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I'm a frickin' genius <vbg>


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One of the barriers to my dry-fire routine has been, I can only do it at certain points in the day (or out in the garage), because the timer "beep" bugs the crap out of anyone else that might be... oh, say, watching TV or trying to sleep. I first thought about wiring a headphone jack in-line with the speaker circuit on the timer, so I could dry-fire with headphones, but...

... then I figured out a way to make "timer" audio files for my iPod!


the attached zip-file, for example, has a "loop" of 10 timer sequences, 1.5 second par-time, 5 seconds apart.

So, now, I can fire up my iPod, put on my headphones, and run some drills whenever and wherever I dang-well feel like it :cheers:


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That's great!

So, you're saying that if I can wrestle an iPod away from one of the kids, and they show me how to use it,

that I could dryfire more?

btw, What's on your iPod?






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There's also a program that someone wrote that does a par timer on your computer. I've used that with my headphones on - of course it requires you to practice where you computer is. I'll try and dig that one up (it's on the old computer).


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I can't find the thread right now but there is one on here that has a download for a virtual shot timer. It is the R U Ready timer, programable par time, programable resets. I have it and use it all the time. :)

Joe W.

Here is the link to the thread with the R U Ready timer.


Also, thanks to bgary for the ipod track.


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Hey Genius...don't break your arm pattin yourself on the back!

Just kidding...I've been using an MP3 player for awhile and had very little trouble getting some music on it.

My grand daughter got an ipod for Christmas and I still can't get any tunes on it.

Is being under the age of 20 a prerequisite for operating high tech stuff or do you have to be a frickin' genius? :D

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  • 4 weeks later...
... then I figured out a way to make "timer" audio files for my iPod!


the attached zip-file, for example, has a "loop" of 10 timer sequences, 1.5 second par-time, 5 seconds apart.

So, now, I can fire up my iPod, put on my headphones, and run some drills whenever and wherever I dang-well feel like it :cheers:


Hats off to BGary - and thanks, too, for the pointer to the RU Ready timer program. I honestly hadn't thought about doing this before (I should care if others are annoyed because..? :devil: ), but...

I've now taken this to the "next level" (?) for my own iPod, adding "are you ready" and "standby" commands (from the RU Ready timer program), and putting ten practice drills (1 sec par time) into a handy MP3 file...

Draw drill MP3...

Worth it to me to not have to push the timer button each time, instead concentrating on the draw/mag change/et al.

Curse you BGary, now I've got no excuse - er, reason - not to practice... :lol:

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Oh crap...what is the world coming to? Bruce and Floyd are claiming to be practicing? :D :D :lol:

So Bruce...your employer know you have an iPod? I figured y'all would be forced to use those Zune things. ;):wacko:

I just use the ear phones on my CED 8000. Works great, less filling (of my iPod).

I can't wait until Bruce/Floyd hits shuffle on some long flight and it gets to "are you ready, standby" and they find themselves standing bolt upright making drawing motions. Yeah...we'll read about that one in the paper. ;)

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