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Look but no touchy


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I hate being at work and aving a little downtime to look at forums.

Being able to see Benos world. ARGHHHHHHHHH not being able to reply to any posts because I get denied by the filter.

Stupid Stupid Stupid.

And they wonder why folks go postal.


And before I get a smart remark... Yes I am at home now.

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We were just hit with some ridiculously restrictive web filters by the powers that be last week. This forum was one of the things I couldn't get to. We hacked around it, which is how I'm happily typing this now. :lol:

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Or find a port 80 proxy service.

They can't block that (they would block their OWN surfing then) but they can block the IPs to the proxy but they change often enough anyway.

It's all fun and games doing that until monitoring software gets installed like where I work :unsure: If you get "targeted", count on your keystroke logs being pulled/reviewed. Most of the anon proxy servers are blocked, and the list is updated daily. Yep, I work at one of those draconian places.

:::slight drift:::You are not allowed to have firearms,knives, or (heaven forbid!) a box cutter even on the property, much less your person. I generally thumb my nose at that silliness, because I use lunch hour to demo new handloads at a nearby indoor range. :::return to course:::

Hmmm RDP'ing one of my home PCs...just might work :rolleyes:

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If your admins haven't caught on yet, just set up Remote Desktop on your home computer and use RDC at work to connect to it. No more restrictions since you're technically surfing from home!

Interesting.....I am not a computer guru so could you please give a few more details on how to do this. Thanks.

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If your admins haven't caught on yet, just set up Remote Desktop on your home computer and use RDC at work to connect to it. No more restrictions since you're technically surfing from home!

Do you know all the ports that have to be opened up for this? Short of putting your whole machine into the DMZ on yor home router?

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Just be careful... we watch lots of stuff out there, and they terminate people for going 'round' the rules...

Yeah, the company I work for is 30,000+ employees and were crying about bandwidth. They installed monitoring software to stop us from "abusing" the system. Fortunately, they warned us well in advance of what we could or couldn't do. Primarily streaming video/audio and porn sites. Still, knowing the rules, people obviously don't believe them when they say they will fire you. At our plant of 350 or so, there have been at least 6 terminations in the last 3-4 years.

We are allowed personal usage of the internet. Just don't go where they tell you not to!!!!!

And Yes, I can visit the forums at work.


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Hmm .. I guess its somedays it pays to work in IT. Kinda hard to block ourselves. That and I work in a place where even a hint of censorship would bring the masses out with pitchforks and torches. Heck, I work in a place where at some point they set up PC's specially for the porn surfers, facing the other way from the rest of them to not offend the rest of the users AND not deny the porn surfers their "rights". I'm not kidding.

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Sorry to rain on everyone's parade, but I get a bit touchy when I hear people griping about not being able to do what they want with their computers at work. It's not your computer and you shouldn't be able to do what you want with it. It belongs to your company and is simply a tool you use to do your job.-Cuz.


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On the other hand the ONLY way to make a computer 100% secure is to turn it off, and place it in a nuclear silo with the Marines guarding it. I certainly understand why certain companies are doing what they are doing, and security is a big part of it, but I suspect a lot of it also comes from certain pointy hair bosses worrying that they are not getting every second from their employees, which is also a valid concern. The flip side of that is that happy employees work harder then those who feel restricted or treated like children, sometimes educating your users is the better solution.

However, Cuz is right when says that it is the company's gear and they get to set the policies. If you don't like them, you are free to look for a different job. Thats just the way it is.

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While technically the computer is provided by work and for work it is assiged to me as a laptop for use. While porn and such are verboten my job actually requires a certain amount of surfing the web for product info and supplier searches. Since it is going to be connected to the internet, since it is behind a firewall, since it is required to run an anti-virus software with weekly full scans, since it is managed by a IT group, and since the exchange servers are filtered, since all pages active content is denied...... I think it is pretty safe and the OMG yoour gonna infect the world attitude is less than sincere.

Ironically the BAD WORD filter stops many pages. Especially firearms,knives,explosives,etc. etc. Ironic part is my job is to develop and test weapon systems. Most of the time I am looking for a supplier or MSDS sheets etc I get blocked. There is a procedure to request 1fer unblocks but the lameo IT folks take 3 weeks to process and when they have to reboot the firewall machine once / week to keep windows stable they forget to reload the firewall exceptions. Of course you now have to call the braindead help desk and provide port numbers and exception request numbers to get it reinstated in 2 days. Especially entertaining is when you have to spell KERBEROS (Major encryption package) to them.

Sighhhhhhh there a much more expanded hate rant. Now I don't want to hear about thou should only touch the machine for work line. :P


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I apologize for my previous post on this topic. I had not recently read the guidelines and did not realize (at the time) that rebuttals were not allowed.


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I thought this thread was about "Treasures" in Las Vegas. Plenty of touching allowed, just be a gentleman about it :cheers:

Thank god I'm self employed because I'd be canned in the first hour, lol......

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