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Iowa Back-to-back Single-stack And Revolver Matches


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what is the weather going to be like...cold???

It's been really warm the last few days, but now we're in a cooling-off trend.

Iowa's pretty unpredictable this time of year. Could be anything from high '40s to mid-'70s by the weekend. Bring rain stuff, too.


I can't make it this time, I'm going antelope hunting this weekend instead. I talked to Kevin yesterday and he said he's pretty sure that he'll make the Sunday Revo match. Good luck to all!

John, if you walk toward the "goats" while holding up one of those cardboard cut-outs of a cow in front of you, you can walk right up to them and pop them gangland style in the back of the head.

I hope Kevin makes it here, and brings a friend or two along with him. This is going to be quite an event! Revolver shooters are coming out of the woodwork!

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Well, I'm not gonna be able to make it. I sure hate that I'm missing the fun.

Throw a round in a No-Shoot and double tap the berm for me will ya? ;)

OK, Walter, thanks for trying anyway. Hope you can make it up for the '07 version.

Staff will be shooting the match tomorrow, starting around 10. If it appears we have enough help available, Sam and I are going to try to shoot Revo on Sunday with all ya'll.

Be at the range around 8:30 on Sat. and/or Sun., shooting will start at 9:00 each day.

You're welcome to walk the stages anytime there's not a squad shooting (but please don't mess with the props).

See you soon!

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Not going to make it after all. A school project that was supposed to finish early this week is still hanging fire and I have to be here today and Monday to expedite it. What a p*sser! :angry: I was looking forward to this match


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No response from the guy I hoped to bring, so I it will just be me.

Can you tell me the expected round count for the match? I am guessing from 32 x 11 = 400 rounds.

What is the exit that I am coming off the highway? I remember that I need to turn right at the big totem pole by the bank.

See you Sunday morning. :unsure:

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Sorry Mike but it doesn't look like I am going to be able to make it. Between shed's and my clubs monthly IPSC match this week-end, It doesn't look good. Since I won't be down there I have one concern.

Who is going to help Jim get his bullets out of his barrel :P

Have fun guys, wish I could make it.


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My God Tom !!!! Say it ain't so!

You've really got me in bad shape now. :o I hadn't anticipated your not being there.

I could lose my factory sponsorship over this one. I will probably have to come up with some kind of NASCAR fix to this. I will have to speak with the legal department to confirm that if the rules don't make it illegal, then it is considered to be legal.

I was going to use string to just hang a dowel rod from the trigger guard, but it doesn't fit in the holster.

Tom - I saw a flyer for a shoot that you are contact for. It is the same weekend as the Illinois Section. Could you start another thread with details. I was going to attend the ILL. but you will be in WI with the bullet rod. How is your attendance looking and do you need us?


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Can you tell me the expected round count for the match?

What is the exit that I am coming off the highway? I remember that I need to turn right at the big totem pole by the bank.

Jim, round count for the match is right around 200 rounds (it's a little less, actually). If you bring 300, that's plenty.

I believe it's Exit 33, but I'm not 100% sure. You're looking for the Highway 34 exit for Osceola, it's the exit after you go past Terrible's Casino. Careful on the exit ramp, it's a sharp curve.

The Single-Stack 1911 match went very well today. We've had great help from our local club members--enough help, in fact, that Sam and I are shooting tomorrow with you guys.

See you in the AM!!

Sorry Mike but it doesn't look like I am going to be able to make it.

Hopefully you can roll down here on that big 2-wheeler next year.

Forgot to mention--Cliff was high GM at the single-stack match today, be sure to congratulate him on his decisive victory!

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Congrats to Keith on the win, makes you wonder how Nat's would have turned out without the DQ. And once again there is that damn Carmoney kid (Were talking about Sam here) putting on an impressive performance against some of the top wheelgunners out there.(all except one) :D

Sorry I missed it. :angry:


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Just made it in from the match. I had a great time and plan to be back next year. I have to redeem myself. Mike thank you and the gang at O.O.PS for putting on a fine match. me go sleep now. zzzzzzzzzzzz

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Well, after I posted the results I fell over and got about 10 hours of much-needed sleep. Lemme tell ya, I have mucho new respect for the people who coordinate these matches! :)

It really was a great experience. Having that many of my favorite people in one place at the same time was truly a blast! The match went well, people seemed to enjoy the stages, even the weather was phenomenal.

I debated on whether to shoot Sunday with the group, or be a roving rangemaster guy for the day. I elected to shoot, which was great except I didn't have quite as much time to visit the other squads as I would have liked.

Anyway, Keith sure shot a helluva match. Coming off a 4th place finish in the Single-Stack match the day before, Keith's victory with a 6% margin was decisive. He's one of those guys who can pick up any gun and do really well with it, which is a skill I respect. Lots of people can't adapt that quickly. His revolver shooting was clean, fast, and smooth. Congratulations to Dave on his excellent second-place finish, pushing me into 3rd place. Dave's been shooting IPSC practically since the leather-slap days, and even though he's now a senior he can hold his own. Dean (4th) and Kevin (5th) both shot great matches as well, and put Sam (6th) right back in his place! I didn't see Kevin shoot, but Dean looked really smooth. 7th place went to Barney Niner, one of my old shooting buddies from back in my former pin-shooting career. Barney's an accomplished shooter with a ton of experience, but he's been committing his efforts to other stuff (sporting clays, golf, work, family) more recently--but knowing how he can shoot a wheelgun I dragged him out of "retirement" for this match, and I'm hoping it has inspired him to keep shooting with us. I'll warn you all, when Barney gets fully warmed up, it's scary how well he can shoot. El Conquistador shot his way to 8th place, despite handicapping himself by using a Model 14 .38 and speedloaders. Our local guru Rick McDowell, one of the early IPSC masters, picked up a borrowed revolver and shot his way to 9th place, showing if you really know how to run a stage, you can pretty much be successful with any type of gun. Rounding out the Top Ten was none other than Bubber, Mr. Jetloader himself, with his trusty 686.

All of the Top Ten exceeded 80% of Keith's performance--there was some great shooting going on from all quarters. Special mention should be noted of well-known GSSF shooter Chris Zeeb who finished at 11th place. Chris is completely new to the revolver and shot my gear for this match. Chris is now completely hooked, and shopping for a nice 625. We will see him again, I am sure.

Thanks to everyone who helped out. Thanks to everyone who drove in for the match. I know I was asking a lot of all of you, but you guys really delivered.

**NOTE** Corrected to reflect final results.

Edited by Carmoney
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Whew! I just woke up from a dream. I was standing in a field of tall clover, and all around me were USPSA Revolver Shooters. And they were....wait it wasn't a dream!

Thanks Mike and Brad going up against 37 Other Revolver Competitors in 1 match. What a rush. Seeing so many accomlished Pistoleros, who you never see with a Revolver, and doing it so naturally.

Congratulations Keith, maybe we need to give you a nickname like "Iceman". Though we were in different squads I've seen you shoot, steady and without mistakes, you just grind the rest of us down and whup up on us. And you did it being squaded with El Conquistador and Mike. Talk about distractions!

I'm sure next year will be bigger still, and most assuredly even tougher.

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Hey, Mike...SURELY that is a MISPRINT on the Revo Results page...where it has you shooting "Minor"...???...whassupwitdat???....mikey357

This is where I need to thank two of the three amigos that attended the match for shooting minor intentionally so that other shooters, who do not own a revolver, could use Mike and Cliff's usual major caliber revolvers for this match. If it wasn't for that, the record may not have been broken. B)

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Thank you again for talking me into shooting this match, and extra thanks for loaning me all of your gear!!!!

I had an absolute blast!!! Now if I can just get ahold of a 625 of my own.... I think you will see me shooting Revolver a little more. I am kicking GSSF to the curb for next year, so revolver shooting will have to take its place.

I am not giving up Glocks all together though!!!!!! I will still shoot Production/Limited with those, as I have taken way to much abuse about my choice of Glocks to give them up that easy!!!

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Congratulations Keith, maybe we need to give you a nickname like "Iceman".

Yeah--I like it! I can see an entire line of Iceman Ulfers merchandise........

Iceman grips.

The Iceman hammer.

Iceman moonclips.

The S&W Performance Center Iceman 625.

Iceman Ulfers T-shirts, sunglasses, coffee mugs, and greeting cards.

"The Iceman" series of action-filled pulp paperbacks, written by Jerry Ahern.

The 2008 Lincoln Navigator Iceman Edition.

The possibilities are endless. This could be huge.

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Great match! Thanks to the OOPS crew for all their hard work. Next year, if they are back to back I am thinking I want to shoot both and demonstrate my (lack of) mastery over Single Stack as well as Revo!

Also the mastery of doors that one pushes open instead of trying to pull open ... and when that fails, pulling it harder .... (At least that provided comic relief for all that were watching...)

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Mike...........it sounds like the Match was a great success. Gary and I were really sorry we couldn't make the trip. He with other obligations, me.........well the knee is not healing properly and it's been five weeks now, but, it would have been a good excuse for a last place. A location I seem to be settling into with some regularity.

Congratulations to the winners! This is one I'll have to plan for next year.

Looks as though Sam shot fantastically, and was that Dave Williams from Springfield shooting revolver? I didn't see a Dave Williams under the S/S scores. So, has he come over to the "bright" side for a bit of round fun?, or another Dave Williams?

Sorry we missed the fun !!!!!!!!!11

Glenn T.

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Mike and the whole OOPS gang,

Had a 'blast'! :D Great stages, and good people to shoot with. Great chocolate chip cookies.

Congrats to Keith, and everyone.

My trophies were all the ammo went bang, no mikes, no white guys. Now if I could just hit that star.

I really enjoyed getting to shoot with everyone from Squad 3. Kevin is always fun to shoot with, and learn from. Bubber, you are everything Mike described and more.

The banquet facility wasn't as luxurious as the Nats, but at least the Revo's got top billing.

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