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What is the MOST expensive fabric material in the world, or at least in MY world????

The lines are open, guess away!!

I got taken to the cleaners!!!!!

Edited by zhunter
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Or was it her swimsuit...


This conversation took place today.

Daughter: "Daddy, I am going to that sleepover tonight, and none of my swimsuits fit"

Daddy: "Here is $100 ( She was going to the mall with her friends ) I WANT THE CHANGE!!!!!!!"

Upon pick-up

Daddy: "Do you have my change?"

Daughter: "of course I do, here it is." (spoken from the back seat )

Daddy: " Wait till we get home, I am driving now."

upon arrival back at the house

Daddy: "So, how about that change?"

She hands me $1.00

Daddy: "What is this?"

Daughter: "That IS your change."

Daddy with a look of disbelief

Daddy: "Where is the rest of change?"

Daughter: "That is it."

Daddy: "What did you do, buy a suit for all of your friends?"

Daughter: "Of course not Daddy."

Daddy: "Did you eat?"

Daughter: "Yes Daddy."

Daddy: "Did you buy all of your friends something to eat too?"

Daughter: "No Daddy."


Daughter: "$88 something Daddy."

Daddy: "Let me see it."

Daughter shows Daddy a suit that he does not want to see his daughter wearing!!!!

Daddy walks away shaking his head.

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But the worst part is, you can't say a thing about it or you get gigged for the money you spend on ammo components! :surprise:

The worst part is the suit!!

It appears too small, but she claims it fits.

A salesperson yesterday asked if she was in college!!!

The teen years are gonna be difficult I can see already!!

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Dude, you better have your ass on the front porch, cleaning *several* guns, every time some low-life wanting to get over on her (weren't we all like that? :D ) comes over to pick her up for a date.

*That's assuming of course she's reached the requisite age of 26 by then -- the minimum for dating.

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*That's assuming of course she's reached the requisite age of 26 by then -- the minimum for dating.

Doesn't 26 sound a bit young? <_<

My Grandfather cleaned his shotgun EVERY TIME my mother or aunt had a date. I see NO reason to not continue the family tradition.

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Dude, you better have your ass on the front porch, cleaning *several* guns, every time some low-life wanting to get over on her (weren't we all like that? :D ) comes over to pick her up for a date.

*That's assuming of course she's reached the requisite age of 26 by then -- the minimum for dating.


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88 bucks that is nothing (no pun intended), just wait till (if) she starts cheerleading.

I could have bought a complete 650 for what an x girlfriend paid for her 8th grade daughters outfit.

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I am there right now!!!

I have a 9 year old daughter who is beautiful, looks just like her mom

she is in competitive cheerleading, which is code for amway!!!

too short short



tummy shirts,

not two weeks ago my wife was telling me about how the underwear she bought wasn't right, it was cut too high!!!

I have a 9 year old wearing biniki underwear!!!!

This is killing me, she is the little girl that I taught how to reload!! and break down a 1911, NOOOOOOOO interest now

what to do what to do????????????????

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Worried about karma, Jay? B)

Yes yes yes... ;) Karma coming back on you for all those comments about Monica... :D:lol: I would say "this thread is worthless without pics", but... well, that would just be depraved!!! :surprise::D

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She can borrow Pillsbury's blue and white striped bikini if that's more appropriate... :P

edited to add:

FLEX! Jay NEEDS a new title... "It appears too small, but she claims it fits"



Edited by Sharyn
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Titainium swimsuits can be expensive. They would be my suggestion for all problems that fathers have with their daughters under 30. Also, might I suggest a GPS unit in her cell phone.

All conversations with prospective dates should take place in your reloading room.

As for the money, look on the bright side, at least she doesnt ride horses competitivly. That stuff cost way more than any shooting sport that I know of.

Sorry to hear of the loss of your $99.

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Worried about karma, Jay? B)

Never thought about it before, but as they say, paybacks are HELL!!

Worried about karma, Jay? B)

Sounds like it. The irony of the biggest hound on this forum worrying over the howling of other dogs is not lost on me. B)

Still, I have sympathy....

Thanks for the sympathy!! Yeah, I guess I have it coming, but does that make it any easier????

88 bucks that is nothing (no pun intended), just wait till (if) she starts cheerleading.

I could have bought a complete 650 for what an x girlfriend paid for her 8th grade daughters outfit.

She is a tennis player, tell ya what, I will trade the cost of the cheerleading outfits for the 7 hours a week of tennis instruction, constant restringing of rackets and USTA Match fees. Parenthood is VERY expensive!!!

Worried about karma, Jay? B)

"Yes yes yes... ;) Karma coming back on you for all those comments about Monica... I would say "this thread is worthless without pics", but... well, that would just be depraved!!!

"Karma", Again, YES!!! I am now that my "friends" have pointed it out!!!

She can borrow Pillsbury's blue and white striped bikini if that's more appropriate...

edited to add:

FLEX! Jay NEEDS a new title... "It appears too small, but she claims it fits"




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