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Brian Payne

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- 12 degrees this weekend so it gave me a lot of time to sit around and watch TV. By the end of the weekend I found several commercials that I would like to put a bullet into.

That little green lizard with the english accent. POW! right between the running lights.

The weird guy who makes the "Fat Head" commercials.

The Insurance commercials where people tell there stories but professional actors and such are "paid" to help tell the stories.

I am sure there are others but I couldn't sit around and watch for more. Now I remember why I never watch TV.

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I am convinced that commercials are poison to the brain. Turn on the tv or radio, and you'll be made to feel insecure about your looks, health, clothing, vehicle, beer...feel hungry from the plethora of toxic food being peddled...

This is the exact reason why I don't watch the idiot box unless I've recorded it on the DVR, and I only listen to my Ipod.

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I am convinced that commercials are poison to the brain. Turn on the tv or radio, and you'll be made to feel insecure about your looks, health, clothing, vehicle, beer...feel hungry from the plethora of toxic food being peddled...

I agree, but the real killer is the sheer volume of them: a typical half hour show has 10 minutes of commercials, and I have seen local news shows that run 13 minutes of commercials in a half hour broadcast. A typical commercial break is now 3 to 4.5 minutes, and the ads are all 30 seconds long: that means you get hit with six to nine commercials every time.

Give me a break.

Broadcast radio is even worse.

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While I play Taxi Mom (You talking to me?!?) driving the metroplex, I often listen to the radio....and....

I am sick and tired of Christmas songs getting turned into commercial jingles!

"Getta Getta Getta <GPS>" or "We are holiday elves" or "There's no place like <store> for the holidays." <_<

Grumble! :angry2:

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Long ago the marketing gods decided that the best way to get us to buy their stuff(read s%$#) is to treat us like drooling retards. I hate fn tv radio is now twice as bad..... ah screw it I'm just going to go into my garage and load some more amo.

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I went to XM Radio for a little commercial free listening, NOT. Pay $10 a month per vehicle for just about as many commercials as the dang local stations. Someday they will understand that we basically just "tune em out". I couldn't tell you what any of the last 10 commercials I heard are selling.


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Long ago the marketing gods decided that the best way to get us to buy their stuff(read s%$#) is to treat us like drooling retards. I hate fn tv radio is now twice as bad..... ah screw it I'm just going to go into my garage and load some more amo.

Sadly enough the arguement is kind of a chicken/egg deal. Did marketing gods start treating us like drooling retards or did they realize that there are whole lot more drooling retards than thinkers :unsure:

I know where I stand.

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Thank God someone had the nerve to mention the cockney-twisted salamander that Geico has been foisting upon us ad nauseum. Whatta loser!!! I've hated it from the moment I saw it. Nauseating.

Hey, the saturation rate of radio and TV commercials has been heavy for decades! Nothing new there. It just leaves one with aggravated, raw nerves every hour of viewing, though, and I hate that, too.

It was always a drag during the Christmas season to have to squeeze 20 commercials per hour into my radio show for two weeks prior to the holiday. God, I never got to play any music! All commercials all the time. The jocks wanted to kill the salespeople every Christmas.

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We had a radio station here that went "commercial free". They had sponsors for different hours of programming. It was great, for a while. They have now gone back to regular commercials. I guess they were not profitable enough so once again I get to hear "TRUCKS, TRUCKS, TRUCKS, TRUCKS, TRUCKS, TRUCKS, TRUCKS, TRUCKS" from one of the local dealerships. And whoever told local, small business owners its a good idea to star in their own commercials should be flogged.

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Long ago the marketing gods decided that the best way to get us to buy their stuff(read s%$#) is to treat us like drooling retards. I hate fn tv radio is now twice as bad..... ah screw it I'm just going to go into my garage and load some more amo.

Agreed...can you spare some Federal SPP for down here at this end of the bench?

I read a lot. Ironically, never encountered a commercial in a book . . .

Maybe that's what I like about them.


The wife let's her mind meld with the idiot box prior to lights out, I usually have a book planted on my chest. I think you just might be on to something.

And whoever told local, small business owners its a good idea to star in their own commercials should be flogged.

This one...well.... sometimes they're so damned awful that you end up howling at their total ineptness, and have tears running down your cheeks from laughing so hard. I am a firm believer in my DVR, and I will often stop to watch the local buffoons in their own ads.

Kinda like the one ad for some thighjigamamaster thingamabob piece of exercise equipment... the woman was commenting on how there was, and I am serious, "there was a space between her legs that she had never seen". The wife and I looked at each other and completely lost it. Priceless...and that infomercial went national...

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The one (and only) "Caveman" commercial I found laughworthy was the one where two of them are out on a balcony with a party goin' on in the background, and the third caveguy walks in, interrupts with an announcement that he and his girlfriend are getting back together..... somehow THAT whole scenario struck the laugh reflex. Repeatedly.

Caveman commercials haven't been airing for weeks around here lately. Nice relief.

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Now here is a commercial that needs to be banned!

Driving down the Interstate this AM and what do I hear, a car insurance commercial.

Not bad you say?

Me too except the commercial starts out with a d*** siren blaring at you. Look, I wasn't driving that fast and no I don't have a guilty conscience, but that d** siren scared the s*** out of me.

Only one worse is the insurance commercial that starts with the sound of screeching brakes. Someday I'm gonna hunt that SOB down and give him my "insurance" business.


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When I was working for the local government, I played station tag all the way to work. If I was lucky, I caught maybe 3 songs on the 20 minute drive to the office. Once Friday, one of the local Country Stations (yes, I listen to Country) was giving away free breakfast biscuits at a Bongangles on my way. When I stopped in, the DJ (a fellow named Paul Shad) asked my opinion. He did not like it. Basically "Shut up and play music. Give me the headlines, weather, and traffic and the rest of the time play music." It wasn't the commercials as much as the stupid question of the morning and other contests and discussion about the assistant DJs lovelife and things that really riled me.

And the commercial that gets me the most on TV is the stupid Laser Grip commercial during the gun-related shows on Versus!

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I read a lot. Ironically, never encountered a commercial in a book . . .

Maybe that's what I like about them.


Magazines average about 40% crap content in them as well.

Uh . . . books. Not rags. Books. Content versus crap. You get my gist.


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Constant bombardment with advertisements on a subscription service is a huge pet peeve of mine. Geez, I'm paying a monthly fee, leave me the hell alone! I don't watch much TV, but when I want to watch a show I record it so I can just fast forward through the commericials. I gave up listening to local radio stations years ago. Way too many commercials these days. And don't get me started on the crap they dish out on morning drive-in shows. I quit listening way back when everybody was trying to hop on the Howard Stern bandwagon. Sigh, I still remember Austin's own Dale DUDley, "well, we've got a stripper here in the studio", as if that should mean something to me listening to a RADIO on my way in to work! Freakin' idiot. I've had XM radio for a while, but I'm thoroughly disgusted with the commercials on comedy and news channels. Now that I have a Zune with a bazillion songs on it, I think I'm going to cancel my XM subscription. I'd love to have to have comedy channels, but not with 5 minute runs of stupid commercials every 15 minutes. I'd be fine with canceling cable TV too, but my wife objects to that!

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When I stopped in, the DJ (a fellow named Paul Shad) asked my opinion. He did not like it. Basically "Shut up and play music.
Amen, brother!

I still remember back in the 80's when CD's first became popular.... the local rock station I used to listen to got a CD player in their studio. After EVERY song:

"And, that ones coming to you from the SoundGoods CD player! SoundGoods located at 3874 Steven Creek Boulevard, YADDA,YADDA,YADDA..."

If I had the chance I would have told him:

All we want is music: we don't care if it comes from a Sony walkman or an RCA Victrola.... just SHUT THE HELL UP and play some.

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Constant bombardment with advertisements on a subscription service is a huge pet peeve of mine. Geez, I'm paying a monthly fee, leave me the hell alone!

It's insane. here is the conversation about "PAY TV":

"We are going to make you pay for TV."

"Why would I pay? Will you cut out all the commercials?"

"No, actually, we are going to stuff in more commercials."

"Oh.... but the shows will be much better?"

"Not really... most of the shows will be reruns of old garbage TV from way back that was crap then and still is.... but, don't forget: because we will stuff in extra commercials we will be cutting some of it to make them fit in."

"Umm..... can I see movies instead of going to a theater?"

"No, we'll show movies but they will have been out for a long time and you will probably already have seen them if they were any good.... so, most of them will be crap too."


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"Umm..... can I see movies instead of going to a theater?"

That's another thing, 46 minutes of commercials before the previews start at the movies. Wait, didn't I just pay 8 bucks to see a movie and now I get commercials for cell phones, cars, soft drinks and whatever else they feel like foisting upon us. Probably one of the reason I don't go to the movies as much any more.

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