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Too Good For Television


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The ending, though an interesting tie-in with (and commentary on) our present human existence, left me disquieted for hours even thru some of today. Perhaps it was supposed to do that. A totally unexpected ending, in my view--and one that left plenty of room for speculation and further thought. :ph34r:

A reality check in the form of a visit to a gun show this morning kinda got rid of the "disquieting-ness", however. :D

There will be some spin-off shows and series upcoming with continuing themes from BG. It's not totally over. But the BG series ranked up there with Firefly in terms of appeal and attraction. Very, very good stuff.

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I don't have any TV series on disc, but I think that's gonna change, especially since I didn't see much of the 2nd and 3rd seasons.

IOr maybe Adama wakes up from his drunken stupor hangover in the alley, and goes..... "man, what a bad dream".

Been done - Newhart. And I shudder to think of that association, so I'm glad that didn't happen. :roflol:

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I liked the ending, and I know what you mean about the disquieted feeling. I'll wait until the whole series is on a single DVD set and then purchase it. Definitely one of the most insightful and through-provoking series I've seen in a long time.

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*Trying not to spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet*

To me it's like the first hour and a half were jsut rockin... Then it slowed waaay down. Didn't quite see the Starbuck thing coming. And the resurection item.. Go Chief Gaeda.

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To me it's like the first hour and a half were jsut rockin... Then it slowed waaay down. Didn't quite see the Starbuck thing coming. And the resurection item..

That was a satisfying bit and no mistake... Apparently what happens in the resurrection pool does NOT stay in the resurrection pool...!

Edited by BritinUSA
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In all seriousness, sorry to see it go. One of the few shows I was hooked on in the last.... many... years. Can't remember another show since X-Files that was "appointment" TV for me.

I liked the ending actually..... the last 30 minutes or so.... brought closure, wrapped up alot of story lines. Left enough questions that they can have a Movie. Which evidenlty they are talking about, for theatre release. And a mini-series directed by Olmos. Ans a spin off series, Caprica. SO plenty of BSG left to see.

The last couple minutes was thought provoking, if not a lightly preachy.... but definitely tied into the theme of "all of this has happened before..... all of this will happen again".

And Starbuck...... well, I wondered what the hell she was .... but wasn't expecting...... that.

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My buddy in Canada was a grip, or maybe Key Grip on BSG. Now he's unemployed. I bet he wishes that they had't cancelled that show too. But here's the bright side; now think of how your scores at matches will improve as you will now spend more time dry-firing! :roflol:

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The whole 'skip-in-time-thing' ?

Now that..., I was NOT expecting.

Funny how no one really put it together, from the crew....... a jump near a singularity..... all kinds of space/time stuff going on.

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I recorded most if not all of BSG :)

But its not quite the same watching it again :mellow:

I really liked it, and some parts were better than others.

It sucks there was no happily ever after for several of the characters :(

Oh well...I guess all things run their course :mellow:


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*Trying not to spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet*

...And the resurection item.. Go Chief Gaeda.

I musta blinked, or missed a connection.

So's to avoid spoilers, could you pm me w/ what you mean? :unsure:

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I was disappointed with many aspects of the finale.

The Starbuck thing....really, that was the best you could come up with? The entire last two seasons with her have been "What am I/ Who am I" and then that! I thought it was the weakest part of the finale.

Then, after the entire journey. All the bickering, infighting between the Colonies, the fractured groups of followers, everyone just decides to join in? No dissention, no other ideas, no other groups that want to build a city or stay on the ships? Everyone on the same page? It was all a bit idealistic and too easy. The series is about conflicts and beliefs. It should have maintained that theme throughout.

The ending between both Adama's? Okay, maybe. They were always at different points in the life and career, but your on a new planet with no other family to speak of and that's how you end things? Not sure how I feel about that one.

The whole situation with Baltar and #6 and they "angels" they see. Okay, I can accept that, but I would have like to see that developed a bit more.

I did like the whole first hour and how they ended things with the Cylon's and I also like the tie-in with our civilization and where our society is heading, but overall I was left disappointed.

I'd give it a 6/10.

And as much as I want to get into the new series "Caprica," the trailer really didn't hook me, but I'll still give it a few episodes.


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I was disappointed too. The thought they would all leave technology behind to live as simple farmers is just not believable to me. I could see maybe one or two characters, but I really don't know who they would be. To me it was just more of Hollywood PC type thinking of beating swords into plows.

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Well, they spread the people of the Fleet to the various contintents, and obviously some of the people did not become farmers, but rather became Angels/Demons, the Norse gods, Greek gods, Egyptian gods, Mayan gods, Atlantis, etc.... and went on to build civilizations beyond what the locals should have been capable of, ie Pyramids, etc. Note the tie in to the Egyptian looking props like helmets, clothing, etc. throughout the original series and the latest BSG.

But it was kinda touchy feely. But how else were they going to explain the cycle, the loop, if the fleet did not abandon their technology..... it would have been found today on our Earth by archeology at some point, surely.

But the tech knowledge was not lost, some people recreated certain elements of it, and some of that ended up influencing Earth's mythology over the years.

Edited by sfinney
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The whole concept of "jumping" is pretty hi-tech no matter how you look at it. Where/when they ended up in the last jump had everything to do with the CODE that was buried in the MUSIC stream they were becoming conscious of. The code was the key to the time travel thing that put them in "The Garden" (as opposed to the nuclear-wasted version of Earth they visited earlier). The second Earth landing was a species' second chance... and fit in slightly with some our myths and speculations about how we evolved the way we did.

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Adama called it Earth, but Laura said it was not the real Earth. I don't think they time travelled. Sure they were near a singularity when the Galactica jumped but the rest of the fleet that followed 12 hours later jumped to the new planet from a different starting point so a singularity would not have caused the rest of the fleet to travel through time.

My theory; We saw with the visions etc. that history has repeated itself, the same wars continuing over and over between human/cylons. God sends the angels to guide the human/cylons to restart history - over and over - until they get it right. The new Earth was created to be a place for them to restart. All the humans/cylons aboard the fleet were aware of the repeating of history which is why they were so quick to abandon the technology that would ultimately lead to another fall.

The 'angel', Caprica said that this time it might be different, but we also saw the advances in robotics that could lead to the recreation of a cylon/robotic species. The net message for me was that we make our own fate, but if we screw it up, God might just give us a do-over.

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Adama called it Earth, but Laura said it was not the real Earth. I don't think they time traveled. Sure they were near a singularity when the Galactica jumped but the rest of the fleet that followed 12 hours later jumped to the new planet from a different starting point so a singularity would not have caused the rest of the fleet to travel through time.

Ok, but I just think they were being depicted as jaded and tired, relieved that that they had ended up somewhere. Plus they had already witnessed the Earth they were looking for as destroyed, why would it occur to them this was the real Earth, but in the past? I don't put any stock in Laura's proclamations, remember, she has already decided (after the Earth was found leveled) that she is no longer the chosen one destined to lead the flock to Earth...... well, maybe she still was, but is beyond her to see it or acknowledge it at this point in the story arc.

And the Jump Codes...... maybe the singularity didn't have anything to do with it, but it was a set of jump codes typed out in the music of the angels for the gods sake..... maybe it was the "blessed" codes that allowed the shift need to jump in time and/or dimensions.

Frak, I don't know...... but the continent they landed on was definitely an Africa. Whether it was ours, or one in a parallel dimension, present or past, who knows.

But I do agree with the whole "second chance" thing. As to whether they are doomed to repeat history, or change it, is left to be seen.

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I finally got the multi decade closure of seeing the Fleet find our Earth. That was worth it. The whole decentralized settlement of Earth, abandoning technology, sending the Fleet off to burn up in the Sun, etc.. I didn't like it at all.

Technology does not lead to evil. Evil is in the nature of Man, no matter what technology. It is in the nature of Man, also, to be social. To collect in groups. Cities have proven the best way for our species to evolve. Division of labor, building of a civilization, etc. It's almost inevitable.

So that part I didn't buy, but the show as a whole was such a great ride.

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Only the writers really know for sure. I am certain that at some point there will be the book of the tv series for those of us that simply don't 'get it'.

Until then there will be conjecture, discussion and pausing to consider one's place in this tangled universe that we call home.... So while we wait for the final answer, here's a picture of Caprica.


Now, what was the question ?

Edited by BritinUSA
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I saw a couple posts that mentioned the new series Caprica, but I didn't see any regarding "BSG 'The Plan'", which if I understand it correctly opens up some more of the show that wasn't revealed in its finale.

How many people thought Doc Cottle rocked? He was the most down to earth of all of them. Gonna miss Grace Park and Tricia Helfer.

For Kara being "the harbinger of death leading them all to their end" I didn't really see that working in anywhere. I think the biggest problem I saw with the ending is that fact that the technology got the boot and they turned into a hunter/gathering society? Yeah, good luck!! That would be like the Housewives of Orange County being thrust into the hills of Appalachia...now that would be show I would watch!!

I hear a new Stargate is coming out, but TV is going to suck waiting for that, Caprica, no BSG, and waiting for a new season of Burn Notice. I'll guess I'll have to be content watching the sluts on Brett Michaels "Bang Bus".

Thank God Dr. Who is gone!!


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I don't know about anyone else, but I was hoping that they would resolve at least a few of the "mysteries" during the last season. It seems as if they had all this great acting and all this great build up for 3 seasons, then the fourth season just seemed to get all muddled and confused, and the final episodes resolve virtually nothing - and they had to resort to the supernatural to resolve what they did. I kept waiting for the case from "Charmed" to make a guest appearance.

I am not a happy camper - this has essentially ruined the whole series for me. :angry2:

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After reflection, I think they pulled an X-Files...... ending the show without really resolving anything...... plenty of room left for a Theatrical release that will finally tell us "what happened, the mysteries revealed".

The Plan looks like a recount of what we have seen already, but from the Cylon's perspective....... doubt their will really much more new there.

Caprica seems kind of like.... "Dallas", or any other drama, on another planet. Wihtout a Battlestar, the Fleet, space battles, etc, not sure it will hold my interest..... I'm sure it will be good, just not what I got from my weekly fix of BSG.

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After reflection, I think they pulled an X-Files...... ending the show without really resolving anything......

My really big worry is that they don't know what happened. I've seen this before - where an author develops a long complex story and then can't resolve all the conflicts.

This is why "serial" TV is so difficult. You have to outline every story arc in detail and know how to resolve everything. As much as I applaud Straczynski for what he accomplished with Babylon 5, the constant problem of not knowing if they would be renewed from season to season lead to some serious problems with story pacing. Some parts got rushed, some went on too long, and some things never found a place at the table. What saved it in the end were the characters and the feeling that these were real people caught up in something way bigger than they were.

I get the distinct feeling that BSG suffered from all these problems plus an apparent lack of a full story arc worked out in advance. It's a pity too because the whole theme of the internal conflicts in groups dealing with a larger conflict is an incredible opportunity to tell some powerful stories. And the characters had much of the same appeal - you loved them one moment and hated them the next.

My other real fear is that there will be a series of spin-offs that marginalize the entire series. Who can forget Aliens 3 - I wish I could.

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