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Glock 9x19 Open


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The one I'm playing with is similar in design especially as it relates to your proposed new holes marked in green. I'll try and post pics soon instead of trying to describe it verbally.

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I played with a Glock open gun over the winter a littie bit. It was set-up for 357 Sig, it was LOUD It had a port on the comp as Flex drew, but no side ports, THE mount with a C-More and Caspian slide. Shot one indoor match with it (again it was very loud.). Hello 180, because I wasn't used to the dot, I indexed on a target and didn't use the dot, saw a no-shoot, but I had already ran past, spun around.... Uhoh... Whoops...... Found out Open wasn't for me and went back to the ol' G34.....

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Here's a couple of pics of the Glock open 9 blaster I've been playing with. Bear in mind this is still in the R&D stages but it's getting close. Tool and machine marks have not been buffed out, corners need radiused in a few places, and a bit of streamlining is needed on the comp itself. You'll notice the comp assembly and lockup is a bit different than on most Glocks. C-More mount is custom. Most of the trigger and action internals are Lightning Strike components. Magwell is a Dawson Ice. Had to put an Agrip on that bad boy as well.


Here's a closer shot of the comp and barrel.


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I can't tell you much about the mount other than it's a custom job with a Kidd blast deflector attached. I'll PM you with a name and number of the guy who built it. You can call him with any questions. He's building another gun that incorporates some new ideas, some of which is a lightened slide and a three bolt mount as opposed to the two bolt mount design in the above photo.

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I saw cpty1 shooting the open Glock today.

It has to be one of the ugliest guns I have ever seen. Sorry Chris.

However, it appears to be flat and fast and like his other Glocks, cpty1 can shoot the hell out if it. I don't think I like my Mongoose getting whupped up on by an ugly-ass Glock! In fact, I know I don't :angry:

P.S. I think I saw David Sevigney sneaking covetous glances at you today Chris...... :P

Damn I'm a lucky shooter. There are some really good shooters (and experienced stage designers) in my area and they all are super guys. Combine that with what we have here and you get: Lucky Shooter :)

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Flex - the lockup on the gun, to me, looks like a traditional comp/cone type lockup.

SS - thanks for the compliment. I'll agree with you in the respect that the gun is ugly, though admittedly cosmetics weren't a priority when the gun was built. John was just trying to see if he could get something that would work and run. And you know there's always that "in function there is beauty crowd". As a matter of fact, I wouldn't really call any Glock pretty. They just don't have that sexy, streamlined looked a gov't, SVI, or STI has. Today was the first match I've shot with it and it was fun. An open gun almost seems like cheating after shooting production and limited. I shot the match clean today but did lose a couple or three seconds due to light primer strikes that were a combination of high primers and/or a too light spring combination setup. Nevertheless, I'm still really anxious to see the results. I shot Joey's open 9s today as well after the match. That one with the short comp is "schweet". If that Mongoose thing you've got shoots anything like his open 9, I'm sure you're a happy man.

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If that Mongoose thing you've got shoots anything like his open 9, I'm sure you're a happy man.

Mongoose thing!?!?


I just can't believe after what I saw you shooting today you could call my blaster a "thing". lol

"Mongoose" is a name that somebody (RK I think) came up with for JL's short guns. With so many Vipers in the area its easy to see where it came from.

The difference between the gun you shot and mine is caliber. Mine has a bigger/longer comp but its Ti so its probably lighter in the front and I can stuff more N350 in a Super case to work the bigger comp. The difference between a 9mm Mongoose and a 38 Super Mongoose is so slight its lost on me.

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John was just trying to see if he could get something that would work and run..

I knew that and I was kidding. And it seems he is having some success. I saw you lean on it pretty hard today and it kept right on barking.

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The area you drew is in the comp/cone but that's certainly not where it ends. The cone of the comp goes well beyond the last hole in the barrel away from your green line and towards the breech. You can't see the end of the cone because it goes beyond the point the slide cut reveals to. It's a big comp and an even bigger cone. Hope this makes sense. I would take a pic with the slide off, but I know that would reveal some of the stuff the builder feels are his unique ideas and has already told me he doesn't want pics going out of the internals.

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Here's a topic on primers & Glocks - hope what I put on there is helpful.

Almost 10 years ago I had problems with Wolff light striker springs but I think back then they were either 3 or 3.5 pounds. Is that what you have? Now they are 4 pounds & I've had no problems. It helps to get a Qtip & clean out the striker tunnel prior to every match. Plus what's on that link...

dvc - eric - a28026

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So what’s the point of even bothering to post anything about this wundergun that some mystery individual put together if neither you nor the builder want to show nor discuss in any detail what it is that has been done.

Cpty1 States:

"I would take a pic with the slide off, but I know that would reveal some of the stuff the builder feels are his unique ideas and has already told me he doesn't want pics going out of the internals. "

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So what’s the point of even bothering to post anything about this wundergun that some mystery individual put together if neither you nor the builder want to show nor discuss in any detail what it is that has been done.

Don't give Chris too much guff. He is just testing the gun out. The builder may want to sell his wares...and might not be comfortable letting the cat out of the bag just yet. His choice. :)

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caspian28r - yes I was using the Wolff 4 pound spring. I've always used them in my production and limited guns with no trouble. However, with the 9mm open we thought rifle primers would be needed because of the high pressures, so I think the extra toughness of the rifle primer was too much for reliable ignition with the light spring. I put the stock fp spring back in and all was well.

ryucasta - the term "wundergun" is yours, not mine. This is not my gun, but the gentleman who built it has many, many hours of work invested. He was kind enough to lend me the gun to shoot for as long as I want, and as such, I will show enough decency to honor and respect his initial request to me regarding what information is, and is not revealed in public forums. I have put several members in touch with the builder and will also provide you with his name and telephone number if you request.

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I’m extremely happy for you that someone was so kind enough to loan you the prototype of an Open gun that they have taken the time to design and work on. That tells me that this person must think of you as an expert that can provide constructive feedback on as to what works and doesn’t work with this particular design.

My only beef with your posting is that since the gun is a prototype and the designer seems to be concerned about his design specifications leaking out before they have the time to patent any unique features that it might have been a bit premature to release any information on it until its completed and they have whatever unique features patented so they can see some financial reward for all of their hard work.

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I suspect the builder isn't too worried about pending patents or patent infringement issues. While a few gunsmiths are very forthcoming about how they do what they do, there are many more who choose not to share every trick they know or every detail about how they do something for the obvious reasons. I'm not saying this particular builder won't share details with you down to the mike measurements, but if he chooses to do so that's his choice, not mine.

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From my view of the world the only question I would ask your friend the gunsmith/designer/artisan after seeing his work would be how much they would charge nothing else. BTW, I have even been known to fund prototypes before.



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I PM'd you his information if you want to contact him. His name is John Nagel. I'm sticking with limited for Area 6 so John's gonna be shooting the gun there if anyone who's going wants to look him up and see it.

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