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CM 99-62

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Four Pepper poppers with a single IPSC target in the middle and a little closer than the poppers ----- Shot it for the first time in May, 7.39 seconds, 29 points, HF 3.9242. Shot it again today, 7.12 seconds, 29 points, HF 4.0730. The difference? Glad you asked. In may it was the second stage of the match and I had an ok first stage. Today it was the fourth stage and I really fouled up the first stage ------ and for the first time ever it wasn't all down hill from there. I regrouped, the second stage was 16 pieces of steel (it was a rain match) spaced from 11 to 25 yards) and I knocked em down in 16.65 with 16 rounds! Any other match up til now this would have required at least 35 rounds as I would have still been annoyed over stage one. Today, I just managed to ignore what I couldn't control anymore and to focus on what was in front of me.


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Shot this one just this morning. With my wide body limited pistol I shot 29 points in 3.4 seconds for a HF of 8.5294. I asked the guys if I could go get my single stack .45 and run it again for Limited 10 and I shot 30 points in 3.85 seconds. I was tickled pink because I haven't shot the Les Baer in a month and I was using a carry holster.

I shoot this one from right to left and I take about 1.7 to 2 seconds on the first target then go like hell.  Can any of you guys give me an idea of about what the percentages will be or are you gonna make me suffer until they run the scores next month?

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My first run at this classifier was a 32%.  That's for the 3.9242 hit factor.  I'm still waiting for the other club to send in the second run at this classifier.  Hope that helps.....

Will USPSA continue to enter scores for a classifier if you've shot it once already? In other words, If I shot Bang & Clang three times this year in Limited, would they enter all three scores in the data base?

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They enter all of the scores in the data base, but they only count the best score in your average. The lower scores get flagged and thrown out.

Thanks for the info. Looks like I'll come in at 69.55 per cent (hoped for better). This is a tough classifier to move up with.

(Edited by Ron Ankeny at 8:00 pm on Nov. 24, 2001)

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This is one of my favorite classifiers. It's more Steel Challenge than IPSC. Here's a 96% run with a Limited gun...

  1   Warren, Erik         32   A    30    0    2.55  11.7647  30.0000 100.000

Ron, your approach is all wrong... it's not "then go like hell," it's just plain, "go like hell." :) Your draw is killing you on this one. Michael Voigt said the draw is everything on this stage.

Get your rig lined up on that left popper so your gun draws straight to it. It doesn't need much of a sight picture; none of them do. You've got to have your index right. At LAMR, take your time to get positioned perfectly, practice draw, and index through the targets a few times. At Standby, be relaxed!

The thing about this stage is you are either a hero or an also-ran. Having to make up a popper or shooting a D on paper will put you in the latter category. But it's only 30 points, so don't worry about it trashing your match.

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Yeah, the draw killed me. I had splits between targets of .20-.28 and a .17 split on the paper and that's good for me. Obviously, I am still fighting the over aiming problem. I can easily draw and hit the popper in a second when I practice, but I lack confidence in my ability to do it in a match.

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Shot this one Sunday. Shot it in 3.77, 30 points with my production rig. Had to take a second shot at the last steel on right. I was at 3.3 before that extra shot. I was faster with the prod gun than when I shot it with my limited gun.I always have to make up a shot on the steel.

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I shot this classifier about 2 years ago.  I was "B" class open shooter then.

I thought I had just burned it down:

2.43 seconds  /  30 points  / HF 12.345679

If I recall right it was like an 89%.  I thought that was fast, then I got to watch Joe Kessler shoot it, I almost cried.  He did it in like 2.22 seconds or somethig like that.  We are shooting this one Saturday,we'll see what happens.

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Excellent timing, we'll be shooting this one Sunday.

Eric, do you hit paper first, or just go L-to-R starting with the poppers and hitting the paper as you go?

Are the rear poppers hidden behind the front?

Just looking at it I figured 3-4 sec.

2.22 is screaming!!

Mr. Voight is right, this is definately a draw-time test.

This will put my 007 holster to the test!

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I shoot it left-right but you could do it right-left if you shoot better in that direction. If you don't start on an outside steel, you're not going to burn this one down. That's something I observed about the big dogs at the Steel Challenge, they don't back the gun up, they take everything in one direction.

IIRC, there's a little trickiness to this one in that the poppers overlap slightly. Other than that, make sure you get the As on paper.

Next time I shoot this I'm going to make sure to be relaxed. It's easy to get all fired up and tense for this one.

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Yep, stay relaxed as Erik says.  This classifier is one where if you stay relaxed, hit your draw, and run either right to left or left to right you should do well.....follow through on the stell, and get "A's" on the paper.  I know easier said than done......but don't think that.

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So there I was, all stoked to get 30pts in no more than 3.25 seconds.  I figured out that's waht I needed on this classifier to make the jump to "A" class.  I've never shot it before, so I was trying to guess at the rythym I should shoot at.

The sheets were handed to me upside down allowing me to pick the first shooter, I picked myself!  Dammit!

"Do you understand the course of fire?" the RO belted.  I looked at him and said, "I need to get this in 3.25sec".  He replied, "Don't worry about the time, shoot it to your capability.."  Although I understand his response, I still didn't like it.  If I couldn't do it in under 3.00, I would be really down on myself.


Shiet!! I had to re-engage the last popper.....

I looked to see that I DID get 2 "A" on paper,.."What's my time.." I asked, " 2.88 " he replied.

WooHoo!!  85%

I shot it again for Limited-10 classification.  The first popper I engaged didn't go down.  I had to come back to it!  Still 30pts in 2.94sec though.....a good day.

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Just checked my percentage...I knew it was not going to be very high but damn.......

2.60 29 points  open class

was like a 76%.......yuk!  The draw killed me here......it was our first stage of the day.....

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Shot this Sat. down at Blackcreek near Richmond with limited gun (.45 STI):

4.64 seconds  6.0345HF  14.0001  46.67% match avg.

2 misses on steel killed my score (though I'm a C shooter anyway so I'm supposed to shoot 46%).

The stage was won by Phil Strader (who is one hell of a good guy) using his STI .40 (Limited) He shot it in 2.32, no points down. He beat out Todd Jarret (2.34 sec.) even though Todd was shooting open. I shot Phil's limited gun/load last weekend; nothing majic there: its an ordinary STI .40 with about a 3 lb trigger (yeah, at least 3 lbs) and reloads with westcoast bullets. Buy an off the shelf STI and you are ready to go race with the best of them.

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I love this stage!! The first time I shot it was during a classifier match back in July when I was a B class shooter. I had just watched a Open gun shoot it in 2.92 and I thought that was fast. My turn came and I was relaxed, I shot it in 2.77 with my limited gun with all 30 points and I just went ape-nuts after beating the Open guns time.

1 Sites, Eric B 30 0 2.77 10.8303 30.0000 100.000

88.773 %

This was a good day for me because I had just shot the Mini-Mart classifier two stages back in 5.86 with all 60 points.

1 Sites, Eric B 60 0 5.86 10.2389 60.0000 100.000

87.045 %

The last time I shot Band & Clang was in January at another club and shot it in 2.69 with 30 points hf 11.1524. I was very happy with that day also... 91.413 % I don't think I indexed the targets any faster I just had a faster draw.

Eric Sites


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Ok, I read and studied this thread and decided that I should be able to shoot this one in 3 seconds or under without dropping any points.  I got my chance to try Sunday.  Limited, currently B class but should be moving to A if everything goes in this month.  I shot right to left after indexing through the targets a few times like Erik suggested.  Draw was a 1.15 to the far right popper, fired 6 rounds, 2 A's on paper, and . . . a 3.01.   Ok, so I missed the goal, but it should be about 81% so I'll take it.  

I tried to shoot this one as relaxed as possible although that was not easy.  A lot of people in my squad had trouble with it.  I don't think anyone dropped any D's, although there were a good many C's.  For such a small classifier, I thought it was a lot of fun.

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Erik, I probably did shoot a bit too cautiously, because I watched several good shooters rush it and take extra shots (and come out with slow times).  I might have been better off going first on this one.  I had tried a couple surrender draws to an 12 yard popper earlier in the week and felt like a 1.1-1.2 would be about right.  At the match, where I pulled a 1.15, several people said it looked like I hesitated right before I fired.  I did have to do a slight correction to the left before firing so I guess that is what they saw.  I'd like to try this one again pushing a little bit harder.  

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Shot this one yesterday.. I should have looked here first (I was the MD).  Fun stage.

I had to make up the last popper and thought 2.66, 29pts Open might be on the edge of M.. not even close.  

This is the highest HHF classifier I know of ('sides the fixed-time ones, of course).  Any others break 14?

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Is shot this one Open today clean in 2.70 seconds. Kind of slow. I felt good about everything but the draw. Draw was muffed up I lost the dot with a horrible 1.74 seconds. If I could hit that magical one second draw, I know I could muster a GM score...and if frogs had wings they wouldn't bump their butts on boulders.

Well the score is posted and it's 74 per cent. Oh my, just how high is the hit factor on this beast with a foo-foo blaster?

(Edited by Ron Ankeny at 8:56 am on Nov. 15, 2002)

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