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Crickets in the house


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The two in the house that I haven't been able to touch with my shoe are driving me nuts. One is apparently under the bathtub. It drove me out of bed and to the couch last night. The other one appears to be in the air return just out of reach. Too bad no place with cricket killer is open right now.

I think I might have to sleep with my ear muffs on tonight. :angry:

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Small thermonuclear devices in the 20 kiloton range usually work best at eradicating crickets:ph34r:

(of course there are the usual side effects of missing house and possessions with mildly elevated radiation levels) :surprise:


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I spray Tempo SC Ultra inside and outside of the house.

It's been so dry here this summer that I have only had to apply it once.

Takes care of almost all insects.

It's a Bayer product and it's good stuff.


Edited by Front Man
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If you buy about a half dozen snakes and let them loose in your house, your crickets will soon be history. :rolleyes:

I think I'd rather spray insecticide! :lol:

But snakes eat mice; I like that! :cheers:

I just don't want to wake up with one in my bed!

Oh no! :lol: :lol: :lol:


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the saying is that it is good to have a cricket OUTSIDE your window

I once encountered a poem the went like this:


crickets crickets crickets

crickets crickets crickets

crickets crickets crickets

crickets crickets crickets

crickets crickets crickets

crickets crickets crickets

crickets crickets crickets

for a whole page....

try hard to think about something else and wear earplugs.


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Last time I had a cricket keeping me awake was at the 2006 Limited Nats in Barry. I was staying at the B&B in New Salem and told the owner of the problem. Upon arrival back at the B&B that evening, she notified me that the cricket was gone. What service! :D

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One word..

IPOD. :cheers:

Nah, IPOD isn't the correct word. I was thinking 870. :) Not quite. Yet.....

"Luckily" I'm out of town in a hotel for a few days. Luckily in quotes because the bed here is better than my my own and there are no crickets in my room which only makes going home even worse.

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I stopped complaining about Crickets when I found that 4" Scorpion in our downstairs bathroom. We hired pros to take care of the property. They are coming back in 2 weeks for a backup service then every quarter.

No more bugs.

Edited by ysued
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