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Iris Scanner at Immigration


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Last fall, I registered with UK's IRIS Scanner to speed up my many entries into the United Kingdom. The registration took about 5 minutes. Today, upon arrival at Heathrow, the Immigration line was about an hour long.

I breezed through the IRIS line in 2 minutes.

Wow, what a pleasure!!!


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I'm not talking about the iris deal, I'm talking about the line. It used to be that they just waved you through. Hell, in France they don't even wave. You just walk in the door and tip the guy with the beret 10 euro to help load the duffel bag full of RPG's into the trunk of the taxi.

Actually checking identities is a huge policy change for EU immigration...

Edited by EricW
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England isn't really EU, hence the massive delays on arrival. In Paris there was a minor amount of passport-showing to get in last fall (which wasn't fun since that bit of CDG isn't air-conditioned and everybody standing in that line hadn't showered in at least 8 hours). Customs? I don't even know where that was. Gun paperwork? There's nobody to show it to..

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Does the US have IRIS recognition for immigration??

If so, I need to get it done, much easier

About the only place I can remember seeing any type of iris scanner in a US Airport is DC Reagan and that appeared to just be for the "special" .gov types. I'd love for them to get a nationwide program going like they've been testing. I've submitted to so many FBI background checks already I'd gladly fork over $100 a year for another one if it let me move through airports quicker.

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They have 2 lines in Europe now: a short line for "EC Citizens" and a really LONG line for everyone else.

Last time we went to visit the in-laws, I was stuck for 1/2 hour in line with all the other "furiners" while the Tuetonic Princess got through in 3 minutes with her EC ID and passport. :angry2:

As for biometrics & George Orwell (oops - meant to post in the OTHER "What I____" subforum).

Edited by Carlos
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England isn't really EU, hence the massive delays on arrival.

Well...umm...I'm not sure the residents of the UK agree, but OK.

Well.. I'm a non-resident citizen, does that count? (I have both US and UK passports) It sure doesn't get me through the lines faster though.

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I'm with HSmith. I wonder how people would feel about it if it were mandatory.

I've heard from many sources that chips in licenses are coming soon.

They already have that barcode on the back of my DL. Some girl scanned it the other day for a pack of smokes. :o

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Bar codes and RFID's are different. But chances are if it had one it has the other.

I just can't wait until we are all implanted with chips, then everything will be really easy and convenient.

I think they should put camera in everyone's houses and cars too - then there will be no more crime.


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They have 2 lines in Europe now: a short line for "EC Citizens" and a really LONG line for everyone else.

Last time we went to visit the in-laws, I was stuck for 1/2 hour in line with all the other "furiners" while the Tuetonic Princess got through in 3 minutes with her EC ID and passport. :angry2:

As for biometrics & George Orwell (oops - meant to post in the OTHER "What I____" subforum).

That's nothing really new --- before the EU, the efficient Germans had a line for Germans and a separate line for all other furriners......

What amused me a few years ago, before citizenship here, is that I breezed through the line while Carol was stuck behind about 600 people from India and the Middle East. (Two Lufthansa 747s had just landed.) After a couple of minutes the guy at the EU Immigration check line doesn't have any more customers, scans the crowd, and in a masterful display of racial profiling points to the one white person in the crowd, before making a "come here" gesture with his forefinger. Carol zipped through in a minute. That was September 21, 2001......

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England isn't really EU, hence the massive delays on arrival.

Well...umm...I'm not sure the residents of the UK agree, but OK.

Well.. I'm a non-resident citizen, does that count? (I have both US and UK passports) It sure doesn't get me through the lines faster though.

All I know is that I got a two-beer dissertation about "migrant-workers" going to the UK from Poland to take hi-tech jobs for insanely low wages.

"Don't they need like a green card or something to get in?"

"Nope. They can come here as freely as you go between states and stay as long as they like."


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They have 2 lines in Europe now: a short line for "EC Citizens" and a really LONG line for everyone else.

Last time we went to visit the in-laws, I was stuck for 1/2 hour in line with all the other "furiners" while the Tuetonic Princess got through in 3 minutes with her EC ID and passport. :angry2:

As for biometrics & George Orwell (oops - meant to post in the OTHER "What I____" subforum).

Uhm, have you ever seen the lines at immigration coming in to the US? Where all those "EC Citizens" have to get fingerprinted? The installing of the US Visit made travel to the US a lot more of a hassle.

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