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I Hate Cocky Shooters!!!


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Well I went to the range today to practice on the plate rack. When I got there a few people were already shooting. Well, they invited me to shoot with them so I was happy. One guy was a cop and was VERY cocky. He was bragging how he was the best shooter in his precint etc. etc. I thought it was great and I would be able to learn a lot from this guy. So he loads and starts waving the muzzle around and then shoots at the rack. He knocks all 6 plates down with 9 rounds. Not too bad. But, t hen doesn't unload his gun he just walks back behind the line with the gun loaded and muzzle swinging all over the place. I asked him if he could be more careful. He didn't like that. Then he was bragging at how quickly he knocked them down and how it only took 9 shots but then he said it was really only 8 because he hit one target but it didn't fall over. (which wasn't true)

Well now it is my turn. I start from a surrender position with my gun holstered. Draw, and with 6 shots I quickly clear the rack. I was happy with this run. Then he starts saying because I have a red dot on my gun that I was cheating blah blah blah. I then told him I like to compete and I built my race gun to be able to compete with the better guys and still be competitive. He continued to say how it was cheating. So I grabbed my stock gun with iron sights and did the same thing. Again my times were about the same. THen he started bitching and complaining and then shot another time and missed a few and started bitching, grabbed his gear and left.

What I'm upset about is that I was excited because I thought I could learn something from this guy but he then became irrate because I was shooting better than him. I don't know if he felt intimidated in front of his friend or what but there is no need to act this way. He was so cocky at first and then became really defensive while trying to put me down saying I was cheating.

Why doesn't everyone have an open mind about shooting? I think what really bothered him was that I am so much younger. But, I also shoot about 750-1000 rounds every week so that is the only reason I'm half-way decent. I don't even consider myself a good shooter just average at best.

God, I hate cocky people...

Sorry so long just had to get it off my chest.


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Pete, Some of the people at our range are wonderful, helpful people and we have a few of the "others" as well. I figure it's just the odds. I had a friend that was having trouble with his kids and went to a professional for advice. The one thing he told me about his experience that really stuck in my head was "if you let your kids make you mad then they have won". <_< I try my best to use that as much as possible to help me not let other people get to me. Sometimes it just doesn’t work no matter how hard you try. B)


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Jeez, and these are the guys that 'come to our rescue' when we dial 911...? I don't think so!! Blech!

I'm so lucky with the shooters I know at my local range. Even though I sometimes suspect a couple or so would rather I not be there (I'm female, and that's an issue with some people--like it or not), the rest are so incredibly generous and helpful that it still blows me away after a year-and-a-half of membership. And some shooters there are LEO or ex-LEO. Moreover, when the various Fed and local LEO's do come into the range for periodic re-qualification sessions, it's surprising how many will talk to me (a perfect stranger) about shooting, about guns, about whatever I want.

Maybe it's just the casual, homey atmosphere of this particular range--I dunno. But the owner admitted one day that when arrogance does pop up at the range (however rarely), it's usual an LEO. FWIW.

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I think what bothers me most is that I'm always looking for shooters who are better than I am. That way I can take all the advice they throw at me. I hear what they say, think about it, and if it sounds good I'll apply it to my training. This guy started to "talk the talk" but when all was said and done he couldn't "walk the walk." I mean he was an OK "target hitter" as I wouldn't call him a "shooter" because to me a shooter is someone who is open minded and always wants to better himself or herself.

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What you experienced was a reminder that any time you deal with more than one or two people (e.g. "shooters" as a group), you're going to have a significant percentage of a**hol*s. You can't avoid it and the shooting sports are no exception!

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If he starts calling you a cheater again, simply ask him if you both can shoot the rack with HIS gun. I suspect he'll shut up once you beat him with his own gun. If he starts belittling another about their shooting and gets all huffy puffy then leaves, it's just showing how immature he really is.

I took my CCW class from a Police Captain who bragged about how good a shot he is. He showed us all this fancy shooting (firing with the gun upside down etc...) at targets 5 feet away. I told him I've shot USPSA for years and he should come out and shoot with us, he explained to me how poor marksman we competitive shooters are. I just laughed at him and said "OK" I tried to explain to him how our ranges should work together to promote the shooting sports instead of working against each other and he said "I won't have any part of promoting poor marksmanship" His indoor range is in competition with our range for business and I guarantee you he belittles USPSA in order to drum up business.

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What I'm upset about is that I was excited because I thought I could learn something from this guy but he then became irrate ...


Sorry you had to have a negative experience at the range, and you are welcome to vent here (we nearly all do on occasion).

I suspect you did learn something from this guy, not what you originally expected to be sure, but just as valuable. ;)

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Jeez, Pete, you called the man's bluff, and he didn't take it well. Not suprising, since you made him look like an ass (deservedly so, from what you said) in front of people he was spouting off to. He talked the talk, but couldn't walk the walk, and he was blatantly unsafe, as well. He deserved to be booted from the range, not just burned down in front of his friends, but don't be suprised if he wasn't too graceful about it.

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I'll go on to expand on this (if you don't mind me hijacking your thread slightly Pete). I hate cocky people who can't back it up period. Unfortunately the volunteer fire service and shooting both tend to draw in these people (primarily males ranging in age from about 18-35) like moths to a flame. Must be something about feeling macho. I'm tired of hearing of somebody's supposed prowess at performing a skill, only to find in a moment of need it's not there. I've been left hanging before, sometimes involving a life. I find as my personal level of knowledge and awareness expand, I have less and less time for sombody who belittles me, yet can't even pass a high school level fire certification exam, or safely shoot a stage on a regular basis. Cocky, macho idiots, quite honestly, need not apply to be anywhere near me.

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Years ago when I first shot IPSC, we had a group of officers who came out to shoot with us. They eventually got tried of civilians beating them shooting, and complained long and loud that we had an advantage since it was out range and we knew what was to be shot.

They shut up after they set up a match at the police range and we beat them again...maybe it is just that police thing...

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I can only speak about the cops I shoot with, but I get the feeling that alot of their non-USPSA cop buddiess don't want anything to do with USPSA or IDPA because they fear getting beat. I have talked to countless Military Policeman and City Cops about coming out and shooting to no avail. We tease each pretty good at our range when someone screws up a stage, but that's all it is, nobody gets mad and storms off because I think for the most part, your average competitor is very mature and good natured. Those who can't take a little teasing now and then usually don't last long in our sport, which is probably for the better. It's just a game and we all do it to have a good time.

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Guest Larry Cazes

Pete, life is definitely too short to waste time on people like this..........It's very simple, IGNORE and they will go away.

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I won't worry about it because it really isn't worth my time. I never like to make people intimidated when I shoot with them. To me it is all a learning experience and if I shoot better than someone else I will try helping them as much as I can if I can. I'm far from the best but at the same time far from the worst. LOL But, luckily I have a great group of people I shoot with every Monday night so it all works out.

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Agreed....I have seen my fair share of shooters who start throwing a temper tantrum, cursing, throwing their gear after they screw up a stage. Actually, watching a spectacle like that makes for good entertainment.

That sounds like fun! Do the rest of you split up the gear after they stomp off? :D

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Texas Limited last year, I witnessed a guy almost cry because he screwed up a stage, he was cursing like a sailor, badmouthing a perceived "poor course" design, throwing his gear and basically making an ass of himself. What it basically comes down to is "Your either prepared.....or your not"

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Texas Limited last year, I witnessed a guy almost cry because he screwed up a stage, he was cursing like a sailor, badmouthing a perceived "poor course" design, throwing his gear and basically making an ass of himself. What it basically comes down to is "Your either prepared.....or your not"

That must have been the stage I was RO'ing last year, the one with the double swingers. A lot of people cried.


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Let me start by saying that I support all law enforcement in my area and around the country for that matter. Many police officers have really big egos. They had a little training with a gun, qualified(barely in some cases) and are now certified officers and carry a gun. They are the best there ever was and you can't tell them any different. If you ever have one come shoot a match and they finish somewhere in the basement. Don't expect to see them there again. They don't like being shown up in public by the public who are below them in their minds(remember I said many not all LE). I do not understand this. If I saw that my training that was suppose to give me the ability to protect myself and others was lacking. I believe I would want to improve by shooting more! They let their egos blind them of this point. I have tried to get LE officers to come shoot with us, but only have one current and a couple of retired LE as regulars. It is hopeless. I am getting off the track of this topic but I just thought this important since the "person in question" was LE. I have also noticed that many LE officers aren't the safest gun handlers in the world. :huh::huh::huh: What happened to proper training? Once again, I support them all, but wish some of them could turn loose of the BIG EGOS, and come have fun at the range with us :D TXAG

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"I don't care if you say you're Superman but M!@#$%^& you better fly!"

I enjoy deflating those guys.The first thing you notice is that "damn i'm good " attitude

dissclaimer=I greatly respect and appreciate both the military and law enforcement,this is directed at COCKY people of all walks

Lets face it,human nature,the ones that brag the loudest are usually mediocre at best (flunked spolling in skool)

Maybe i'll grow up one day.................................. <_<

Nah,who am i kiddin? :lol:

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About the LE officers... One of my friends is a Mass State trooper and he knows more about guns than I could ever imagine. His skill is far superior to mine in both a combat aspect as well as a competition base. He is also a firearms instructor teaching the MP5's to the other state troopers. So to say they are all bad would be the furthest from the truth. However, I have another friend who is a local cop who I can't even get him to go to the range. He complains that he hates guns and could barely qualify when he needed to. I guess it all depends on the person.


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Hey, remember I said many(and maybe should have said some) LE. I am not dogging them all, just the big ego, add a$$ ones that couldn't hit a barn from the inside and still think they are God with a gun. That doesn't just go for LE only. I am talking about all of them(you know who you are). Back it up or SHUT UP! I like to joke with my local shooters and there is some firece competion between a few of us, but I am still a lowly C shooter and know it!


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