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1911 Single Stack Elitist Club


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The word of the only lady in the midst of this bunch of cromagnons needs to count!

But I can only count to 8!

Get one of those new fangled hi cap magazines and with a little practice you'll be able to count to 9 in no time.

Now Dale, we all know that the true Single Stack Elitest have no need to count, we can feel when the gun needs a fresh mag.

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The word of the only lady in the midst of this bunch of cromagnons needs to count!

But I can only count to 8!

Get one of those new fangled hi cap magazines and with a little practice you'll be able to count to 9 in no time.

Now Dale, we all know that the true Single Stack Elitest have no need to count, we can feel when the gun needs a fresh mag.

Yeah, I can feel the slide lock back.... almost every time. :lol:

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I know this is OT:

But I have to sell two of my STI SS 45's!!

Sentinel and Lawman,

I have them listed on the Classifieds!!

I need some Cheddar for Photo gear and to pay Bills!!



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I need some Cheddar for Photo gear and to pay Bills!!

You've got your priorities all backwards bro!!

You need to sell that camera crap and buy some more 1911's. :roflol:

I honestly wished that was the case!!

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I completely understand Ysued's problem. You see, they pay him to shoot things, and people, with his camera. If someone would pay better to shoot things, and people, with guns I'm sure this situation would be reversed. :roflol:

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My old beater of a 1911 got a slight facelift thanks to some Duracoat. Now to get my sights setup right and I'm done. The baby next to it is a friend's .380 that he wanted done as well. It didn't need much paint, and the beat up blueing was a tad on the fugly side. Much better now IMO. That little beater of his breaks down just like a 1911, so I figured it is an SS and could have it's photo here as well.


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Will someone please get rid of the offensive "glockophobes" reference in the thread title. I am not afraid of glocks. I have already stipulated they have their uses. And will further stipulate they are functional. They are ugly, awkward and aesthetically not pleasing. To suggest a 1911 Snob is fearful of them is absurd. Like septic tanks they are useful and disgusting, to be dealt with when necessary but certainly they elicit no fear, reasonable or otherwise.

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also have 2 Marvel units not shown...

if you can see the holster with duct tape on it..it broke during a match and the tape saved me...used it for 2 yrs that way..

pic 1..Kimber rimfire super top,Baer C7 night sights,PII hard chrome slide 73 k thru it,PII 9mm loaded,PII made in 1994 loaded..Clark custom pin gun[open]

other pic colt combat elite,colt national match gold cup





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I want to know everything about your PII in 9mm. How was the break in period? How does it run? I'm thinking about ordering one. May be thinking about asking for a 38 super/9mm coversion PII in stainless.


Edited to add: Thanks, GmnCDP, for the detailed PM. Love them Baers.

Edited by Steve J
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also have 2 Marvel units not shown...

if you can see the holster with duct tape on it..it broke during a match and the tape saved me...used it for 2 yrs that way..

pic 1..Kimber rimfire super top,Baer C7 night sights,PII hard chrome slide 73 k thru it,PII 9mm loaded,PII made in 1994 loaded..Clark custom pin gun[open]

other pic colt combat elite,colt national match gold cup

Very Nice


Status: Non-Voting Member

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Sorry Merlin and Z for my lack of watchful eye diligence. I worked 3 days setup, 2 days RO'ing and shot the Area 6 match last week and have been too freakin' tired to even turn on the computer. Next year I'm going to shoot more and work less. I'm back now and will shoulder my responsibilities as needed. :popcorn1:

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+1 Boz - Sometimes working matches seriously interferes with shooting them. I just got back from working and shooting Blue Ridge Mtn 3 Gun - 10 stages with over 430 rounds - and the RO's were supposed to shoot it all in 1 day. We only finished 7 the first day so we had to pick the other 3 up over the weekend. The fact that we were short several RO's didn't help. The match was the toughest match I've ever shot but also the best. I'm also working the VA-MD Sectional, Area 8, Area 8 3 Gun, The Summer Blast and probably Ft Benning so if any of you shoot any of those matches, please stop and say hello.


ETC: fat fingeres

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Looking at who all is shooting SS nationals something kinda pissed me off. It probably wouldn't go over well in the what I hate forum so I'll post it here.

There is only 2 GM SS shooters WTF! One of them is mister Glock....G-lock don't make a SS that I'm aware of! Now I'm no where near the same playing field as the top tier shooters but I would be ashamed if I was somebody who shoots on the super squad year in and year out as mister big dog GM top o the pile but I'm just master in SS.

I'm sure they will all get there if they want to but it just kind of irks me that these guys are sandbaggin like that just to get a trophy :roflol: Do we need to take up a donation for the super squad lol. A lot of them don't even have master class classifiers....yeah what does that tell you about HHF for SS...sucks don't it. It will make me feel good when Z, Me and the rest of you guys get there on percentage not just by default!

Ok rant off... :ph34r:

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It's really quite simple Corey. Those GM's are GM's in other divisions and get the M classification by default. They only shoot SS once a year. They don't shoot classifiers in SS so the only way to get promoted to GM is to win the only match they shoot each year, and Robbie keeps winning. He needs to keep an eye out and make sure none of the other top shooters starts dating Tanya Harding.... :devil:

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It's really quite simple Corey. Those GM's are GM's in other divisions and get the M classification by default. They only shoot SS once a year. They don't shoot classifiers in SS so the only way to get promoted to GM is to win the only match they shoot each year, and Robbie keeps winning. He needs to keep an eye out and make sure none of the other top shooters starts dating Tanya Harding.... :devil:

Yeah, but aren't they suppose to be the worlds best. SHouldn't they be able to shoot 4 classifiers and have 4 95%? Hell Robbie has 5 100%. What Irks me is that Sevigny shots Glock all year every year and he put in the time to be a GM in SS.

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It would make sense to me that a GM or C classification in any division would be good for all divisions. The platforms are not that different. If I may edit a phrase, "it's the Indian, not the bow" :)

Yeah, and I know they aren't all Robbies but damn some of them can't even get real master classifications. I don't like being A class in limited and B in everything else so that is why I try to get the ones I shoot a lot up to A. I would jut be flat out embarassed if I was top 20 limited GM and wasn't a GM at at nationals. Now I know there are some exceptions. To give an example, Matt Cheely is still in school, but I know as soon as school is out he'll be GM in that to...hell he is in everything else. Its the shooters that I guess just don't shoot anything but majors anymore. Why can't they go to locals for the classifiers like the rest of us?

Ok I'm done ranting this is suppose to be the humor forum and I'm not being to humorific

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