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Dealing With Family During The Holiday

Calamity Jane

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Fourth of July. Got family staying with me for 3 days. Bought 3 boxes of brownies and a 12 pack of beer at the store. Hope it will be enough to get me through.

So you are going to insist they shoot your new Texas Star with you right? That should make them either think you are nuts and leave, or become shooters and make them tolerable. :D

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  • 5 months later...

5 days till the Christmas event. Do I need to say anymore?

I'm not a big drinker but some events demand sedation. As I've been wrapping gifts today I've been thinking about my potion of choice. I'm leaning towards cranberry juice and volka. That sounds festive to me. I've also heard that diet coke and vanilla rum is pretty good. Any suggestions for a festive sedative?

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Jane, I could suggest various concoctions from long ago... Nowadays I think the best drink for those situations is a cool glass of water enjoyed on the balcony of an exotic resort, far, far away from my holiday house guests... :D

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5 days till the Christmas event. Do I need to say anymore?

I'm not a big drinker but some events demand sedation. As I've been wrapping gifts today I've been thinking about my potion of choice. I'm leaning towards cranberry juice and volka. That sounds festive to me. I've also heard that diet coke and vanilla rum is pretty good. Any suggestions for a festive sedative?

1 oz Chamboard

3 oz Vodka (Stoli or equ.)

1 oz pomegranate juice (e.g. P-O-M)

Shake with ice cubes, strain into a martini glass. Mrs. BigDave :wub: approves.

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Any suggestions for a festive sedative?

I highly recommend the Louisville Cranberry Slugger. Vigorously apply the Louisville Slugger to the skulls of your obnoxious relatives until all the bitching, moaning, gossiping, sniping, and whining over their latest life-threatening malaise ceases. Then, pour two jiggers of cranberry juice into a shaker. Pour two jiggers of vodka in as well. Add crushed ice. Add a copious helping of lemon zest. Give a couple of shakes, then pour into a chilled glass. Garnish with beautiful long peel of lemon zest.

Kick back and enjoy your holiday!

Edited by EricW
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I actually moved to be closer to a favorite Aunt and her family. She's the only family I can stand at all much less during the holidays. Thank God the in-laws live far away (but close to Rio Salado :D

Yukon Jack and tea for me please ;)

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+1...After working 22 hours straight to get Christmas evening off, I get to drive 5 hours to have a meal with people such as the asshat brother of my wife that badmouthed me to EVERYONE at my wedding :huh:

My Ipod and podcasts of the MB radio show will save the day once again :D

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Jane, I could suggest various concoctions from long ago... Nowadays I think the best drink for those situations is a cool glass of water enjoyed on the balcony of an exotic resort, far, far away from my holiday house guests... :D

I like the thought...here's what I'm thinking....

I'm standing on a balcony looking at an indigo blue ocean. The breeze is in my face and the sun is warm on my skin as I inhale the scent of salt in the air. I'm wearing a white sundress to show off my lightly brown skin that I acquired earlier in the day lounging by the pool. In one hand I have a glass of crandberry juice and volka over crushed ice and the other hand is holding my husband's hand. He has bare feet, blue jeans and no shirt on. He's looking mighty fine. We are talking about what we are going to do on the beach when we take our barefooted sunset walk.

OK, maybe I don't need to sedate with alcohol this holiday. Maybe I can get by with a little guided imagery. I sure have enjoyed thinking about the above vision. One day I'm going to give my husband a trip to someplace warm over Christmas break....and I will wear that white dress.....and we will take that walk......and the thoughts of family will be far away. :)

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Any suggestions for a festive sedative?

Brazilian "Caipirinha" :


- Lemon

- Brazilian Cachaça

- Ice cubes ( a lot )

- Sugar to taste

Wash the lemon and roll it on the board to loosen the juices. Cut the lemon into pieces and place them in a glass. Sprinkle with the sugar and crush the pieces (pulp side up) with a pestle. (We have a long, wooden one from Brazil, made specifically for this purpose.) Just enough to release the juice, otherwise it'll get bitter. Add the cachaça and stir to mix. Add the ice and stir again. It is delicious and potent!

Its possible to change the lemon for kiwi, passion fruit ( absolut delicious !! ), pineapple, etc.

Enjoy !!!!

Greetings from Brazil, Now is + 37oC :D:D


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