanilla or chocolate? What is better, green or blue? What is better, a blond, brunette or red-head? These types of questions are starting to kill me -- and Grimloktt, I don't intend to single you out -- but the answers are based on subjective feel, not any sort of objective testing. How can you know what you prefer until you have tried the available options?

Grimloktt -- you previously wrote that you "don't have any match style preference." But, what is legal in USPSA may not be legal in IDPA or IPSC or other shooting sports. Moreover, even within USPSA, a Triangle Fat-Free is not going to do you much good if you decide you want to shoot Open or Production or Revolver.

Some limited shooters prefer a 6", some prefer 5". Then, throw in other variables -- std. width frame or wide, full length DC or short DC, bushing or bull, standard or sighttracker, etc... There are so many different options because different people prefer different things. Also, please understand that as a general proposition guns do not appreciate, but rather depreciate. So this $3k gun you want to buy now so that you can shoot it at some undisclosed time in the future, is actually going to decrease in value before you even get to shoot it.

I recommend buying a used limited gun and shooting that until you figure out what you prefer. If you are truly serious about shooting, then you are going to spend your money on reloading gear and components anyway. But, if you want to drop $3k on something you have no idea whether you will like, that's fine by me -- I like finding good deals on slightly used guns.


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I suffered through the same decision making process and decided on a 5". There are a LOT of people who swear by both. The best advice I got was to pick one and learn to run the hell out of it.

It doesn't matter which you choose for USPSA. If you want to shoot IDPA too, the 6" is out.

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Check out the USPSA site www.uspsa.org and use the club finder option. If there are any local clubs, find out when they hold their matches or better yet if they have a practice night or new shooter orientation and see if you can try stuff out. We are a very open that way!


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What is better, vanilla or chocolate? What is better, green or blue? What is better, a blond, brunette or red-head? These types of questions are starting to kill me -- and Grimloktt, I don't intend to single you out -- but the answers are based on subjective feel, not any sort of objective testing. How can you know what you prefer until you have tried the available options?

Grimloktt -- you previously wrote that you "don't have any match style preference." But, what is legal in USPSA may not be legal in IDPA or IPSC or other shooting sports. Moreover, even within USPSA, a Triangle Fat-Free is not going to do you much good if you decide you want to shoot Open or Production or Revolver.

Some limited shooters prefer a 6", some prefer 5". Then, throw in other variables -- std. width frame or wide, full length DC or short DC, bushing or bull, standard or sighttracker, etc... There are so many different options because different people prefer different things. Also, please understand that as a general proposition guns do not appreciate, but rather depreciate. So this $3k gun you want to buy now so that you can shoot it at some undisclosed time in the future, is actually going to decrease in value before you even get to shoot it.

I recommend buying a used limited gun and shooting that until you figure out what you prefer. If you are truly serious about shooting, then you are going to spend your money on reloading gear and components anyway. But, if you want to drop $3k on something you have no idea whether you will like, that's fine by me -- I like finding good deals on slightly used guns.


Vanilla...with chocolate swirl; green; and a red-head. I have statistical evidence to prove so. :lol:

I know what you're saying; I really do. I've been around long enough to know results are optimal when one takes the path you suggest. The position I'm in, as I'm sure you've already read, is I'm about to deploy for a looooooooooooooooooong time. With our new administration, I, personally, am not to optimistic of where our gun rights "may" go. Consequently, I'd liked to purchase sooner versus later and having it built while gone would be great. So, I'm doing the next best thing which is to gather and read as much information as possible to make the most informed decision I possibly can. And as far as depreciation goes, my guns are doing less of it than my 401K's! :roflol:

P.S. I have decided that I will use my defense guns when I shoot IDPA.

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I know there are a lot of options out there. So much so it's kind-of overwhelming. Out of those options, I've got my eye on a Benny Hill fat free. He's received lots of good reviews, he answered my phone call on my first attempt, was very helpful and quoted a great price. Geesh....I'm not sure what else I need! :goof:

Benny 6" Fat Frees are awesome. I have never had a jam that was the guns fault. Make sure to load your ammo short and with a ton of crimp.

I'm with rocket about not turning down a good deal on a 5" gun though.

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"What is better, a blond, brunette or red-head?"

I strongly suggest trying each one, possibly all at the same time, to determine what your preference is...

That's a very good point my friend. Side-by-side comparisons are always more accurate! :lol:

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Dude, i don't want to be rude, but you are over thinking things. Your last post was: Brazo or SV. Now it's 5 or 6 inch. If you are new to this game it probably won't matter. A lot of it is personal preference. It is impossible for me or anyone else to give you an accurate answer because you may like what i hate. As your skill develops it will go through its own evolution and you may decide something you once liked you now may not like so much. If you can try some side by side that will give you an indication of what they feel like on that day at your current skill level. 6 months from now you may wish you had gone the other way or, heaven forbid, gone into open...nooooooo!!!!!!!

Any respectable smith will give you a quality product that will give you many years of happy time. So, fish or cut bait. Summer's comming and it's time to start throwing lead down range. :cheers:

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Get an STi Edge, shoot it for about a year. By then you would have a basic idea of what you like and what you would like to try. :D

I started with an Edge 3 years ago, and it is still my gun of choice. When I was just starting out, the question was Para or STi? Buy a stock gun or have one built? It drove me crazy thinking of all the options. However if I had to start all over again, the Edge would be my choice. I shoot IPSC btw. Good luck in your search! :)

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As long as you start with a decent gun, it doesn't matter. If you like the game, you're going to want another gun within a few months. If you don't like the game, you'll have an expensive toy. But no one gun is going to be "The One True Gun" unless you're a 1911 purist (even then, you'll need two or three versions).

Personally, I've never met anyone who shot a 6" and wanted to go back to the 5". But there are a lot of 5 inch shooters out there who don't seem to be too awfully handicapped. As Col. Tom Parker pointed out, 50 Million Elvis fans can't be wrong!

My advice would be not to break the bank on the first gun. Pick up an Edge or P16 and shoot it long enough to know what you want and then go to a good smith for a custom job tailored to your needs.

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Thnx everyone. Decision has been made.

So what did you choose?

Since nobody else ever takes the advice that's given here I'm guessing he decided to have a 6" 9mm sight tracker style Limited gun built on a Para frame by the noted New Hampshire USPSA gunsmith Benny Brazzell :roflol:

Just kidding grimloktt :P

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I want to thank everyone for their inputs. I was pleasantly surprised with how much assistance was provided.

In the end, I did go with a Fat Free 6". I'm soooooooooooooooooooooo excited!

Pretty safe purchase IMO. You'll like it. I have never met, spoke with, or read about anyone NOT liking a gun from Benny. It just doesn't happen.

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