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Kydex Holster for 6" Fat Free?


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OK, so I sent off my box 'o' gun bits to Benny Hill this week for a 6" blaster. Should have it in a couple months time. For the last few years I have been shooting limited with a 5" STI coming out of a Bladetech DOH. I have a consistent, fast draw from this setup and like the peace of mind that comes from slugging around in the mud all day with my gun securely sitting in a conventional holster. No muss, no fuss, so to speak. However, lately I have been screwing around in open division and drawing from a CR speed race holster. I like this holster for my open gun BUT, when I decided to go back to Limited division, I thought I would try staying with the CR speed holster for my limited gun. Well, I have noticed that I don't go after the gun as aggressively as I did in the Bladetech DOH and don't seem to get as consistent of a grip either. When I practice at home I can get a smokin' fast draw and consistent grip but in a match situation while running and gunning it just does not come together for me with the CR speed holster.

My question is this: has anyone had Bladetech make a DOH for their 6" S_I pistol and use it? Anyone try both platforms and go with the DOH? Or, because I am going to have the 6" gun made, am I limited to using the CR Speed holster and just need to stick with it for a while. For the record, I have been shooting and practicing with the CR speed holster for about 6 months now, should have been enough time to learn it by now?

Any thoughts or experience with this dilemma? Input would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance,


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I believe "Dirtypool40" uses kydex for a 6". If going hard for the draw out of a race holster has you a little concerned, that's one thing clouding your mind at the "Are you ready" command that shouldn't be there. I don't think you will add any appreciable time to your COF with a Bladetech. Can't wait to see that new TSS blaster when you get it.

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Just about all the Triangle bunch use the DOH, actually you can use the same holster as you had for your 5 in, you just have a inch of slide sticking out( Benny uses a 5in holster). If you want one for the fat free just call bladeteck and order a DOH for a 6in STI Eagle. Off the shelf item, should be in stock. As we are primarly 3 gunners at Triangle the DOH fits our needs for security a lot better and you just dont give up anything for it. I used a Garcia Extreme for USPSA for a while and switched back and forth to the DOH for 3 gun, then my pistol wound up on the ground at a match, I tossed the Garcia and use the DOH for everthing now, cant see ever going back.-----------Larry

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Chris,

The other option you have is bust out the dremel. That's what I did when I went from 5" to 6". I just cut the tip off my DOH and let the extra inch stick out. Then you still have the same holster for both guns.


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I use one for my 6" gun all the time. Blade-Tech DOH for a Long Dust Cover 6" SV (my gun has a long dust cover). I took the dremal to if in a few places. The front opening has been lowered, the rear side at the muzzle end has had the exta material removed and the top tension screw was replaced with a thumb screw so I can clamp down on it for 3-gun.


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Thnx for the pic. I actually meant a link to buy one... :D

P.S. That thing is ugly... he he he :o

That's my open 3-gun holster you're talkig about there. It started as a 6" DOH but needed allot of heat and cutting to fit an open gun. It may be ugly but it works great. Its first test was the IronMan and it never came close to coming out when I didn't want it to despite all the running, jumping and prone shooting we had to do with a holstered pistol. I've used for local pistol matches too and its only slightly slower than the Ghost.

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Thnx for the pic. I actually meant a link to buy one... :D

P.S. That thing is ugly... he he he :o

That's my open 3-gun holster you're talkig about there. It started as a 6" DOH but needed allot of heat and cutting to fit an open gun. It may be ugly but it works great. Its first test was the IronMan and it never came close to coming out when I didn't want it to despite all the running, jumping and prone shooting we had to do with a holstered pistol. I've used for local pistol matches too and its only slightly slower than the Ghost.

No offense intended...just a little jokey joke. I'll be buying one. :cheers:

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Hello: I use one for my 6" STI 2011 and also the same holster for my 5" STI. It is very secure and just as fast as my CR Speed at least for me :cheers: Shooters Connection should have them in stock. If not it will take Blade-Tech months to return your call :roflol: Thanks, Eric

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Thanks for the replies everybody. Especially the pics and advice about dremeling! I kinda thought I would need to take the dremel to one for it to be what I need. It's kind of funny that I have a $3500 lathe sitting in my garage but end up going for the $50 dremel tool for most of my 'Machining' needs.

Anyway, nice to see that the 6" contingent has no problem drawing from Kydex. Thanks again!



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If your draw mechanics are correct and you are bringing up the gun initially in an aggressive vertical motion, you'll easily clear the holster and won't notice any real difference between the 5" and 6". I've shot a 5" and a 6" from the same Blade-tech DOH, and never had an issue. Go for it.

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