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Will they post the results on the Web?

This was only the second match I have ever attended. The first being two years ago when I first started.

The ROs were very good. All were very professional and courteous to our squad. A couple of stages had some real outstanding ROs.

One person commented that the match seemed to have a lot of long distance targets with No Shoots around them - Ideal for Open guns.

All I know is that I enjoyed it. I lucked into a great squad that made shooting only my second match a real pleasure. On the long drive I home, I had time to analyze my performance. I made a lot of mistakes that proper preparation could have eliminated-there is lots of room for my improvement.

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Not sure but I think the results will be posted.

I agree about the staff. The vast majority of the RO's were extremely friendly, hard working, competent folks who went out of their way to make us feel welcome. There were a couple of places where there were some serious inconsistencies that should have been handled differently but overall I enjoyed the match.

I also agree that the stages were more set up more favorably for open shooters but there were no shots I couldn't make shooting limited. There were plenty I DIDN'T make, but that's my fault.

I'll be back next year.


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That was without a doubt the hardest USPSA match I ever shot. I took one look at the stages and realized that the hosers would crash and burn. It would be the consistant shooters that shoot accurately that would come on out top. I made the decision on the first stage of the match that I would shoot points and just try to go smooth. No speed, except for a couple of stages that had just a few wide open 3 yard targets. It must have worked, I only had 1 miss on a swinger, 1 no-shoot where I didn't lean out far enough, and 2 dawgs the entire match. I even shot the stage with the 2 stars totally clean in a little over 20 sec. That match was hard, but it was a great learning experience.

I agree, the RO's were superb! The only exception was the cranky woman on stage 8 (i think it was). If she didn't want to be there, why was she there?

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The best RO was the younger guy at stage 1. :D

The match was very fun from an RO standpoint also. 99.9% of the shooters were very helpful in making the stages run quickly. I was impressed how everyone who was shooting was out there helping reset steel and help tape. I wish more local matches were like that. We only had a 2 people that complained but that is expected everywhere. It was fun watching the top shooters go through.

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I remember you going through. I was really impressed with how clean and fast you shot my stage. I even remember your time and score because it was so good. I think it was 14.87 with 4 down. DAMN GOOD SHOOTING!!! There was only one shooter who dropped less points on it all week and his time was way more. Very impressive. You deserved to win.


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Thanks Keith! The rest of the stages went about that good with the exception of the stage where I missed a swinger and another where I nicked a no-shoot. Yeah it was 14.87, but I don't remember the points. The funny thing is, that was our first stage and I got a pretty bad case of the match jitters, which I haven't gotten in about a year. I thought I was moving through molasses and jerking the trigger. :wacko: I figured out I wasn't after seeing the results of that stage during day 2. :blink:

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The ROs at stage one were great. But I think either stages 2,3,4 or 3,4,5 had some reall enjoyable folks also.

I will say around my second to last stage I got a huge surprise. One of the ROs called out my name very loud. Said he had been looking for me all match. Well at that point, I can not figure out what I had done wrong. Well goes on about how he has been looking for me, and for the life of me I can not figure who he is or what I had done.

Then he says, I have been looking for your all match long because YOU ARE THE LAST SHOOTER OF THIS STAGE AND WHEN YOU ARE DONE SHOOTING WE ARE FINISHED.

Our entire squad cracked up laughing. It was ROs like that, that made us feel welcomed.

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LOL! I think it was a common occurance, on our last stage the RO did something similar. They said the name real loud and kinda did a celebration. We finished up on the 12th stage, the one with the clamshells. Matter of fact, we shot the hardest 3 stages of the match on our last day; Stars, Hammers and Clamshells.

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I feel sorry for those guys who had to start out on the Texas Stars, that had to suck. It was our second stage on Fri and I was sweating some serious bullets because, I brought 9 moonclips to the line and ended up with 3 shots left. Yikes!!! Needless to say, I needed a hug after I got done, but I felt pretty good about my run because I wasn't the only one who screwed it up.

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Sounds like you did ok.

My gun was shooting low AGAIN. [another lesson learned while at that match] So I used about 90 seconds trying to hit that puppy. I front loaded that COF-that is I choose to release my hands and step to the side to start shooting the stars first, then went to the bars then finally the hoser targets on the far left. I went to the line with sixty rounds--luckily i did not need all of them.

Afterward, the RO said, I shot better when the stars were moving than when they were still.

I heard alot of folks burned a lot of ammo on that puppy.

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Photos and video from squad 15 are up: Area 4 Pictures and Video. Nathan and Nicole took most of the stills and I took most of the video.

We started Sunday morning on the stars and it turned out to be my best stage of the match-- 10th overall on that one. We do shoot stars a lot around here.

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That is one thing that annoys me about Area 4-- seems to take forever to get results posted on the net. I could have uploaded them from right in the vendor tent if I'd known..

(and the videos are still uploading.. give it another hour or so to snork all of them)

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I downloaded that picture and blew it up and I can't say for sure her finger was in the trigger guard. Besides you can't say if she was engaging a target or not unless you where there. I say don't comdemn her on this small amount of evidence. Ever hear of the golden rule Erik?

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Results for the A4 match should be uploaded tonight.

We were in a hotel with only dial up connection and the Match Director decided it would be better if he just did it from his home tonight.

Glad to hear everyone enjoyed themselves, and yes, it was tough wasn't it!

I saw lots of mikes and no shoot hits from people I had not expected to see getting them.

Pretty challenging.

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I had a great time also. The stages were just awesome, all matches should be this fun and challenging. I managed to hammer out a 3rd place finish in A Open and another shooter from my home club finshed 2nd in B Open. Starting the match on stage 10 was a little ruff though. I couldn't keep my knees from shaking long enough to get a clean run on the 2 stars. My favorite stage was stage 3. Thank you to all the RO's and staff that made this match possible. Y'all did an outstanding job.

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Guarantee the finger was not in the trigger guard. Learned all about that in practice. :o It was heading there for when I engaged the targets around the wall, though. If I remember correctly, there was one just coming into my vision at that point. :P


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