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Easy way to score?


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My home club does not run sanctioned matches, but they do have an IDPA scored defensive pistol match once a month. I want to hold an unofficial fun match on Sundays using USPSA scoring and rules. We hope to get enough people interested to start holding "real" USPSA matches.

I really don't want to mess with EZWIN score right now for a handful of shooters. How would you score this match? By hand, or is there a simple program available?

A google search found this: http://www.scapsa.org/ClubInfo/ScoreSheet.php

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If it is modeled after a uspsa match, you need to use EZ win scoring. It is a very simple thing to do. EZ win is not hard with the program disk & a computer. If you have less than @10 folks, you can even do it by hand with a calculator but that is a bit laborious. You just need a good notepad & calculator & a little bit of math skill.

If you start people off using some other type scoring, they will never understand or want to shoot with uspsa scoring. IOW, you'll never get them to convert to uspsa. This is of course my opinion, YMMV.

Good luck!


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If you really hope to get a USPSA group started in your club then run a USPSA match, Rules, Scoring, Targets etc.

If you want to shoot IDPA, then run that using IDPA rules, scoring and targets.

If you just want to run a action pistol match with dynamic stages and have a good time, then do what ever you want, but don't think it will necessarily translate over to a USPSA or IDPA match later.

I'll make an assumption that you have more than just yourself there with USPA background, Is there another club that you shoot at? would their stats person volunteer to help? You might talk to the people at other clubs and see if they are interested in helping get your club off the ground. It will give them another place to shoot so it is in their interest, unless of course you intend to run your match on the same day they run theirs (Very bad form there).

I am reasonably sure that Mr. Charles Bond 'area6@uspsa.org' would offer at least some direction. Most ADs are happy to see an new club form in their area.


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My home club does not run sanctioned matches, but they do have an IDPA scored defensive pistol match once a month. I want to hold an unofficial fun match on Sundays using USPSA scoring and rules. We hope to get enough people interested to start holding "real" USPSA matches.

I really don't want to mess with EZWIN score right now for a handful of shooters. How would you score this match? By hand, or is there a simple program available?

EZWinScore is a simple program. Try it.

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We started just like you are talking. Last year was are first year as a USPSA club. The year be for that we started as a club based off USPSA ( rules , scoring, stages ) . We started with nothing and have come a long way in 2 years. I bought a win score CD and I did scores. I ask for donations for the $50.00 affiliation fee at the end of the first season. We got all most all of it. They gave me a break on the affiliation fee since I bought win score before we joined.

It did help using win score the first year

But make sure you have at least 3 to 5 good helpers to help you set up , tare down , run the match. You can't do it buy your self . I think that why they want 10 members to sign with you.

We were lucky that the the guys at Fort Wayne help us a lot are first year. They even brought a complete stage and set it up a couple of times.

Members from other clubs still help out time to time to make a stage better . Its nice that you can work back and forth that way.

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Advertise your matches to the other clubs in your region. Also invite people to design and build stages at your match. we have two clubs that share a lot of members so we have a pretty good group of designers and builders. Also ASK, people tend to assume that you have a crew so they don;t always pitch in. ASK at the beginning of the match for help tearing down and also for people to show up early to help build. Amazing the turn out you'll get. DO NOT try to mirco-manage your volunteers. So long as the stages they design are 'legal' and safe, even if you'd do it different, don't unless you really want to do it all alone. Get a dedicated stats dude. This can be one of the heaviest jobs in terms of off the range time spent.


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Some moderators are probably thinking," just do a search". Well, I did, and I kept finding post after post about EZ Win problems and upgrades, questions and more questions.

We might have 5-10 people if we are lucky in the beginning. I will use only the USPSA rule book and targets.

If nobody has a simple program I'll just use a calculator.

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Some moderators are probably thinking," just do a search". Well, I did, and I kept finding post after post about EZ Win problems and upgrades, questions and more questions.

We might have 5-10 people if we are lucky in the beginning. I will use only the USPSA rule book and targets.

If nobody has a simple program I'll just use a calculator.

Have you contacted Jack Suber? He is the SC section coordinator. He also runs the Steel Challeng matches at our club in Columbia. He has a pretty extensive list of contacts within the state shooting community.

Everyone is right that there are other people who will help. I set up & helped with stats at the old Greenville Gun Club matches, helped at Straight Shooters (old club in Aiken area) and, depending on when your club will shoot, you may have more support than you are aware of. We have a very active group of USPSA shooters in South Carolina & we have a reputation for helping each other out. Please send a PM with details.

Linda Chico (L-2035)

Columbia SC

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I agree with the 'get help' comments. You'll need it to succeed as a club.

Here's an Excel spreadsheet that you can try...really should only be used for a single division.

Think it started out a a quick-n-dirty Excel sheet to be used on Palms.

Recommend you get EzWin, it's really an easy program to use.

Edited by joseywales
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If nobody has a simple program I'll just use a calculator.

I've used a calculator (easier if you print your score sheets like the sheets for the classifiers...with the boxes for points and points down, etc.) It's not bad.

But, EZ really is simple.

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  • 2 weeks later...
My home club does not run sanctioned matches, but they do have an IDPA scored defensive pistol match once a month. I want to hold an unofficial fun match on Sundays using USPSA scoring and rules. We hope to get enough people interested to start holding "real" USPSA matches.

I really don't want to mess with EZWIN score right now for a handful of shooters. How would you score this match? By hand, or is there a simple program available?

A google search found this: http://www.scapsa.org/ClubInfo/ScoreSheet.php

Why don't you come down to Mid-Carolina Rifle Club this Saturday see our match. It would be a great learning experience. We will be happy to help you out. Is your club in South Carolina? When do you shoot?

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