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No Self Discipline

Merlin Orr

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I can't shoot more than 1 stage at a time with any degree of self discipline. No visual patience at all. Six stages today with Mikes on 3 of em....

My normal stage/match. Careful, careful, good sight picture, good sight picture your following your mental plan .. Whooeeee look at me I am invincible..Mike miss miss ...Oh hell.

I am doomed to B forever!

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Whooeeee look at me I am invincible..Mike miss miss ...Oh hell.

Hey Merlin,

I know how you feel. Been going through the same kind of thing myself. Also been re-reading Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff. Here are a few things that I found helpful... maybe some of this may strike a chord with you also.

Remember to be kind to yourself!

Our bodies know what to do. Our minds just get in the way sometimes.

It's okay... forgive yourself.

Think on practice days. Do on game day.

On game day, expectations are tripwires and stumbling blocks.

Empty your glass. No mind.

Just shoot.

Enjoy the moment. Now is real. Past and future are illusions.

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Oh yes ..beep induced brain fade..I suffer from this afliction also.

Sometimes it all comes together and away we go ..other times ...train wreck.

I do find that if I just relax, clear my head of plans or expectations and just shoot, it usually works out well.

If I get all wraped up in do this that, whatever ..I choke :o

Strange as it seems ...I am much faster when I try to go slow :unsure:

As a foot note..B class aint all that bad..and I doubt you will be there for long!

I dont think you have a disipline problem, maybe just a forgot to relax and have fun thing.

best wishes...Jim :)

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OK, pay attention!!!!

I am going to give some great info out here. Just to qualify the info below, it comes from 4 years of being a psych major and 15 years of playing professional golf.

Here goes:

When you go to a match or step to the line to start a stage, and have an outcome in mind, you are asking for big trouble. A low expectation can be a self fulfilling prophecy, whereas a "goal" that is too lofty is going to make you try to shoot beyond your abilities.

Just step up and shoot'em as ya see'em!!! Don't clutter your mind with the outcome.


I bet you went to that match thinking of your "A" Card, or at least getting closer to getting it, RATHER than just letting your ability guide you thru the stages and match.

NOW, if I could only pay attention to my own advise :D:D:D

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This same problem kicks my ass on a regular basis. I put a quote from BE in my signature line that helps me a lot if I remember to let myself do it.


" The key is, every time, before you shoot, DECIDE exactly what you are going to do. And then after each string, without attaching to or judging the results—simply notice what actually happened. Eventually, clear intention will dictate your activity."

- BE

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Dear Diary,

Guess what the delivery guy brought me today? I almost missed the deal on this thing. It was posted in the classified for almost 10 minutes before I saw it. (note to self: consider 5gal bucket next to computer desk...to avoid long walks to bathroom).

Enough about that...back to my daily affirmations. "I am doomed. I am invincible. I am doomed. I am invincible. I am doomed.

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Dear Diary,

Guess what the delivery guy brought me today? I almost missed the deal on this thing. It was posted in the classified for almost 10 minutes before I saw it. (note to self: consider 5gal bucket next to computer desk...to avoid long walks to bathroom).

Enough about that...back to my daily affirmations. "I am doomed. I am invincible. I am doomed. I am invincible. I am doomed.

OK, NO NEED for Merlin to start a Range Diary, Flex just do it in a nut shell.

I think Merlin owes Flex a big thank-you


My kids just asked why I started laughing out loud!!!!

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Dear Diary,

Guess what the delivery guy brought me today? I almost missed the deal on this thing. It was posted in the classified for almost 10 minutes before I saw it. (note to self: consider 5gal bucket next to computer desk...to avoid long walks to bathroom).

Enough about that...back to my daily affirmations. "I am doomed. I am invincible. I am doomed. I am invincible. I am doomed.

How undignified! I say we get Merlin some Depends.

After all, if they're good enough for NASA....

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OK, pay attention!!!!

I am going to give some great info out here. Just to qualify the info below, it comes from 4 years of being a psych major and 15 years of playing professional golf.

Here goes:

When you go to a match or step to the line to start a stage, and have an outcome in mind, you are asking for big trouble. A low expectation can be a self fulfilling prophecy, whereas a "goal" that is too lofty is going to make you try to shoot beyond your abilities.

Just step up and shoot'em as ya see'em!!! Don't clutter your mind with the outcome.

On a serious note...

You know Jay -- I ain't no stalker, but I got curious about your name, and did a quick search.

I had no idea you played professional golf -- as a touring pro on the European Tour -- at that level.

I would think you'd be extremely qualified to give advice and insight on sports performance under pressure. Probably more so than 99.999% of the folks here, given that you made a living doing so.

Do you still play golf?

(Sorry for the interruption -- now back to Merlin's Range Diary... :)

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How about a page from his Day Timer:

Breakfast with Larry and Benny:

Hang out at the gun shop till noon:

Go shoot a little bit:

Hang out at the gun shop till closing:

Have a few drinks:

Repeat as needed...

Damn I am jealous..

or a page from Zhunters Timer;

Breakfast at the Clubhouse Grill

Play 9 holes

Lunch at the Grill

Play Gin till 5pm

Have a few drinks

Repeat as needed....


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OK, pay attention!!!!

I am going to give some great info out here. Just to qualify the info below, it comes from 4 years of being a psych major and 15 years of playing professional golf.

Here goes:

When you go to a match or step to the line to start a stage, and have an outcome in mind, you are asking for big trouble. A low expectation can be a self fulfilling prophecy, whereas a "goal" that is too lofty is going to make you try to shoot beyond your abilities.

Just step up and shoot'em as ya see'em!!! Don't clutter your mind with the outcome.

On a serious note...

You know Jay -- I ain't no stalker, but I got curious about your name, and did a quick search.

I had no idea you played professional golf -- as a touring pro on the European Tour -- at that level.

I would think you'd be extremely qualified to give advice and insight on sports performance under pressure. Probably more so than 99.999% of the folks here, given that you made a living doing so.

Do you still play golf?

(Sorry for the interruption -- now back to Merlin's Range Diary... :)


I really don't play any longer. The last time I touched a club was the 2nd week of Sept. at one of my favorite courses in the world, Sunningdale Golf Club, which is west of London. I was over there working, and just got in a quick 18 before dark.

Golf is still work for me, I do commentary about 25 weeks a year, so I prefer to spend my down time away from it. I can't play to the same level I once did, so it is frustrating when your mind visualizes a shot, and your body can't pull it off with enough consistency.

So, I do other things. I love shooting, I partake in some Bowhunting when my budget allows, and I have a passion for Saltwater Flyfishing too. March, April and May are fishing months, Late May thru the end of October are work months, and November thru march are shooting months.

I could be better at shooting if I did not flyfish, but I have been in that one-dimensional place in my life already, golf did that to me. I was not a great player, so I had to out work everyone else, which I did. NOW I want to enjoy the things and activities I missed as a kid and a young adult.

All that said, I ONLY shoot, fish or hunt when these two are not keeping me busy with their activities!!! I.E. Tennis, basketball, baseball etc...

Here is Zach


Here is Alex and Zach


Yep, I am a busy dad!!! Life is good.

As for giving advise, I sometimes feel not qualified, due to not being a top shooter, but shooting is VERY similar to golf in MANY ways. I have been known to give some of my "helpful hints" to so some Benos people more via IM 's than on the board. The combination of my education and the golf have some VERY good ideas for improvement. :D

OK, sorry for the long story, but luckily it is buried at the bottoom of one of Merlin's threads where no one will likely read it anyway!!! ;)


How did you know my daily schedule? You got some of it right. Except:

I don't hangout at the golf course.

Normal day, 3 hours at the gym, then come home and either:


Practice casting

Shoot my bow

Dry fire

Go to the grocery store to scope the chicks!! Being I don't go out at night :wacko:

And my favorite is: Dick around on the internet.

Edited by zhunter
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WOW I would wet myself if I caught a fish tht big :o

Awsome kids :)


My daughter is a great fisherman, when she was 8 she caught a Tarpon that weighed 167 lb.s, she fought it for 2 hours and 37 minutes. She is a tough little girl. My son ONLY likes catching, so if it is slow, he just goes to sleep. They caught 8 like that the day those pics were taken. Lost plenty others too I might add.

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When I get back on my feet & go to matches with merlin, I will be standing behind him with a 1x2 to correct him each time he forgets something. Should'nt take to long for him to come arround.

Well don't hit him in the head. You'll snap that little 1x2 in half!


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When I get back on my feet & go to matches with merlin, I will be standing behind him with a 1x2 to correct him each time he forgets something. Should'nt take to long for him to come arround.

Well don't hit him in the head. You'll snap that little 1x2 in half!


Poor Merlin, not even around to defend himself :o

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