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Micah's Range Diary


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your range diary has been an inspiration to many a shooter, just look at the number of views it has. It provided motivation for me with the knowledge that I am not practicing alone (not the only crazy one out there?) even though I keep my diary to myself.

Thanks for sharing your journey with us.

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Weird start positions are designed to distract you from the shooting.

Ignore them and get to the shooting. If you're thinking about A's in targets, bicycles and frozen pushups can't get in your head. Your subconscious will complete those "trivial" tasks and get to the business at hand.


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-Full dryfire session


Today at Miamisburg I shot in Limited 10...and will continue to do so until I can obtain a new lower for my Glock 34. (I have a G19 up for sale in the wanted section if you have a G17 laying around ;) ) My current lower is too damaged from dryfiring to be considered unmodified.

I learned a VERY value lesson today. Two feet in a box is "In the box" and one foot in, one foot out is "Out of the box". I knew this. What I didn't know is that one foot in the starting box and one foot in the free fire zone IS NOT IN the free fire zone. This cost me, as per the stage description, one procedural per shot fired. 100 points down on the first stage.


Am I being negative? HELL NO! I have just saved myself from trashing a stage at a major match :D I will never make that error again :)

Keen, myself, and several other shooters set up the course of fire last night, and I got a little no shoot/hard cover crazy. It was an excellent match that forced the shooter to see his sights on every shot, or pay a hefty price! This kinda shooting is right in my wheelhouse.

The classifier, Paper Poppers, is where I really shined! I love shooting in the snow...I do it all the time (Lanny ;) ) A big thanks to Keen for taking such great film today!


I am fortunate to have had the opportunity to have back-to-back matches to prepare myself for the SC Sectional next weekend. I will train extra hard this week to make sure that I have done everything that I can to best prepare myself to preform at my top level.


your range diary has been an inspiration to many a shooter, just look at the number of views it has. It provided motivation for me with the knowledge that I am not practicing alone (not the only crazy one out there?) even though I keep my diary to myself.

Thanks for sharing your journey with us.

I really appreciate that basman! The gent that posted after you has provided us will half of the victory equation! The other half is dedication to the training.

Man, I really appreciate your comment :D I'm gonna carry all of these good vibes all the way to South Carolina next weekend!

Edited by Pharaoh Bender
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Just ordered those books you recommended from Steve Anderson. I got some dummy ammo from our range so don't worry about making any for me. Good luck in SC. I'm looking forward to seeing your results.

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-One hour on the elliptical

-Full dryfire session

-Livefire (mostly testing last minute changes)

This weeks theme is something that Bill Seevers has ALWAYS told me:

"Never give up."

This applies to two things...

The first is Sundays match. Not having an acceptable production lower, I shot in Limited 10 at Miamisburg. Going minor is not a problem for me, as I always make it my top priority to get all A's. I was the first shooter on the first stage, which happened to be a 32 round long course. As I commented on Sundays post, my first ten shots earned me 100 penalty points. 5 seconds into the match, and I was WAY behind the 8-ball.

I very easily could have thrown in the towel, but I stayed focused. I shot 80% nationally on Paper Poppers (95% had I been Production *whew ;) *) and won the division after the results were posted. Albeit by less than 1%, but it was still a win.

The second application is to my job hunt. Last night I was beating myself up over not having a new job yet, when my voice of reason, aka my wife, reminded me of what I always tell her.

Never give up :D


Good luck in SC. I'm looking forward to seeing your results.

Thanks brother! This is the most prepared that I have ever been for a major match. My main goal is to shoot to the best of my ability, and have a damn good time with my friends. I know that I will achieve both goals before the weekend is finished.

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2 days ...... and no dry-fire ??? :o

;) Turn & Burn this weekend in SC, bro ... Turn & Burn B)

You mean "Shake and Bake"?


You know that I've been dryfiring and working out all week Chris. But tonight, I'm just grooving along, mentally relaxed and ready to do my best.

It's going to be an excellent weekend. I have my own personal goals for the match, none of which have anything to do with rank or placement.

This weekend, it's all about being smooth and gettin' my A's :D

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Very cool on the realizations. many things some folks see as a negative can be looked at in a positive manner.

for instance. you find out something.. (just for instance NOT REAL) you suck going into positions. I many times look at that is " i have found a place i can improve on with just a small amount of effort" if that makes sense.

I just read a good book "way of the peaceful warrior" by Dan Millman a great line from the book "happiness is not something you feel it is who you are" be happy no matter how bad things are. it is truly a difficult task.

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-SC Sectional

It's Sunday around noon, and I am still recovering from the overnight drive home from SC. It was a real treat to hang out with amazing shooters from the forums (there were so freaking many that I can't begin to name them all).

I didn't win a plaque, but I did achieve my personally set goal, which is much better. The match was an excellent test of speed, accuracy, and WIDE transitions. Linda Chico and Jack Shuber put on one of the best matches that I have ever had the pleasure of participating in.

Very cool on the realizations. many things some folks see as a negative can be looked at in a positive manner.

for instance. you find out something.. (just for instance NOT REAL) you suck going into positions. I many times look at that is " i have found a place i can improve on with just a small amount of effort" if that makes sense.

Wango bango Steve. After shooting this match, it is very clear to me that there are several areas of my shooting that, with a little improvement, will show big results. I am fortunate to have had the opportunity to identify these areas with the assistance of my mentors, and will now adjust my training accordingly.

Here are a couple videos from the match, as well as a picture of myself and one of the koolest cats ever....Mark Ramsey (aka:IMA45DV8)




Area 6 is in less than three weeks now. I will take it easy for the rest of the day today, but some Monday morning, it's gonna be three weeks of Hammer Time!

Edited by Pharaoh Bender
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I don't recall your name so you must have come through the stage I was working (Stage 6) when Joseph had the scoresheets. Hope that popper on Stage 6 caused you less headaches that it did many people!!!!


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-One hour on the elliptical

-Full dryfire session

I have been going over the video and results of the South Carolina Sectional, and allowing it to all sink in...

...on the way home from the match, I had a deep discussion with Bill and Chris about what I could change to improve my overall preformance. I felt that I had a solid match, with only one small ding on the most difficult stage (which I still finished with a respectable HF).

1)I need to train harder on being ready to shoot the instant that I set up into a position. I hemorrhaged tons of time realigning my sight picture when I should have been ready to SHOOT!

2)Like Bill told me, "On shit that close, it's HAMMER TIME!" I should be blasting away at the close targets as opposed to keeping the same splits on all targets. I shot a club match last night that had two bill drills, and although I tried to hammer it down, I found that I was unable. I need to allow myself to shoot fast.

Both of these things that I must work on ultimately boil down to trust. On almost all of the stages, I was in the top 5 or so in points, but my time drags down my hf. I must learn to trust my sight picture and get to the shooting. I know what a headshot at 70 feet looks and feels like, and I know that I can make that shot every time, but in a match, I find myself holding back.

Much of this comes back to my self image. A year ago I had my first outdoor club match, and now I find myself shooting against the best, and in a class where great preformance is expected. I know that I am capable of more, but must trust my subconscious skills to take me there. I dislike thinking in terms of speed...but I truly believe that I shot the SC Sectionals with smoothness, seeing what I though I needed to see on all targets.

Perhaps with more practice and study I will make another breakthrough...and perhaps said breakthrough will come before I suit up for Area 6.


I don't recall your name so you must have come through the stage I was working (Stage 6) when Joseph had the scoresheets. Hope that popper on Stage 6 caused you less headaches that it did many people!!!!


James, I can't thank you enough for being a part of such an excellent match. Your dedication to our great sport is truly appreciated. Your stage was one of my best actually! No risk of me trying to drive down steel shooting 133pf loads :) 6 steel, 6 shots ;)

Edited by Pharaoh Bender
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Remember "Hammer Time" stilll requires calling your shots. Its just you need to determine what and how much you need to see to call the shot.

PS. its not only into position but its also going out

PSS. Programming yourself correctly requires thoughts like, " I shoot quickly coming into positions, Its my strength"

See yourself taking the trophy. I shoot fast and accurate and I am the Area 6 A champion. I am the best prepared shooter today. Positive thoughts.

Edited by BSeevers
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"I need to allow myself to shoot fast."

Get thee to thine berm and proceedeth to empty thine mags in quadrants of six, lest you behold the speed at which thy pistola will discharge.

Verily, let thine eyes behold such velocity and bear witness to thine front sight.

Henceforth, thou shalt believe that thine heater may crush close targets with heretofore unknown velocity and precision.

For speed begat awakening, and observation begat believing and believing begat doing.

I typed all that real fancy-like so you'd think I know what I'm talking about. :)


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-40 minutes on the elliptical

-Full dryfire session

-livefire 350 rds

Quite the interesting day...I woke up, and half way down the stairs I decided to break two toes on my right foot :o It's all kinda black and blue, but you can't really see that through the tape ;)

Determined to have a good day, as if by sheer force of will, my phone rang, and I have an interview with my dream job in Cincinnati next Tuesday. Feeling groovy about this one.

Working out proved to be a tad difficult, and after 40 minutes of throbbing, I decided to cut my losses and opped for an ice pack. Dryfire was excellent however, as the smoothness on my reloads continues to present itself.

Later on at the range, my main focus was knocking tenths off of my splits. Bill drills galore, I am beginning to process what I need to see on close targets, and what it feels like to hammer out two alpha with a quickness.

The rest of my night will consist of forging my Frankenglock...a G26L ;)

Oh, check out these awsome pics that maineshooter took of me at the SC Sectional.




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"I need to allow myself to shoot fast."

Get thee to thine berm and proceedeth to empty thine mags in quadrants of six, lest you behold the speed at which thy pistola will discharge.

Verily, let thine eyes behold such velocity and bear witness to thine front sight.

Henceforth, thou shalt believe that thine heater may crush close targets with heretofore unknown velocity and precision.

For speed begat awakening, and observation begat believing and believing begat doing.

I typed all that real fancy-like so you'd think I know what I'm talking about. :)


CLASSIC!!! :lol:

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Sorry about the toes. What is the dream job in Cincinnati?

It's a dream job because it's 8-4, Monday-Friday, and they'd play for my Masters. I'd be a mental health counselor for a specific organization. PM coming your way with more info.

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I would tell you to come work for Cincinnati but you would have to deal with the same #$it! But the bright side is you would get paid more for your trouble. The pics are nice.

Chris you are just too funny. :lol:

Edited by dcarter
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-Full dryfire session

-One hour on the elliptical

-club match

On Sunday I went to Kentucky to shoot a club match...and I really miss Kentucky! Great folks on my squad, and a great match overall. I am working on my up close and personal splits, and there is still progress to be made.

My foot is healing up nicely, and working out today to the first hour of Pulp Fiction was pain free. During dryfire I still struggle to make smooth reloads. This problem does not translate into matches, as my reloads there are smooth and precise...hmmmm :huh:

At tonights club match, I shot Limited minor (like usual) again to work on my "hammer time" splits. Although I completely ignored the fault line on the 2nd stage, it all felt very smooth (and after looking at the score sheet was quite fast too!)

I've been to the range several times in the past week to work on my splits. .15 is on the low end and .18 is the mean. Bit by bit I am learning to let go of needing to see perfect little sight pictures on everything and am better understanding what it is to see an acceptable sight picture.

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