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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

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A quick search finds the following aikidoka:

AikiDale, kdj, aikidogirl, steve moneypenny, carinab, 9MX

and of course, me. Are there any aikidoka that I missed?

Of course there are the follow up questions:

Is this number larger than the number of folks who study other arts?

(e.g. How many of us study Judo?)

Do you get the same kick out of running across the same concepts in what at first glance are very dissimilar activities?

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When I was 16 I was rewarded with my 1st dan in Aikido. I earned my 2nd dan a year later. With Butoku Kai at Old Dominion University under Dr. H. Tesshin Hamada. This is the man.


Here I am in a really crappy pic on the ODU website. I am the one with the blue bag.


I was getting behind in my school work and had to quit. Then I went into the USAF and got fat.

Edited by theknightoflight
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Aikido is great. I've done it for a long time.. just hit a class tonight first one in a long time.

My first love was karate/tae Kwon do.

my current fascination is with tai chi, and it's healing aspects as well as the less healthy side dim mak. something to be said about a martial art that makes you feel so charged up that you just stuck your finger in a light socket. It's increased my flexiblity and dexterity i thought were impossible until i began training in it. the beauty is that i can always do it.

recently met a guy who is introducting me to judo the hard way and i'm liking it too. though it's funny tai chi still has those same locks and stuff. they are just buried a little deeper and used differently.

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Kito-Ryu JuJitsu 6th Dan

Okinawan Kenpo 7th Dan

United States Martial Arts Hall of Fame induction 2002 and 2006

Still learning every day.

Aikijujutsu Nidan &

Shito Ryu Karate

Mid level belts in several arts

Nidan Aikijujutsu and Shito Ryu Karate

mid level belts in several other arts.

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