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Micah Makes Master!

Chris Keen

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If anyone thinks that after making Master it is time to rest (this is a reference to Micah's original sig. line that said "No sleep 'till Master") ............. you are sorely mistaken. It only re-emphasizes the need to practice more, and work even harder. Whether that be dry-fire, live-fire, exercising more, or whatever.

And if I know Micah ....... I strongly believe he will 'kick it up a notch'. He just moved himself & his wife into a new house today, and with his new job ... her new job ... the new place ... and now *THIS* ... I think that this will all culminate into a little bit of Feng Shui. [to coin a phrase PB likes to use] :)

Take a deep breath Micah ..... enjoy your accomplishments .... and when you let that breath out ..... get right back on that horse.

Sleep is probably the last thing on his mind right now, and considering the competition that's out there now days .... B) That's not a bad idea.

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I finally have a bit of time to tell my story...so grab two cold ones and curl up:

About two years ago, I began receiving death threats from Dayton gangs. You see, working as a juvenile counselor inside of a jail, I didn't always make friends with everyone. A co-worker of mine strongly suggested that I obtain my CCW and start carrying. Weeks later, I bought my first real pistol, a Walther PPK/S, and went through the classes to be allowed to carry. I had always harbored a fascination with pistols, but had very little experience with them at that time.

My cop friends ridiculed me for carrying such a "foo-foo" gun, and quickly turned me on to Glocks. That is when I picked up a Glock 30 and looked for a place to practice. Sim-Trainer here in Dayton was the best option for me, so I joined up and went to the range twice a week. I was told by one of the employees there that Tuesday nights they had a "IPSC style" league. Not knowing what the hell that was, I showed up one night. That is when I knew that I had found my new obsession.

Bill Seevers was the match director, and Chris Keen the prop/stats master. They were quick to educate me on the sport, and encouraged me to keep coming back... even though my preformance was embarrassing to say the least. I was content to shoot the Tuesday league until Bill and Chris challenged me to take the game to the next level and go to outdoor matches. May of last year, I shot my first outdoor club match in Milford, Ohio, and loved every moment of it. Outdoors, friends, guns and competition :)

As the 2006 season wound to a close, I was completely frustrated with my pitiful preformance at Area 5 and the Ohio Sectional. That is when I made the resolution to be a competitor and not just a shooter. The rest is in the pages of my range diary.

Thank you to:

Bill and Chris-you cats are my wingmen, and I would never have gotten this far without your guidance and coaching. You made me mentally tough and push me to preform at my top levels. I owe you both the most!

Steve Anderson-without your books, I would not have had the means for daily practice. Dryfire truely is the way, truth, and light.

Brian Enos-when I first read your book, I said "aha!" When I made it to B class and read it again, I said "AHA!!!!!!" You wrote the bible on this sport and have helped so many. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and creating these forums.

Michelle, Bob, and Tammy-you were the first three people that I aspired to beat at the league, and you began my competitive goal setting

Mike and Gerald-you were the cats that I wanted to be, and are some of the best Prod shooters that I know

Flex-Glock shooter, Production GM, friend and sage...thank you for all of the help!!

Flyin40-my spiritual leader in all of this, you kept me focused on my mental game and my goals

All of you-there are so many more that have helped me along the way here on the forums, and so many friendships that have been made that I cannot possibly list them all. Thank you for being the lifeblood of this sport, and for teaching this n00b how to shoot.

Chris is absolutely right. I can rest tonight, but will need to practice all the more tomorrow. Making master simply means that I have a whole new set of competitors that are ready to knock my teeth in at the range.

I look forward to letting them try ;)

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..... and I'd like to thank the academy ;)B) (just kidding)

I enjoy shooting with someone such as yourself who has such a strong motivation to improve. :)

Never give up, never give in, never surrender!

Edited by CHRIS KEEN
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Way to go Micah!!! :cheers:

Seems like 2007 has been a great year for you so far. New House, New Job, wife's New Job and now a New Card! When I first meet you at the Area 6 this year and after speaking with you for a bit on my stage and you walked off, I said to myself "Good God, that dude is HIGH on Life! I need to hang around him some more." It is great to see someone's very hard efforts pay off.

I think I need to go read some more of your diary logs. <_<


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Thank you all so much for your cheers and support! I'm in the middle of moving appliances right now (ARGG!!) but will post later a little bit about my journey, as well as a bit of thanks to those that made this happen.

Crocs are not the appropriate footwear to be moving washers, dryers and fridges... Be safe!

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WOW Micah, I remember just a year ago when you started to come to the outdoor matches and we would have our friendly competitions. You would email me because you were unsure of the different clubs match schedules and how to get there. Those of us that had been around awhile would laugh at that crazy kids clothes and enthusiasm. Well it's plain to see that we aren't laughing now. You have been a joy to watch as you progress thru our wonderful sport and now you are encouraging those of us that you have long passed by. I look forward to seeing your blue gear on the range. GM is just a few (thousand) dry fires away !!!

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Great effort Micah! :cheers:

Your trials and tribulations as written in your range diary is proof that if one sets their mind to accomplish a goal and sticks with their convictions good things will happen. I admire your tenacity and desire to accomplish such a lofty & prestigous goal.

I hope you keep your desire an motivation as you continue your journey to GM.

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I haven't been on the forum for a while so sorry I didn't see it sooner. Congradulations! All that hard work and in less than 2 yrs BAMMO. Your doing what needs to be done and doing it well. See you at the range.

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