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SOB's That Bring The Flu To Work


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I so love the jerk who sits in the cubicle next to me at work: loudmoth jerk, always talks WAY too loud, never shuts up.

He drags into work last Tuesday and I hear him walk into my boss' office (the cubicle on the other side of me). Conversation:

Jerk: "Oh, my body aches so bad and I can't breathe and yadda, yadda, yadda...."


Jerk: "Oh, no ... I must yadda, yadda, yadda..."

This jerkoff sits two feet from me linear distance across a four foot high cubicle wall so we share the same air. I knew I was screwed and I was.... Thursday I have the sore throat and severe headache.... that night, I started to have uncontrolled shaking from chills. Fever spiked to 104. It's Sunday night and my fever is still bouncing between 102 and 103, chills and shaking come back regularly. My nose is plugged and inflammed, lungs and bronchials are inflammed and everytime I cough it feels like I'm tearing a lung out.

I just want to take this opportunity to throw a shout out to all the a-holes who are so important that they simply can't stay home two days and get well, they MUST come to work and make sure everybody gets infected.

And don't worry about the fact a flu this lethal kills thousands every year because some people have heart problems and lung problems that get aggravated by the flu. All those people suffering and dying are not important, what's important is how macho you feel coming to work sick and how you can possibly think that makes you look "dedicated".

BTW: don't botgher to mention the "vaccine", because my immune system is not normal after the years of the chronic fatigue syndrome I had. The last time I got a flu shot it reignited that and I was sick for about three months with fevers and exhaustion again. Not as high as these fevers, but they lasted for months.

Thanks again.

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I hear you, Bountyhunter, but....

Where I work, we all have 200+ hours of PTO accrued, or Paid Time Off. IF however, you should be foolish enough to exercise common sense and decide to stay home with your cooties, you get dinged for Unscheduled PTO. 3 times in a rolling 12 month period and you get walked to HR for some nasty writeup in your personnel file. If you blow out a tire, must care for a sick spouse, have a great case of bronchitis, whatever.... you get dinged.

I got written up last year after spending the night in the ER on 2 separate occasions due to post surgical complications. I was actually told to try and give as much notice as possible. Uh...hello? My wife took me into the ER at 1:30 this a.m. ...sorry I couldn't predict it was going to happen say, 3 days ago. If so, I would have went to see my Dr., where I wouldn't have a $200 ER co-pay. Jackasses. :angry2:

I have had this happen twice to me in the last 3 years. Crappy policy, and this is why where I work, everyone comes in to "share the experience". I absolutely loathe this place after 8 years...the only good thing about it is the above average paycheck. Other than that, well.... I'll just sit here and sniffle all day with a pump of Germ-X gel on my desk in a large pump dispenser.

Oh, and did I mention my company is in bed with First Data Resources and $hitibank? Go figure. That's a completely different rant for another day.

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I hate seeing co-workers coming in hacking germs all over the place! I always tell them if they get me sick, I will beat their ass! I stayed home when I had the flu recently, even though we were swamped at work. I didn't get a flu shot, but the doctor said the strain they were vaccinating for wasn't the one I had anyway.

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Like stated it may be a company policy my wife's job requires a doctors note saying you are contagious then you dont get dinged for the unscheduled time off. To the original poster. flu shots made me very sick also. But the last two years I've gotten the snort the snot stuff in the nose and havent had any illness or bad side affect. nor did I catch anything from the wife when she had flu.

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We had a guy like that at work. Twenty plus years with the company and not a day of sick leave taken. The pride of management. They never did mention all the others in his department that ended up sick and taking it home to their wifes and kids.

I'd be sicker than a dog and call in sick. On my return my boss would always make a snide comment like "Too bad you're not more like XXXX, he's never disappointed us".

Bill :sick:

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I hear you, Bountyhunter, but....

Where I work, we all have 200+ hours of PTO accrued, or Paid Time Off. IF however, you should be foolish enough to exercise common sense and decide to stay home with your cooties, you get dinged for Unscheduled PTO.

Work somewhere else.

This flu is nothing to screw around with. I am 55 years old and I have been sick plenty, but this is the worst flu I have ever had or heard of. I have been sick since last Thursday, and everyday I thought "it can't get any worse" and every day it got WORSE..... last night at 11PM i got another visit of the chills and uncontrollable shaking that lasts about 20 minutes. Went to bed and got a whole hour of sleep and woke up with my head exploding and my body on fire. I turned on the ceiling fan and laid on top of the covers.

I feel a little better this morning, but I know by tonight my temeprature will shoot up and I will be shaking again. As a bonus, today I have the fun of trying to cough the two pounds of slime out of my lungs.

I'm still in favor of the death penalty for people who go to work sick with something like this.

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We had a guy like that at work. Twenty plus years with the company and not a day of sick leave taken. The pride of management. They never did mention all the others in his department that ended up sick and taking it home to their wifes and kids.

I'd be sicker than a dog and call in sick. On my return my boss would always make a snide comment like "Too bad you're not more like XXXX, he's never disappointed us".

Bill :sick:

That sounds exactly like my last boss. He had two toodlers in day care, so he was ALWAYS infected with the worst strains of crap on the planet from what his kids brought home. He was always nailing us..... I do remember clearly when my wife and I were getting ready to fly to Washington for our tenth anniversary trip, I asked Steve to call me on the phone if he needed me because I couldn't afford to get sick this week..... day before my trip, I am in my office and he bumps into me from behind and is spewing on me. I'm blocked in and can't move. Of course, two days later we are in washington at our hotel and I am in the hospital. It was a particularly nice form of flu that did something I never heard of: went into my eyes, I suppose from blowing my nose and the fluid going up the sinus drains.

On top of the general misery, fever, pain and all that I was lieterally blinded by heavy green slime draing out my eyes for three days.

I still remember when I told him what happened, the idiot said:

"Well, I know you didn't catch it from me. My doctor gave me antibiotics so I know I wasn't contagious.."

I am thinking, how can a person with a college degree be such an ignorant moron? Antibiotics do NOTHING against viruses, and you are contagious if you are expelling fluidw with the virus in it.

But, he was a really important (politically visible) manager who had to be a hero.... it's not like ten year anniverseries only happen once in your lifetime.

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Like stated it may be a company policy my wife's job requires a doctors note saying you are contagious then you dont get dinged for the unscheduled time off. To the original poster. flu shots made me very sick also. But the last two years I've gotten the snort the snot stuff in the nose and havent had any illness or bad side affect. nor did I catch anything from the wife when she had flu.
IT's wierd about the shots making some people sick. vaccines are designed to antagonize the immune system. They use a "dead virus" vaccine where they strip the working parts out of the virus and dump it into you so your immune system will attack it and generate antibodies.

But some people's immune systems don't work right, and attack other parts of the body as well. It's ironic that my dog has the same thing (auto immune disorder). She almost died from it, I do OK as long as I don't get sick. When I get sick, it takes a LONG time to beat it and it keeps coming back in reduced levels as the immune sytem doesn't finish it off.

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Whats really bad is watching medical people roll ther eyes and basically treat you like an idiot when you say the flu shot makes you really sick. When a basically healthy person who usually never gets sick except when you get forced to take a flu shot it makes me kinda doubt the medical profession. I pretty much operated on, Dont get shot might get sick........get shot will get sick. Hum I'll take my chances. But as stated I had no issues with the nasal vacine.

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Whats really bad is watching medical people roll ther eyes and basically treat you like an idiot when you say the flu shot makes you really sick. When a basically healthy person who usually never gets sick except when you get forced to take a flu shot it makes me kinda doubt the medical profession. I pretty much operated on, Dont get shot might get sick........get shot will get sick. Hum I'll take my chances. But as stated I had no issues with the nasal vacine.
I might try the sniffer next time.

Funny it must be inherited. My mom says my dad got real sick when they made him take shots in the service.

I don't listen much to doctors, especially at Kaiser. No matter what the symptoms are, you're OK or you will be OK or you don't need whatever it is you actually need.....

Just got an MRI and the dipstick said "minor disk degeneration with no nerve involvement".... and two days later I re-injured the nerve I have tweaked probably 100 times over the last 25 years.

I am sitting there with burning pain radiating into my foot, numbnmess, and the dufus is saying no nerve is involved. Right. Of course, if they admit there's something wrong then they have to treat it....

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I once worked with a guy that had worked for the company for over 30 years and was proud of the fact that he had never taken a sick day. He would come in sick, then in a couple of days one or more members of his crew would be off sick. I was very happy to finally get off his crew through promotion and got my own crew. A couple of years later the idiot showed up sick. So sick that he passed out and banged his head not only on the floor, but also on the way down. So we called an ambulance and he spent the next week in the hospital. After that he would sometimes, but not always take sick leave.

What I really hated was that he always seemed to come down with whatever was going around and then pass it on to the rest of us.

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I hate that for some folks the flu shot doesn't work and makes them sick. I'm fortunate that I'm ok with it.

As far as folks coming in sick... the plant I work at has 14 employees. If someone comes in sick they can literally cripple the plant by spreading it around. Everyone is encouraged to take sick leave if they are sick and fortunately for us, we have an excellent sick leave policy.

There is NO reason to come to work and infect Co-Workers with your crud. :angry2:



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We had a guy like that at work. Twenty plus years with the company and not a day of sick leave taken. The pride of management. They never did mention all the others in his department that ended up sick and taking it home to their wifes and kids.

I'd be sicker than a dog and call in sick. On my return my boss would always make a snide comment like "Too bad you're not more like XXXX, he's never disappointed us".

Bill :sick:

This is like the employee who hasn't taken any vacation days for x years...wound too tight. Everyone needs R&R even if they dont realize it.

Edited by hk_mtbr
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Used to be a cop in South Africa. The rules was that you got 120 days every 3 years. Some of the new guys we started getting after 1994 saw this as use the 120 days or loose it. They would time their sic leave to make sure they did not miss a day. As chief of discipline I used to drive to their homes and nail them if they were not at home or at their Doctors. This made me the most popular guy by far. Even got a couple of death threats out of it. Eventually in 200 I got sick and tired of this and took my discharge.

The only time I used the flu shot I became so ill I had to be hospitalized.( I got bronchitis and that effected my Asthma and was knocking on the door for a while) Now if I see that stupid little injection I get fighting mad.

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