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10 yd Bill Drill


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I don't believe it was a fluke for a moment. But, it would take an especially determined blind hog to find an acorn under all that snow I saw when you posted that picture of you and your truck and the snowmobile!!!

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1.85 s, all As, with a Limited gun at 10 y??? Wow, WOW!!! (this is where I usually ask: "Robbie, is that you???"). What about your 5-string back-to-back average or, better yet, your worst out-of-5 run? That is what I prefer as a measure of *skill*....

Btw., a 10-y Bill drill in less than 3 sec makes me (M class) happy. 1.0 first shot A is exceptional, 1.2 good, and 1.3 more realistic. My draw is not very strong. 7y is an all different ball game...


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I have never practiced Bill Drills until this weekend. I was shooting at 7 yds and my best run was 1.78. I could consistantly do 1.85's. This was with my new open blaster. I think I could do it better with a limited gun. At 7yds, I can do .75~.8 draws with a limited gun but I'm not near as consistant with the open gun yet. The 1.78 run had a .9 draw. I'm not seeing the dot soon enough yet.

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I would think actually seeing the dot on target in less than a second would take a person deep into Master if not GM. Of course, faster is better and it is counter productive to impose self limitations based on the performance of others.

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Thanks Ron.

I feel better about the dot now. I am finding it harder than I thought it would be switching to open. I have worked so hard on FS focus that , for me, it is hard to look at the targets and not focus on the dot.

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  • 2 months later...

Steve Anderson is getting the Production gun out for the FGN's. He shot it in the local steel match. After we shot the match, Steve wanted to try some Bill Drills...to build confidence. ;)

He ran 5 Bill Drills...out of his Production rig...with the Beretta.

Three of the five were right near a second and a half. Draw times of 0.77, 0.77, 0.79

The target was the 18x24 plates from the steel match...paced off at just over 8 yards. His hit group wasn't that big though...the hits would have fit inside a coffee can (lid). (All down-zero)

I think Steve can check a few things off his list of stuff to worry about at Nationals. B)

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Three of the five were right near a second and a half. Draw times of 0.77, 0.77, 0.79

what were the other 2 ;)


One of the others was under 1.50, Steve was aiming at the very top of the plate by that point (where there was still some paint). I couldn't...in good faith..."witness" that run. It looked like a couple creeped over the top...though I am pretty sure that, if the target was big enough, the group would have printed pretty tight.

That was the fourth run. I think the very first run was all the way up in the 1.60's. :wacko:

Of course...Steve was uses those wimpy 9mm rounds. :D:D:D

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It's true, I was there. :)

I was testing some 10 rd mags for reliability and wanted to run some Bill Drills to test them quick.

(note, I was "trying" to test the mags, not shoot a 1.5 bill drill)

I thought he said 1.48 on the one that had a miss but I don't recall for sure.

The load helps. vv310 under a 147 is s-o-f-t. Thanks to Matt Burkett for that one.


Detlef, they were all under 2 by a healthy margin. I'm glad Flex was there and I'm glad he posted it first. I know how Jake feels now... :) :) :)

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great. I don't care where those hits were exactly, but hitting an 18x24 at 8 y in 1.5 sec is pretty cool. And the first-hit times are spectacular! Just for orientation, an 18in wide target at 8 y is like a 6in wide target (A zone) at 2.5 y. So, you did the equivalent of a 2.5 y Bill Drill, and 1.5 sec is good for that one, too.


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very nice indeed. I have trouble (read: cannot) shoot 6 shots with my Prod gun in < 2 sec (1 sec draw, 5 .2 splits), let alone hit anything. That's probably somewhat the fault of the long LDA trigger, but from my Prod rig I also cannot fire an aimed shot any faster than about 1 sec.

Maybe I'm too focussed on IPSC, but I practice *the right size target at the right distance*. With your 18x24 you practice shooting an A zone sized target, but at 3 times the real distance of a real A zone. That would confuse my vision too much for me to do on a regular basis. I used to practice on 1/4 size IPSC targets hoping I would learn to shoot 50y shots (no range) by placing them at 12.5 y, but I found that the vision process is just too different (1/4 size targets at 12.5 y are *easy* compared with full-size targets at 50y!), so I stopped doing that.

Not meant to stop you...


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So, you did the equivalent of a 2.5 y Bill Drill, and 1.5 sec is good for that one, too.


The 18x24 steel plate, to me, is about the same thing as shooting an IPSC or IDPA sized paper target.

The groups shot were A-zone/down zero sized groups.

I'd say Steve did the equivalent of an 8.5 yard Bill Drill...with a great par time, not just a best run. Let give the poor guy some credit. B) He is already deluded into thinking a double-action Beretta out of a Production rig is competitive. :lol:

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I could see them hitting. No problem.

heck...Steve's loads are soooo wimpy...

How wimpy are they???

Steve's loads are soo wimpy...a fly landed on the bullet while it was traveling toward the target.

.....then a frog came along...zipped out his tongue and captured the fly. Eventually, the bullet hit the plate.

Seriously. It was an excellent display of shooting. I'm just teasing Steve about the wimpy loads (well within the rules) because some of the locals like to think his loads...the phase of the moon...locust...something... ...anything...is the reason he has improved his performance so much in a year or two.

Of course, it could be the dedication, the practice...the belief that limits are illusions. ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Best of five runs with a limited STI:

1.71 sec

.83 draw

.19, .18, .17, .18, .16 splits

All A's

The all A's is rough (for me, at warp speed), only two of the five runs had all A's. My times for the runs were between 1.71 and 1.85.

As a side thought is the second shot typically the longest split for most people? All five of my runs had a .19 split on the second shot. The Steve Anderson inspired increased dry fire regimen is paying dividends.

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Man, that is so cool to hear.

I remember the first match I shot after starting a RELIGIOUS dry fire program.

I was still nervous, but the confidence level was WAY up, and I was no longer afraid of the buzzer. Instead, my body was begging for the buzzer so we could go to work.

Dry fire is just like shooting groups. It's one of those things all the big names tell you they do, but we make excuses for not doing them because ______________ or _______________.


BTW, my splits were inconsistent, I think because 1. I was letting the sights settle and really watching the gun and 2. I hadn't shot that gun/load combo very much and 3. I wasn't trying to smoke a bill drill.

Had I been trying to smoke a BD, I suspect the splits would have been more consistent and the hits not as good.

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The Steve Anderson inspired increased dry fire regimen is paying dividends.

Shooters...take note!!!

As a side thought is the second shot typically the longest split for most people? All five of my runs had a .19 split on the second shot. The Steve Anderson inspired increased dry fire regimen is paying dividends.

My last high-sped Bill Drill was like that...the split after the draw was a .18, all the rest of the splits were .15

I think that it was my brain/eyes processing the data...once I knew I could see the sights, I was able to kick it up a notch. (this was all automatic)

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  • 4 months later...

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