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Last sunday was well....lets just use the phrase "I embraced the suck" and leave it at that. Going to fast and not seeing ANYTHING. I had some of the fastest times on the stages but I had a mike on every...single....stage!

Yesterday I went and did some IDPA practicing. I wanted some base times on my draws and reloads.


I was averaging around 1.3X pretty consistently with my vest. I got a few down in the 1.2x, hell 3 in row at 1.24s. Best of the day was a 1.21. This was all at a 10 yard target down zero.


This felt sooooo slooooow. I was averaging 3 flat on this. I would hit the timer and then break a shot, retain mag, insert new mag, break the shot.


On this one I would hit the timer, break a shot, then grab mag, exchange mags at the gun, break the shot. My opinion on this is once your mag is seated you can leave cover and take off. If I have to shoot SHO so be it. I was averaging 1.9x on this one. If I stowed the mag and went back to free style I was 2.8X.

I did learn that I sweep my cover out of the way better with out a mag in the pocket. I had been putting a empty mag in my pocket thinking it would clear better but I was just bouncing it off the gun. I took the mag out an it was much, much better.

After I got done doing all this. I went to the plate rack. I was just at 10 yards but I want to do transitions drills, 1, 6, 2, 5, 3, 4. etc. I did that for a little while then decided to see how fast I could go. I got it down to 3.02 with 7 shots on a 6 plate rack lol.

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Postal match:

Name Match Score Target Points Down Division/Class

1 Roberts, Jeff 45.92 18 ESP/Expert

2 Strader, Phil 46.03 22 SSP/Master

3 Fuson, Eric 46.30 6 CDP/Master

4 Burwell I I, Danial A. 47.68 9 SSP/Master

5 Metts, Andrew 49.00 6 SSP/Master

6 Go, Bill 49.68 4 SSP/Master

7 Jackson, James 50.03 5 ESP/Master

8 McCulloch, Brad 50.15 9 ESP/Expert

9 Brose, Greg 50.35 6 SSP/Expert

10 Holsted, Patrick 50.49 7 ESP/Expert

11 Case, Chad 51.03 19 SSP/Master

12 Unruh, Jon 51.15 14 ESP/Expert

13 Nelson, Brett 51.22 15 SSP/Master

14 Naffziger, Kenneth T. 51.50 11 ESP/Master

15 Biggs, Jerry 51.59 14 SSP/Master

16 Murphy, Corey 51.63 21 ESP/Expert

17 Cooper, Mike 51.71 11 ESP/Expert

18 Barrow, Paul 51.74 14 SSP/Master

19 Hurt, Scott 51.95 13 SSP/Master

20 McKinney, Robin 51.97 14 SSP/Expert

21 Gallaway, Ric 52.00 5 SSP/Master

22 Walser, Steve 52.22 11 SSP/Expert

23 Jones, W.T. 52.22 16 SSP/Master

24 Murphy, Corey 52.26 11 SSP/Master

25 Calcut, Jack 52.31 16 SSP/Expert

26 Mangum, Anthony 52.62 16 CDP/Master

27 Jolly, Steve 52.67 9 CDP/Expert

28 Allen, Morgan 52.79 18 ESP/Master

29 Dittoe, Bill 52.91 8 ESP/Expert

30 Estill, Corey 53.38 11 ESP/Sharpshooter




2139 John Doe 205.92 83 SSP/Novice

2140 Jane Doe 221.39 79 ESP/Novice

2141 Rudolph 231.98 69 CDP/Novice

2142 Comet 233.73 95 CDP/Novice

2143 Cupid 261.51 68 ESR/Novice

2144 Donner 272.23 26 SSR/Novice

Yeah, I was top Sharpshooter, I'm now in expert class but I just didn't have the time to make it to the classifiers. I would have liked to been in the high 40s seconds for the run though....

I was 11th in ESP, would have beaten all but 3 Masters and 7 Experts in ESP. This is a really cool idea. I know some clubs didn't run it the same way but it gives you an idea where you stand. I wish USPSA would do something like this. A simple 4 stages shot during a certain month.

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30 out of over 2000 is pretty damn good imho. :cheers:

Thanks :cheers:

Going over the "would a, could a, should a" part, I think I would have been around 50ish. I had a bullet not feed right on one stage and didn't take advantage of the shoot through on stage....4 I think. Then again I'm never 100% happy with any performance...if you get 100% happy, what else is there to push you?

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Matches this weekend...hmmm...

Well I won the IDPA match by 4 seconds over 2nd and 28 over 3rd, this is looking at the overall of course. I won my class and division as well and 2nd place was in my class and division. I dropped 43 points in this match and I feel that I'm dropping to many points so we'll see how that plays out in OH at the end of the month. The avg points down though was much higher. I can sneak by a lot of people on speed alone but I'm wondering how I'll match up when I shoot against good, fast, and accurate shooters, we'll see.

1 Corey Estill ESP EX 116.73/ 43/ 21.32/ 5/ 7.92/ 5/ 15.35/ 3/ 15.41/ 7/ 14.10/ 3 /16.45/ 6/ 26.18/ 14/

2 ESP EX 120.83/ 33/ 20.67/ 4/ 10.65/ 10/ 16.79/ 2/ 14.58/ 5/ 16.83/ 4/ 15.33/ 0/ 25.98/ 8/

3 CDP 144.09/ 45

4 SSP 144.59/ 43

5 SSP 146.08/ 52

As for USPSA, I was fighting problems with my reloads all day and the high primers would lead me to end up going to fast after I cleared them and I ended up with several mikes and a NS. I was debating to even go but I had fun as always and glad I went.

Next week...cinnci?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I've shot SS that last couple of matches. The 1st one, I had put a 17# mainspring back in the gun and had several failure to fires...no problem, completely my fault not the guns. I still finished 3rd and 89% with clearing drills every stage of the match.

Last weekend, oh last weekend what a difference 2#s of mainspring can make. Gun ran like a scalded dog. I could have just thrown it down range and let it taken care of the stage itself. I won SS by over 50% of the points so I compared my scores to the limited shooters. I would have won stage 5, and finished 2nd on stages 1 and 4 with only 8 rounds in my mags! Bombed stage 2, the classifier of course, and stage 3...well it just wasn't single stack friendly so I would have finished 4th there in limited.

Its going to be aweful hard to figure out which SS I want to take with me down south but I'm sure any of them will do nicely....

Lex Mafia...the scores where posted a whole 3.5 hours before I posted lol.

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Went camping this weekend...YAA! Shot the OH state IDPA match sunday YAA! Came in 3rd ESP/EXP, 15th over all....BOOO!

First 2 stages we shot cost me 2nd place. I played it way to safe on stage 8 and shot it slow and tried to make up for it on stage 9 and had a miss. That was my 10 seconds that would have given me 2nd I think. The guy that won ESP/EXP was on our squad and very nice guy and a heck of a shooter! He would give me some pointers but evidentally not all of them lol. I did learn a few things about shooting IDPA with a Squad with most of the 9 shooters winning or finishing at the top of their class.

First I learned that it is better to do a RWR while moving behind high cover than to run to the spot, shoot to slide lock, then reengage when I could have already had that reload done...yeah I know DUH!

Second, I need to shoot a like I do at the local matchs, a touch more aggressivly instead of being scared of getting called for cover or other things and just shoot! I had zero procedurals for the day.

Third, SEE THE SIGHTS. I dropped 37 points for the match. Most accurate had a time of 157.92 down 10! I was 174.89 down 37! I gave up 18.5 seconds! My raw time was 156.39, just down to many points.

Like I said I learned a few things and the match was interesting, well designed stages, a couple things I didn't like but they are not worth mentioning as the match was well run and staffed. Scores where out when they said they would be and so where the trophys! :cheers:

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3 gunning at BGSL...And the beretta ninja!

Started off with shotgun, 12 plates and clays, with a wall. Didn't miss a shot but dropped one of the 4 rounds I was reloading but only needed the 3 anyway because I didn't miss....did I mention that I didn't miss?


I love my rifle, no mikes, no no shoots, and I think the time will hold up.


This match made it painfully obvious that I've got to spend more time dryfiring my reloads with the skinny gun.




Didn't get the last stage but I had a brain bomb and couldn't get a plan together before I shot it so needless to say it sucked. I did reshoot it for fun after the match and shot it as good as a Master shooter....still not as good as somebody else I know who was keeping up with limited times all day with his skinny gun!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last night I did a lot of draws/reloads/ moving. Mostly concentrated on my reloads with my single stack as that is what will eat you up the most, I mean we don't miss with the hole grail of firearms right :D

Anyway, I would have several smooth reloads then blow one up. Something I realized, and I'm sure I realized it last time I concentrated on SS, was I have to look the mag in completely and aim for the right rear corner and smack the back of the mag on it, CAN'T MISS! With the limited gun if you missed you had a HUGE ice magwell to help it out. With the skinney gun I'm more of a traditionalist and just have my SA magwell. I haven't thrown a mag over the burm so my misses still hit the SA so I'm good there, just got to make it smooth.

Draws are still pretty consistent 1s. Movement is still fairly good while shooting.

I also changed some things on 3 of my guns. My .40 SS I put a dawson hyperdrive and a 17# MS in. On my .45 SS I put a EGW STEEL FP and a 17# MS, on my 9mm eagle I put a hyper drive in. Today I then packed those 3 up and my MC Operator and headed to the range. Not one single hiccup out of any of the 4. My MC I had loaded up some free be jacketed bullets and ran those threw it. The others got match ammo and they all went bang and the primers looked great!

Getting ready to go down and do more reloads. Amatuers practice until they get it right...Pros/GMs practice until they can't get it wrong...I'm a long way from Pro/GM

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Kyle's post #5 got me to thinking about something I know but I just don't do. I shoot to much center brown instead of upper A. If you always, or most cases, aim for the upper A you covered for when there is diagonal HC either way or half hard cover. Your POA never changes if you always aim there your good to go for IDPA as well since the down zero is higher than the lower A zone.

I might hit the range after the IDPA match tomorrow and start working on this while I'm function checking guns instead of just hitting the A zone at 25 I'll aim for the upper A at 25.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I need to go over yesterday's match while it is still fresh in my head. I'll go over the good first.

No penalties on the pistol stages and there was some hard cover and no shoots. I got a 81% classifier with my Single Stack if the calculator is right. Didn't blow any reloads and my gun ran like a top.

The 2 stages I did good, or better on, was stage 2 the classifier fullies revenge 2 and stage 3.

Fluffies revenge 2 I had a 1.7 turn and draw to the US popper and all my splits were in the teens for a 10.5HF and a 99% on the stage

Stage 3 was a moving field course with 3 positions. The first position had 4 targets diagonally through a port, next where 3 low targets behind barrels through the center port and the last one was 4 more targets diagonally the other direction through a port. I was 87% on that one about a second off the pace and some points.

Now the bad. On the rifle stage I had 3 shoot positions I was going to use. I was going to run to those positions. Instead I "snuck" up on the targets wasting time. Move to those positions and shoot those targets. In pistol my movement just sucks. I'll have a good plan but when the buzzer goes off I don't move like I want to. I typically shoot the targets I want to just don't move to the spots I want to.

When the scores where posted I was very disappointed with how far back I was to the top 2 shooters. I was about 50 points back and 17% back. Only 2 stages was I close, the other 2 I was just so slow.

I'll go over the 2 stages that didn't go well for me.

Stage 1, it was a table start with all mags coming from the table. You have 3 targets down the center hall, 3 down the left, and 3 down the right with a no shoot blocking one each hall to make you move around it. I was so slow getting the mags off the table and moveing around the no shoot on this stage. I was 77% on this one.

Stage 4, Standing in box A move to box B. first shot must be from A last in B. String 2 in reverse order walking backwards. There was 5 targets so the SSers had to do a reload and all the targets had some kind of hard cover. My first string going forward wasn't to bad, I shot 2 from the box and moved up reloading and shot the rest. Moving back I should have shot all but 2 at the closer range then reloaded going backwards and shot the last 2. I was 68% on this stage.

Overall I finished 2nd once and 3, thirds. Now granted the guys that beat me are awesome shooters but its like I'm stalling or not improving. Maybe I'm improving just not as fast as I was. I went from D-A in limited in about a Year and was shooting a little L10/production the year before that with starter guns.

Reading Saul's book he says if you know your not going to win then try to beat the guy right above you or get stage wins. I'm just to damn competitive for that, I want to win every match. That is what pushes me to keep practicing and that is what will push me to continue to improve. I WILL make Master, but I also want to be competitive when I do it, not some paper Master.

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Foiled yet again! I had some great stages at the Hillbilly classic Production V. Singlestack match. I only had 1 Mike for the match and it really didn't hurt me to bad. A bad stage plan on one stage did and not calling my shots did on a couple others. The funny thing is if I had mad A class before this match, as I might with the next update and Shaun definitely will, we would have been 1st and 2nd A. Being as it is we end up being 2nd, 3rd B with no trophys due to there only being 3 B class shooters. Oh well....it was a great match and I got to meet a lot of the people that we had talked smack with for the past couple of months.

Place Name USPSA Class Division PF Lady Mil Law For Age Points Stg %

1 Edwards, Jason A45025 A Single Stack Major N N N N 1054.1437 100.00%

2 Pettross, Lee A56041 B Single Stack Major N N N N 1021.0338 96.86%

3 Hopkins, Shaun A56938 B Single Stack Major N N N N 985.0557 93.45%

4 Perez, Gilbert TY32342 M Production Minor N N N N 983.0254 93.25%

5 Black, Ron A26511 U Single Stack Major N N N N 970.4306 92.06%

6 Estill, Corey A57351 B Single Stack Major N N N N 924.6522 87.72%

7 Griffin, Brad TY19303 M Single Stack Major N N N N 923.7242 87.63%

8 Dye, Mark A43010 U Single Stack Major N N N N 883.1284 83.78%

9 West, Barry FY37438 A Single Stack Major N N N N 876.7055 83.17%

10 Calhoun, Tim TY51763 U Single Stack Major N N N N 870.2125 82.55%

11 Wood, Andy A54411 A Production Minor N N N N 844.3708 80.10%

12 Keen, Sam TY45025 A Single Stack Major N N N N 839.7686 79.66%

13 Crager, David A18426 A Single Stack Major N N N N 819.5484 77.75%

14 Marcellino, Tony A43932 U Production Minor N N N N 814.1074 77.23%

15 Thompson, Bobby TY34784 B Production Minor N N N N 797.3412 75.64%

16 Carroll, Kevin TY33759 A Single Stack Major N N N N 786.1803 74.58%

17 Baldock, Bill A58911 U Single Stack Major N N N N 783.6676 74.34%

18 Brose, Greg TY53357 U Single Stack Major N N N N 730.1159 69.26%

19 Shores, Tony TY51235 U Single Stack Major N N N N 722.3681 68.53%

20 Cottrell, J.T. L2588 U Single Stack Major N N N N 707.1096 67.08%

21 Wienell, Bill TY57695 B Production Minor N N N N 706.6090 67.03%

22 Campbell, Chris TY45891 B Production Minor N N N N 701.2105 66.52%

23 Foree, Robert TY52822 C Single Stack Major N N N N 682.7204 64.77%

24 Edwards, Rusty TY47718 C Production Minor N N N N 681.8151 64.68%

25 Anderson, David A49162 C Single Stack Major N N N N 650.0911 61.67%

26 Cook, Richard TY52633 B Production Minor N N N N 642.8280 60.98%

27 Golson, John TY42931 B Production Minor N N N N 632.2468 59.98%

28 Webb, Allen A50965 B Production Minor N N N N 622.1524 59.02%

29 Beck, Matt TY48285 U Single Stack Major N N N N 610.6931 57.93%

30 Umansky, Steve TY56873 C Production Minor N N N N 601.8169 57.09%

31 Merryman, Dave FY50947 C Single Stack Minor N N N N 598.9815 56.82%

32 Cowell, Lance TY41216 U Single Stack Minor N N N N 597.8842 56.72%

33 Tipton, Matt A57413 C Production Minor N N N N 597.3633 56.67%

34 Keeter, Jeff A55652 C Production Minor N N N N 591.1298 56.08%

35 Standley, Robert A49729 B Production Minor N N N N 575.9570 54.64%

36 Long, Stephen A60587 C Production Minor N N N N 566.6202 53.75%

37 Hatcher, John A61393 U Production Minor N N N N 561.7368 53.29%

38 Gholston, John A59574 C Production Minor N N N N 561.5274 53.27%

39 Shrader, Bob A50898 C Production Minor N N N N 532.3353 50.50%

40 Godfrey, Terry TY41055 C Production Minor N N N N 526.2130 49.92%

41 Woodard, Danny A42250 D Production Minor N N N N 521.1498 49.44%

42 Morris, Tim Pen U Production Minor N N N N 516.5900 49.01%

43 Filidei, Robert TY49763 D Production Minor N N N N 484.6158 45.97%

44 Harp, Jim FY53240 D Production Minor N N N N 475.3811 45.10%

45 D'Ambro, Brent Pen U Production Minor N N N N 438.3156 41.58%

46 Peeler, Elizabeth A59413 D Production Minor Y N N N 72.2143 6.85%

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IDPA match plus classifier today. Didn't shoot the match all that great in CDP, kind of laid back and slow. When it came classifier time I was rolling pretty good on the first stage in time and points down, second stage my times where good for me but the points down not so much. Third stage, both were not that good. Total tally....missed master in CDP by 2.49 or the mike I had on stage 3 :angry2:

Break down

Stage 1

String 1 1.87

String 2 1.84

String 3 1.98

String 4 4.59

String 5 2.98

String 6 5.70

String 7 3.90

Target 1 10 on paper down 0

Target 2 10 on paper down 2

Target 3 10 on paper down 1

Stage 2

String 1 3.29

String 2 3.29

String 3 7.87

String 4 4.56

Target 1 10 on paper down 7

Target 2 10 on paper down 2

Target 3 10 on paper down 3

Stage 3

String 1 15.35

String 2 15.47

String 3 5.06

Target 1 10 on paper down 3

Target 2 10 on paper down 7

Target 3 10 on paper down 8

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Don't sweat it. When you do make MA, you'll be deep in it timewise

What kills me is I know I can do it, I just let the points add up. Hell on stage 2 I had two down 3s and even if they had only been down 1s that would have only left me one point to make up with the Mike on stage 3. I just want master in something so bad I'm afraid I'm going to start "trying" again instead of doing.

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Don't think about the end result, just stay focused on the shooting. You WILL do it.

Exactly that is what I was doing today. I told the guys I was shooting with, I didn't want to hear the times at all just let me shoot and I'll look at them when I got done. Of course everytime I shot they where all smiles lol. They wanted it for me as bad as I did.

I looked up my classifiers in the past and I bested my previous best from July 08 by 10 seconds. I cut 2 seconds off stage 1, a second of stage 2 and 7 off stage 3. I am happy with that though.

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Shot the Miami OH match today. For video I refer to PB's diary lol. I had 2 bomb stages, classifier and the one with the donut. Then I had 3 good stages that got erased by mikes....DID NOT KEEP FOCUS. I would role through the stage and get to the end feeling good and not having called my shots end up with a Mike here a Mike there. It didn't help matters much that most the positions where 9 round positions and shooting SS I couldn't afford the miss and I did.

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