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How Many Times Do You Reload The Same Brass?


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I found a few sources on Ebay. I pay between $8 and $12 per 1000. I have used brassmanbrass.com. It was supposed to be cleaned, but wasn't. I have several individuals that I use now. You can email for info on them and I will send you what I have. 40 is so cheap that I only pick it up at the practice range. Match brass stays on the ground. Most get reloaded 3-5 times.



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  • 4 years later...

Ok so I did a search and found this :lol::lol::lol::roflol:

I cant stop laughing at all the people talking about how brass is sooo cheap

they are just too rich to give a second look ????

Lets update !!! 2008

What are your reloading habits NOW ??? I'm most intrested in .40 and .223, how many times will you go ???

I have .40 going on 10-12 now, still look good ??? And .223 at 8-10, still work but scary headstamps, I mean

"NO" headstamps ... :huh::unsure:

I know you can take them till cracking thats what I've done in the past but is there a possibility of a KABOOM

at higher end presures ??? :o

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Finding cheap brass. Here's a suggestion, go to your local police department. I bet between local, county, and or state you will be able to find all the 9, 40, and 223 brass you want. Just ast to speak with someone in the firearms department. Tell them you are willing to pick up the brass. this usually ends up as a win/win. Most departments don't know what to do with brass unless that is part of the ammo contract. Plus you picking up the brass, means more training time for them. Just a word of warning, I would bet most of the .223 brass will have crimped primer pockets, but it's still free.

Try it, you might be suprised. The only problem now is that a lot of departments are learning that brass is pretty expensive and are just recycling it as scrap. Maybe you could offer them the same as the scrap company would give them, still pretty cheap.


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Acually I get most of my brass for free from an LE training center that our club leases out once a

month to have matches, lots of OF brass on the ground but we are starting to fight over it !! :rolleyes:

I also get brass from a friend with the FBI.

I just thought that some of the brass is so cheap remarks were pretty dated !!! :surprise:

The free brass still takes effort to recover and so I use my brass to all it's potential...

I'm just worried about a safety issue ?? KABOOM !! :wacko:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't take it the wrong way if your one of the people I'm about to talk about cause I really like you :cheers: .

I get a lot of my brass from IDPA matches. A lot of the guys that shoot there are kind of new to the sports it seems like and they still aren't reloading. I ask them if they don't want their brass to just drop in my brass bag as we shag it after the shooter is done. Usually I'm SOing or scoring so its not like I'm not doing anything but brass whoring but my brass bag(S) are usually full at the end of the match.

Other than that when I hear EBAY was going to quit I got quite a bit of brass before it went down. Probably enough to last me a couple of seasons I would think.

As far as how many times I reload it....until I lose it, several of my matches are pretty much lost brass matches so the several times fired stuff goes there never to be seen again....

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  • 1 month later...

It's funny to see these topics come back around. I started this 5 frigen years ago!!! Now I run my brass until it cracks or I lose it. I use new brass for matches but whatever I have for practice. HAHA


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pistol brass I run until it just looks bad.

rifle, well

bolt gun up to 6 loads

gas gun 3 loads

I still have some 45 brass my dad gave me in 90.

loads great.

Why only 3 in a gas gun ?? I've had .223 that I shot in practice 8-9 times and on one or

two the primers fell out during loading in the mag, I just pushed them back in and shot'em !!! :roflol:

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The most that I've been able to reload my Remington .38 Super brass is ten times. It's not that it couldn't accommodate more reloads, it's just that I've never been able to keep it past this point. After ten reloads, the amortize value of a piece of brass is 1.5 cents or so. Who says Major 9 is less expensive?

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Last year I did an experiment with new .38 super brass with different head stamps. I used a batch of 25 ea. with a medium load of Bullseye and 124 gr. Montana Gold bullets. I reloaded them 28 times and could have loaded them even more, but the experiment was growing a little too time consuming, so I quit. What I found out was that I would lose a very few cases (splits) initially within five-six reloads. At the end of the experiment, I had 17 cases of one brand left and 15 cases of the other brand. I measured velocity at each reload and found absolutely no loss from first to last. Conclusion: Load 'em until they split or you lose 'em.

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