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Msn Article "a Woman's Perspective On Guns"

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Of course, living with the possibility that "something bad" might happen is uncomfortable, and I want to be "happy." So I'll just close my mind to the possibility of anything bad happening and be "happy".

That's right, if I just don't entertain the possibility of bad things happening, they won't. And if they do I'll just chalk it up to "bad luck" or "the price of modern living". I'm much happier now that I have others to fend for me and others to fight bad guys for me and others to make "messy" decisions. Much happier. /sarcasm mode

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Of course, living with the possibility that "something bad" might happen is uncomfortable, and I want to be "happy." So I'll just close my mind to the possibility of anything bad happening and be "happy".

That's right, if I just don't entertain the possibility of bad things happening, they won't. And if they do I'll just chalk it up to "bad luck" or "the price of modern living". I'm much happier now that I have others to fend for me and others to fight bad guys for me and others to make "messy" decisions. Much happier. /sarcasm mode


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This is much worse, and says alot about our culture, not in a good way. An independent woman with a wide view of things and being prepared<read being responsible for herself> is now content to allow everyone else to take responsibility for her instead of herself....is this a sign of the times.... :mellow: This whole article shows weakness.....


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I call BS on the whole article. Simply a liberal twit using fiction to show that until one becomes "ENLIGHTENED" in Manhattan, they can only hold on to their barbaric beliefs.

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Let's just say that there are at least SOME of us who put the guns aside during college, and picked them up (ahem) 'somewhat later'. I'm glad I did. I'm happy for the CCW and the constant presence of my friend Kimber just aft of the right hip.

Honey, if you can walk the sidewalks of NY and feel comfy all by yourself, then God bless you. I don't discount divine intervention, but the business end of a .45 may help ensure that any potentially bad confrontation has a better chance of coming out in my favor.

...and I no longer get off work at 3AM in a bad neighborhood ...

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Surely there's a happy medium between what she WAS and what she BECAME. I like to think that I, for example, have found that mellow happy medium.

Her description of her former lifestyle is clever and colorful, though. A fun read even if it IS sad to note that she gave up on guns.

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I think this article is a ruse by anti-gun people.

People who carry don't get a feeling of POWER..they just feel more safe knowing they are able to defend themselves if the need arises.

This power thing is just the musing of a liberal mind :angry:

Has anyone ever seen a 30 round drum for an AK?

And those funky stupid auto trigger things have to be used just right in order to function. I doubt she could even make it work on the first try.

After much thinking and stewing over the article, I've concluded that the attitude towards guns and the portrayal of the people involved only reveals the sick and twisted assumption of what gun people are like as seen through the demented left-leaning mind.

Jim <_<

Edited by GentlemanJim
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Clearly, she's catering to a certain market, and I would be a bit surprised if she had written a Pro-Gun piece. Not to say it can't, or hasn't happened, but it is rare.

I especially loved the line, "If anything, my willingness to be vulnerable makes me stronger."

What ever gets you through the night, 'lil darlin'...

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No one in their right mind ever renders themselves intentionally "vulnerable"...... :angry:

Well, and as to "power"... it kinda depends on your definition of it.

Then there's the word "empowerment", which I rather prefer. <_<

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hooo boy.

ok, ok, yall gun rights folks, you are now on notice.

The anti-gun folks have shifted to much more subtle methods.

Because the VT incident did not cause an immediate

BAN GUNS!!! reaction,

there is seen a need for 'reasons' to feed to 'reasonable' folks

to drop the general ownership of firearms.

pay attention. this is a two fall trap.

one is overreaction against this type of article

the other is failing to see this is a leadership issue.

the best way to explain the first trap is to

explain how the leadership issue is also a trap.

To aid the cause of banning guns, it is best to grow the group who believe

that guns are superfluous.

One of the best ways is to point out that a weapon is not needed

along with where and why.

the important part is the why, it feeds the people who think.

Thinking people often lead others.

Now this article points out those reasoned reasons.

(growl quietly, if you must.)

The article does not advocate more gun control laws.

She, in effect, says I have found a place where a gun is not useful.

Almost any reaction to that quiet and reasonable article,

will be seen as a complete over-reaction. (the big obvious trap)

in big picture terms, understand that what I see here is one message,

We will attempt to win minds.

The usual and ordinary replies by the gun owners

will make them look like reactionary anachronistic fools.

I can see the traps and I do not have good solid replies,

except for one, and it applies to almost anything about NYC.

New York City is an exceptional place.

It is a world all its own.


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The name of her story should have been... "I used to have a spine and now I don't". I got the distinct feeling that her need to fit in her new social circle was more important than who she was. Oh well, it is her loss. I myself could never imagine the day where my decisions in life are driven more by what my co-workers/ friends think than what I want.

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The anti-gun folks have shifted to much more subtle methods.

Totally agree!

The article starts off trying to sound as though it is by a woman who is somewhat of a non-conformist, and appears to be saying "hey, this may not be mainstream, but it is a perfectly normal and viable way to think about things".

Then, in the rest of the article, she dismantles that, bit by subtle bit. At the end, she essentially says "I used to think those non-gun people were weird, but they made me think about my choices, and I realized that *I* was the one that was weird. I really want to fit in, and now that I do, I feel much better."

In broad terms, this is a *killer* approach for our self-esteem-seeking, peer-pressure-driven, I-want-to-fit-in society. In essence, the message is

"if you think you 'need' a gun for something, you must be whacky"

"now that I am more fully evolved, I realize that gun people are whacky"

"now that I have been enlightened, I don't want to be whacky"

"now that I'm assimilated, I'll help you become assimilated too. C'mon in, the water's fine!"



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Hi Rubberneck,

I am far more in agreement with you than you will think

by the time you get to the end of my post.

I think the girl never had a spine.

she went along with her family and later went along with her new family in NYC.

The article she wrote was designed to evoke a reaction like yours.

People who read her article and then read your reaction

will note that she used 'reason' and you attacked her personally.

Here is the trap. and you are in it.

what usually happens is that because you attacked her,

they sympathize with her, and start to follow her.

Then she can lead them further.

Be nice. Be glad she found a good life in NYC.

Wish her the best there. With out a hint of irony.

Until she says something much more overtly anti-gun

OR more overtly anti Texas, let her babble.

Every one knows NYC is full of crime and crushing poverty too.

So it is a rose tinted article. Try hard not to alienate the folk on the fence.

We need them.



resistance is futile?

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Miranda, I did not attack her as much as I made an observation of her motives from her own words. I have no problem with people who don't own a gun. It is their life to do with as they please.

Now, this young lady on the other hand, goes outs of her way to say that her friends making her feel like a caricature belonging in a Cooney Island freak show was a cause in her conversion to being anti-gun. I could respect her if she could offer some noble reason why she abandoned her past other than from peer pressure. If she doesn't want people commenting on her choice than she shouldn't have written about it publically.

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On the other hand, applications for concealed handgun licenses have TRIPLED in Multnomah County (essentially Portland, Oregon) and doubled in nearby Washington County.

And they say Portland is pretty liberal. Apparently there IS CONCRETE HOPE at the moment. B)

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If we want to hold on to our rights, including owning guns & protecting ourselves with them, then we NEED women on board in MUCH larger numbers than we have right now.


I believe it is a woman's RIGHT TO CHOOSE - to protect herself & her childen from larger, more powerful male attackers and the one tool that can give a mother/woman that edge is a concealed handgun carried with a lawful permit & weilded by HER experienced hands.

Q. Is a mother's instinct to protect her children strong, or weak?

If you frame the "gun control" debate as "Taking away a mother's/woman's RIGHT TO CHOOSE (to protect herself)", you will get a lot more women on our side.

Put aside the macho crap guys, there is too much at stake here. Get your wife a permit. Get your daughter a permit. Get your grandmother a permit. And make sure they can shoot.

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Hi Rubberneck,

I will try another time because this is important.

This is a subtle fight. (for the minds of the undecided...)

It is not a matter of being right.

It is not a matter of what you meant about the woman who wrote the article.

it is a matter of the mindset of the folks thinking about firearms.

You are mostly among friends here and you are understood.

part of the New Battle Ground is how the folks who are looking at this debate ( the undecided

end up interpreting your comment.

I promise you a LOT of the people who read the article and,

if they happen to also read your observation, will tell you

'Your reply was a personal attack.'

what I an pointing out is not my thinking, rather it is what I am sure will be their understanding.

I am pointing out that very fine line. it is extremely fine

and very easy to cross ( I am on the wrong side of it a LOT. ask my Wife...)

publicly, the response should be like a shrug, I am glad you like living in NYC.

and ignore the rest.

the gun rights fight has shifted....

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I think that is good we all live in America where we have the freedom to choose.

This woman has chosen to reject firearms......this is America.

When she gets mugged and spends time rethinking her position in the hospital, she can choose to call Daddy and get another gun....

Think of her joy at rediscovering that grand feeling of Power.

We all live in America, and we all have choices. Thank the soldiers in uniform everytime you see one, anywhere.


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I have absolutely no problem with her choosing to be vulnerable. If she chooses to force me to be vulnerable, we have a problem.

If her description of the AK-47 was accurate, it's Class 3. She said she squeezed the trigger, not that she cranked the mechanism, and "heard the rat-tat-tat sound of bullets spraying out." I wonder if he paid the transfer tax? If not, it's an illegal machine gun.

Reaction to Liston's essay: http://www.businessandmedia.org/commentary...0425142033.aspx

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The anti-gun folks have shifted to much more subtle methods.

In broad terms, this is a *killer* approach for our self-esteem-seeking, peer-pressure-driven, I-want-to-fit-in society. In essence, the message is

"if you think you 'need' a gun for something, you must be whacky"

"now that I am more fully evolved, I realize that gun people are whacky"

"now that I have been enlightened, I don't want to be whacky"

"now that I'm assimilated, I'll help you become assimilated too. C'mon in, the water's fine!"



Sounds like the Stepford Wives... :unsure:

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