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Alternative Cancer Treatments: Outright Quackery?

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Hi everyone,

Let me first say that I am in NO way connected to this guy below, his products, and his website.

(insert Debbie Downer moment here, sorry folks!)

My sister has cancer. It looks like the tumor has swelled to such a size that it is blocking off her colon. I am speculating that in a few days to weeks that her large intestine will perforate and spill poisons and bacteria into her abdomen. The docs say that she is too weak (from chemo) to operate on her. So I am desperate to find a way to save her.

In my forum surfing, I found this:


They also have a website:


Naturally, there is a bit of a spin or an agenda to it. That is to say that the deep pocketed pharmaceutical companies and the medical field as a whole have purposely squelched this technology. Hey, there's lots of money to be made selling chemotherapy, surgeries, CAT scans, machinery to shoot CAT scans, X-rays, and MRI's, not to mention a lot of high paying medical profession jobs at stake.

The guy did get a patent for it: 5, 188,738.

I tried looking for the other patent #, but didn't find anything yet: 3,753,886

Conspiracy theories aside.....

Whether this actually works or doesn't work, I'm not capable of making a decision on. It is just that in this moment (of desperation) it is easier to think outside of the typical medical paradigm (grasping at straws?). And to want to look at things with a fresh pair of eyes.

Chemotherapy has kinda sorta worked for my sister over the past 2.5 years. So has surgery. I am just of the mindset that with all the technology we have, why has something better not come along?



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I guess you are in Chicago..but I would make an attempt to get referred to MD Anderson in Houston or one of the other big cancer centers ...go from there...my prayers are with you...

+1 on MD Anderson in TX -- they took care of my husband when 'proven' treatment options failed. They are professional and compassionate. The treatment he recieved for leukemia was not available less than two years earlier, and many new treatments are only available in clinical trials (research trials) at major cancer treatment centers.

They would not necessarily show up in a general (google) search of the internet, because they are in specialized medical databases or journals. Our local oncologist referred us.

Our friends in the shooting community also helped us through a very dark time. You and sister are in our prayers.

Linda Chico (L-2035)

Columbia SC

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All science-based cancer treatment is not the same. I think *who* is giving the therapy and how they manage it is as or more important than the actual treatment. The right people are out there, you just have to find them. My father experienced worlds of difference between the cancer treatment he got in North Idaho versus the treatment in Seattle. (Short story: the only reason I would ever seek medical treatment in North Idaho would be because I knew I would die before I could make the 45 minute drive to Spokane.) The attitude, demeanor, and professionalism of the medical staff have a meaningful impact in effective and livable cancer treatment. I wish I remembered the name of the good hospitals so I could repeat them here.

As for "alternative" therapy...I think that "alternative" cancer treatment is the most cynical and sinister form of fraud out there. Maybe some of the people offering it are just well-meaning and daft, but there's a special place in hell for the rest of them.

"Alternative" cancer treatment basically assumes that every trained medical professional is either greedy, incompetent, or part of some vast conspiracy. If any of the "alternative" bunk actually worked, doctors would be administering it in a cold second. I sat in my parents living room and watched my father's oncologist cry after it became obvious there was no hope for Dad. She is a sweet lady and an excellent doctor. If there was some miracle therapy that would have prevented my father's death, his doctor would have applied it and spared herself the grief.

BTW, Patents are meaningless. Only very recently was the American Physical Society able to convince the USPTO that patenting perpetual motion machines was foolish and to stop. That solved about .005% of the ridiculous, unworkable patents that get filed every year.

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Okie doke folks, I appreciate your replies, and your prayers. I suppose the problem w/ alternative treatments, just like some conspiracy theories, is there is some kernel of truth involved that makes them seem plausible.

Yep, my sister has already thought about MD Anderson Hospital in Houston. The docs say she is too sick to travel right now, though.

We are actually in the St. Louis area. She has been going to Barnes Jewish Hospital. The US News and World Report ranked Barnes Jewish somewhere, so that got me to looking at their rankings. MD Anderson is #2 for cancer hospitals. Sloan-Kettering in NY is #1.

Thanks for your all's inputs in my kinda sorta fog/haze of denial, shock and confusion.

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Washington U in St Louis has a med school with research facilities. Oncology may not be a specialty of theirs, but I would look into it for sure.

My prayers are with your sister and your family.

FWIW, my wife doing a residency rotation in Hem/Onc at Children's right now and EricW is right on; sometimes a change in doctors and a different approach to the treatment can bear real results.

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I doubt that there protocol will do much for you.

1) microcurrents. TENS units have been in use for physical therapy for a while. Won't hurt you, but I doubt they make cancer disappear.

2) Magnetic pulsing. What cancer patient isn't getting MRIed? If it worked as a concept, i'd imagine this would cover it. BS-meter is pegged on this one. Even if it WERE true that it kills off viruses in the lymph system, cancer isn't a virus.

3) colloidal silver. Yes, it is working anti-bacterial that was once used widely in medicine. It may also turn you blue or grey permanantely.. your skin that is. It's claimed anti-viral properites are largley anecdotal and unfounded. Once again, even if true, cancer isn't a virus. From a legitimate medical standpoint, we may see this one come back into use at least in medical testing to see if it helps out with the antibiotic resistant bacteria that are showing up all over.

4) Ozonated water. Won't hurty you. Probably the only thing on the list that has any legitimate connection to cancer. According to a study published/funded by NIH done in france, it would seem that ozonating water to purify it rather than striaght up chlorination seems to correlate with increased rates of bladder cancer. So it may create safer water at the water treatment plant, i doubt it would help out with cancer after the fact.

The money, and more importantly the TIME is spent better elsewhere.

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Ahh....thanks everyone....I just had a feeling I could rely on a bunch of level headed shooters to set me straight.


I'm sorry to hear about your sister. I work at M.D. Anderson C.C. and I know for a fact that we treat a lot of intestinal types of cancer. Chemo, Surgery and Radiation therapies are not the only treatment Anderson offers. The more promising treatments that are being offered tend to be a combination of targeted therapy, Gene Tx, Chemo, Rad, Surg. Targeted & Gene therapy shows a lot of promise since it seeks and hits the malignancy more accurate than a regular chemotherapy.

It will really depend on the patient's tumor score, general health, other illnesses, etc. Generally the lower the stage the better the prognosis and availability of treatment options.

Sloan Kettering, Mayo are also top of the line centers. In fact you'll see our faculty mixed with docs coming from the said institutions. As for US News reports Best Cancer Hospital, we've shared with Kettering the top 2 places for atleast 5 yrs now. This year was 2nd place, but if my memory serves me right we had 3 1st places in those 5 yrs.

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