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COPS who Jump to Conclusion


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Ok 2 days ago I was taking some product up to another building. About 3/4 of a mile down the road I look in my rearview mirror and this lady is following me so close I can't even see her hood. Nothing new in Orlando but I usually just let these people by. There was a tanker truck next to me traveling a little slower that I was and in order for me to change lanes to get this tailgater off my ass I needed to slow down just a tad. Well she was not paying attention and the fact that she was so close when I slowed down in order to get over she panic'd and slammed her breaks thinking she was going to hit me. Well when I saw her panic I acclerated so she would not hit me. So I guess that pissed her off because at the next traffic light she gets out of her car and comes up to my window. I have really dark tint so she has no idea who she is walking up to. I was not even going to roll down the window but she was not leaving so I cracked the window and told her she needed to learn how to F'in drive and she needed to get back in her vehicle. Light turns green she switches lanes and it's all done right? NOOOOO....I was in slower traffic so this lady pulls over to wait for me. Once I catch up she gets back on the road and is trying to catch back up, which she does and is now directly in front of me. Next light is where it gets real crazy. This lady (she has a big dude with her in the car as well), gets in the left turn lane, I am in the left through lane. Light turns green, I have a car directly in front of me, I proceed forward as she comes flying up and tries to squeeze in between me and the car in front of me and crashes right into me. Needless to say NOW I'M PISSED!! I get out and ask her what in the F is her problem, she says that I was at fault because she had her turn signal on to come over. WHAT!!!!! I tell her I am going to have her arrested for assult. A witness pulls over and says what in the hell is that lady on? Is she drunk or high? So finally Orlando finest gets there (now I like cops, I know a lot of cops, and I respect what they do day in and day out). But I get this COP that could really give a rats ass about the facts. Right up front I hand him my drivers license, CCW permit, proof of insurance, and registration. I also let him know that I was legally carrying. He looks at my CCW, looks at my right hip and hands it back. Now he gets their side of the story first and they have a hell of a story made up. I tell him my side from the very beginning and then he gets the witness side. Right away I knew this lady was going to get off easy. Another half hour for him to fill out all the paperwork. Lady has no proof of insurance, no registration. Car is company car with some towing company. So Cop pulls me to the side and says she is getting a citation for improper lane change. OK I say and thats it? Cop says "oh I'm sure you were driving pretty agressive too". WHAT!! No way sir, I tell him again how things happened and that she basically came after me with intent. Now the next part is why I lost a lot of respect for this COP. He asks me "You ever watch the news?". I say all the time. He says "then you know what happens with road rage incidents." Wha do you mean, are you saying I should of called 911 right away? I had it in my phone after I saw her pull over and wait for me. He says no "that usually people emotions get the best of them and one gets shot and one goes to jail. And your carring a gun!" WTF!!!!!!! Are you kidding me at no point did I loose my cool and he brings judgement on me saying that because I was carring a gun it makes this situation even worse. I could not believe that he has such little faith in the LAW ABBIDING citizens. She should have been arrested but instead she gets a tickets and she knows that she can lie about shit and get away with it.

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I would DEFINTELY be paying a visit to his captains office to discuss his attitude of law-abiding CCW holders!!! :angry2: It should have been apparent to him because of your restraint in the matter that you are one of the GOOD GUYS. He let his personal bias against concealed carry affect his handling of the incident...NOT RIGHT!!! DO NOT LET HIM GET AWAY WITH IT. At least he will be pressured a little by the higher ups and might think differently next time if his boss is watching.

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Yea, hindsight being 20/20 I wish I had called for a Supervisor after his response and his non-action against the other driver. Really makes me wonder what he would have done had the witness not stopped.

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at no point did I loose my cool

You didn't lose your cool but use the "f'in" term in conversation with another driver on the road? Even though I expect she was in the wrong, this would hardly qualify as the kind of social interaction that gives armed civilians a good name.

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at no point did I loose my cool

You didn't lose your cool but use the "f'in" term in conversation with another driver on the road? Even though I expect she was in the wrong, this would hardly qualify as the kind of social interaction that gives armed civilians a good name.

I respectfully disagree.

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This doesn't have to be the end of it.

I don't see why you couldn't go to the district attorney and file assault charges.

Just because the cop on the scene didn't see fit to arrest her doesnt let her off the hook.

If the DA wants to press charges, it will go to a grand jury and if they find enough evidence to a justify an endictment, a warrant will be issued.

Now it's not at the discrection of one cop, she will be arrested and brought to trial.

Whether she gets away with it depends on how far you want to push it.

You are the victim. Demand justice.

Without justice it just becomes more likely that the day will come when you have to use that sidearm instead of just carry it.


Edited by 38superman
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Rob, I understand and see your point. I guess the reflection and tone of voice would also come into play. As would trying to get the screaming ladies attention. Sometimes you have to get their attention which does not reflect my level of calmness. I understand the concern and I am generally much more passive while carrying because I do not want to get into a confrontation that may esculate into more. My language, inappropriate or not in your opinion got her to leave and get back into her car. That was my main intent because I figured it was over then.

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You have to convince a DA to prosecute the case...

Similar thing happened to me about 10 yrs ago..

At a light, car went past me and shot me the bird...light changed pulled in behind him and went one block..he looks at me in the mirror and pulls up a big revolver for me to see...I motion for him to pull over to the side of the road...

He does a bootlegger 180 in the middle of the road and bails out shooting at me with the revo...I bail out and have him in my sights at 45feet....decide not to shoot him...shoot out his rear window..he gets the message and bails..I get the license

do the right thing....call the police...they take my statement...go to police station and pick him out of a photo lineup..3 days later the cop calls me to say the DA will not take my case...no witnesses and the other guy is not pressing charges at me for shooting out his window..well damn...

did the WRONG thing then...stuck my pistol in my belt, found out his address and went to his house...

long story short...he left town after I talked to him...LOL

could have been bad, but you showed admirable restraint...proceed within the law...make it work for you...you are the victim...

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Plus what does give LEGALLY armed citizen's a GOOD name? Even if we were forced to use our firearm in self-defense you think that would hit the Media and give us a good name? I get so sick of the Politically Correct Bullshit, and yes I said Bullshit.

Edited by PaulW
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I respectfully disagree.

Are you saying that swearing at people, even when they are acting like idiots, while carrying a gun is the kind of behavior that does give armed civilians a good name?

I personally am not offended by the "F" word, and as Paul said, a lot of it is in the tonal usage, not necessarily JUST the usage of the word. I feel that the "F" word can be used in a very calm manner and be very descriptive of one's feelings without being insulting or "raging".

I don't think it has anything to do with being armed or not.

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Some times things just need to be emphasized no matter if you are carrying a gun or not. Since when is it the job of the Police to dictate and control what emotions and feelings a person is suppose to have in a given situation. They are not, no matter how much they or others believe they are, the parents of society. The only thing that cop should have been concerned with was who broke what law and that's it.

The good Cops already know this.

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If someone ran into me after two prior interactions, she better plan on hearing lots more than the F word...she had better be glad someone did not physically drag her sorry a** out of the car and tatoo her with their fist...woman or not...that is just wrong...in the 1860's she would not have made past the first incident..

See what socialization has wrought...what happened to immediate justice...

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See what socialization has wrought...what happened to immediate justice...

And that is why we see eye to eye TL!!!!!

As far as I am concerned, when she hit you with her car, she attacked you with deadly force and you coulda shot her in self defense. Remember, this is Florida, would not be hard to find a jury to agree around here!!

Edited by zhunter
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Perhaps after paying legal fees, medical bills, probation and 2 years of court mandated anger management therapy you might come away with a different point of view......? :ph34r:

Maybe...maybe NOT !!!

Some things are worth what they cost you...it is a personal decision.

Edited by tightloop
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at no point did I loose my cool

You didn't lose your cool but use the "f'in" term in conversation with another driver on the road? Even though I expect she was in the wrong, this would hardly qualify as the kind of social interaction that gives armed civilians a good name.

What the f**k are you talking about? :D

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