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Steel Challenge & USPSA


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I think a classification system is the way to go and I don't see why it would be hard to implement. There are already set stages and we know the times of the best shooters in the world. From there, how hard is it to calculate a percentage and assign a class to shooters?

The big benefit of a classification system is that it would provide a tangible benefit for clubs to affiliate and hold Steel Challenge matches instead of local steel matches. (I also think USPSA members should be Steel Challenge members and an affiliated club should be an affiliated club. Of course, I'm only a member - what do I know.)


Eric Budd

Hi Eric

The Classification may make some people happy, But I know it will not mean a darn thing

I score our club matches like that for over 16 years =the best time is 100% and the shooters time is a % of that time for a stage score. each stage is worth 100 % points no mater how many rounds. This system rewards speed as 1 second on a speed stage like Smoke and Hope is worth the same as 1.5 seconds on a stage like Outer Limits.

The scoring is a simple formula in an Eccell program. 98% of the shooters that come to our matches do not care.

Also at the world shoot the time of the bullet takes to get to the stop plate is included in the match score , For all 8 stages this works out to approx. 1.5 seconds .

I also know that for any given stage the back ground has every thing to do with the stage time-(NO mater) how good you thing you are.

Accelerator at the world shoot with the sloping ground is twice as hard to focus on as at my home range or a range with dark trees behind them.

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Hi Eric

The Classification may make some people happy, But I know it will not mean a darn thing

I score our club matches like that for over 16 years =the best time is 100% and the shooters time is a % of that time for a stage score. each stage is worth 100 % points no mater how many rounds. This system rewards speed as 1 second on a speed stage like Smoke and Hope is worth the same as 1.5 seconds on a stage like Outer Limits.

The scoring is a simple formula in an Eccell program. 98% of the shooters that come to our matches do not care.

Also at the world shoot the time of the bullet takes to get to the stop plate is included in the match score , For all 8 stages this works out to approx. 1.5 seconds .

I also know that for any given stage the back ground has every thing to do with the stage time-(NO mater) how good you thing you are.

Accelerator at the world shoot with the sloping ground is twice as hard to focus on as at my home range or a range with dark trees behind them.


Maybe your shooters are different from ours. :-) (oh, and our shooters are very different :roflol: )

We have a local steel league with small payouts, season awards and an informal class system. People really like the class system (A, B, C) and are very completive with the league shooters in their class. Different folks, different strokes.

My position is that unless there is some added value in affiliation, there is no reason for the local clubs to affiliate and sent $$ to USPSA/Steel Challenge. OK, "Smoke and Hope" maybe trademarked, but is USPSA going to sue a gun club if they use the stage and the name? At least with a classification system clubs might have an incentive to affiliate. USPSA spent (some, a lot, a little, an unknown amount) of money to purchase Steel Challenge. I'd like to see that purchase grow beyond 1 or 2 major matches a year.

Also, with the Junior steel program starting, a classification system might be useful. Or not. I don't know.



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I'm from Indiana and I'm for class basketball. Guess that makes me for Classes in steel challenge. I imagine that most people feel more motivation when they know how they stand and can see where they need to go. I love knowing that I was 2nd "C" open at Area 5. Beats the hell out of 35th Open, I think, even though it's the same. Now I need to be 1st "B" at the Area 5 this year. I just think it's a great motivational tool that we use to mark our improvements as shooters. The alternative would be, Yeah I shot Area 5 and that damn Matt Cheely beat me by 40 spots. Well, how do you stand against people of your skill? My skill, hell, my skill isn't even measured. It matters, CLASS STEEL CHALLENGE. IMHO :cheers:

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Any local steel match will self classify... the winners win the division. Your USPSA classification is your steel classification. Seems simple to me, but I am rather simple.

That only works if your steel shooters also shoot USPSA. Locally a few steel shooters also shoot USPSA. A few more USPSA shooters shoot steel. Most USPSA shooters don't shoot steel (there are USPSA matches locally every weekend) and most steel shooters don't run-n-gun.

The other problem is that USPSA classifiers measure something very different from steel. Steel, to me, is flat out drag racing. USPSA - with movement, reloads, strong and week hand shooting - is more rally racing. The game is the same week in and week out, but the track is always changing.


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I just got a membership renewal card in the mail from the Steel Challenge. Now they want me to pay $40.00 per year to be an SC member. I am already a USPSA member and SC is part of USPSA why do I have to pay seperate dues to them. What am I going to get for my $40.00? There is no classification service or anything else I can think of other than stage diagrams and a rulebook. Would somebody please tell me how they justify this.

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It should be $20...according the the website...if you are a member of USPSA:

Dual Membership

Individual membership will be offered in both organizations. Annual membership dues for each will be $40 with the option of adding the second organization for an additional $20.

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And this:

Competitor Ranking

Executive Director’s note: Implementation of the ranking system is dependent on software tools not yet available. SCSA is working hard to create those tools, but the system will not be immediately available.

Competitor ranking is NOT competitor classification. Member clubs may submit the results of matches in which published stages are competed to the SCSA web site (www.steelchallenge.com). Scores will be sorted fastest to slowest and displayed by Division, Category and Person. Current SCSA members will be able to view those scores on the web site updated daily. Both individual stage and aggregate scores will be displayed. Members with stage scores in multiple Divisions will be displayed in all Divisions. Only current SCSA member scores will be displayed. Scores uploaded from The SCWSSC will be visibly flagged so that members will know how their scores compare to those competing in the championship event.

Scores will be archived annually. Displayed scores will be for the current calendar year. Trophies will be awarded annually to top competitors in each Division and Category.

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I am a life Member of USPSA and would like to help support SCSA - but I too have been on the fence about renewing my membership. - I would also like to know more info on the member "benifits".

I just re-read the app again and do see the "Dual Annual" for $60.00

I'd assume for Life members it's $20 a year? I think I'll e-mail them.

Here's a copy of the membership app.


Edited by pmd
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The duel membership is what they are talking about. This is for both USPSA and Steel Challenge.

If you check the duel box, and mark on your sheet that you are already a USPSA member, Kim or Deb will catch it. I called to ask. You can also call them and ask.

I also asked about pro-rating the SCSA membership to get your USPSA membership and SCSA membership to fall in the same month, and they will do that as well. They will charge $1.67 per for the extra months to get them to line up. My SCSA membership expired in December (just like everyone elses), and I asked about this. They charged me for 15 months, and I renewed my USPSA membership at the same time. Now they both expire in March.


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