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2008 Area 3 Championship

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I first want to say thanks to all the staff. You guys & gals did a hellva job. And battling the heat was the toughest job of all....EXCEPT......

If you turn around and DQ your g/f on her second stage. Brand new shooter only shooting 4 months and my b/f DQ's me...Can you believe that???? :surprise::o

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If you turn around and DQ your g/f on her second stage. Brand new shooter only shooting 4 months and my b/f DQ's me...Can you believe that???? :surprise::o

I bet that was a pleasant drive home... :o

It sucks to get DQ'd at a big match, heck it sucks at any time.

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She was a very good sport about it.

She hung with her squad for the rest of the match and pasted targets and set steel like everybody else.

She learned from it and said it won't happen again.

Great attitude! :cheers:

Edited by Bergie
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Hey too bad you didn't bring The Dipper with you!!

You had to go there didn't you Mr. Smartypants? I think I will need to come out next year and and have a "discussion" with you about all this. ;)


Blame Mr. Neomet for that one!!!

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She was a very good sport about it.

She hung with her squad for the rest of the match and pasted targets and set steel like everybody else.

She learned from it and said it won't happen again.

Great attitude! :cheers:

And then after the match she helped us put everything away!

It was getting dark when we all left.

10/4 on the great attitude!


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I agree with all that was said, The Dq happened right next to me. I didnt feel like it was a dangerous situation, but it was a violation, so the right thing was done. I also have to say I was very impressed with Shelly staying with us and helping with the match on our squad. Adda Girl. Hope to see you guys at the next one. I was very happy with the way the match was run.

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Thanks for the comments. It feels pretty good to finish on top of that tough field. The match was pretty tough with a lot of tricky steel and the conditions were tough as has been talked about. Very hot and humid.

Big thanks to the match staff and RO's. I'm sure it was toughest on them being out there working for three days plus many of them shot on Thursday which was probably the hottest day of all.

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When the RO's shot on Thursday it was 95+ degrees with 97% humidity and not even a breath of wind to speak of.

We started at 8:30 am and finally finished at 6:30 pm. It went a little bit slow since we were learning the palms as we went. Also had to de-bug a few stages along the way.

Most shot well for the first half of the day and the scores dropped off dramatically as the day went on into the night. By the time we shot our last few stages we were just going through the motions and really didn't care about how well we shot.

With 8 people on the squad you have a shooter, an on deck shooter and a shooter who just finished. You also have an RO on the timer and one on the clip board(palm). This leaves 3 people to do the work. That was the hardest part in these conditons.

If we could endure all of that then we could RO for the rest of the match, no matter the conditions.

It was fun. I was happy to be a part of it.

Eastern Nebraska Gun Club has a beautiful range, by the way.

Thanks to all the staff.

Edited by Bergie
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Great time.

Great range.

Great, challenging (for me at least) stages.

Great meeting Shawn for the first time and lucking out on a stage victory over him.

Great seeing old buds and making new ones.

Great staff and ROs.

Great to be reminded that 114 and 3% humidity in Phoenix is better than 99 and 97% back in the midwest.

I'll be back next year and probably bringing Ms. Neomet to shoot Limited. (Watch out Shawn!)

Edited by Neomet
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I agree, Awesome job Shannon!! I hope Sharyn got some video??

I already posted some in this topic (page 4) and I'll post more as soon as I have time. I'll probably put together a "Yay Shannon!" Area 3 montage for his website.

Congrats, SmittyFL!!! You shot awesome! In the heat, all day, and helping me remember my hydration, while filling in as my gunsmith! THANK YOU! YOU ROCK!!!!!!! (send the bill to Derek... ;) )


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