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Gutless Wonders With A Key Board


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It is getting more and more common that people go to a freemail provider, get an address and start sending out e mail that is insulting and cowardice.

Send it out to people, try to hide who you are, and write things you wouldn't have the testicular fortitude to say man to man.

A match director friend of mine has been getting the little blurbs from a gutless wonder over the last year. Latest was shortly after he buried his father and cancelled a match for obvious personal reasons.

Well, if that shooter is on this board or any other board, crawl back into your hole or stand up like a man.

Mods, if this gets out of control, close it I said my piece.


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Before they do Gary, let me add my disgust with keyboard conmmandos. I try to temper what I type by a simple test -- Would I say this same thing in-person?

If not, don't hit Send.

+1 to that. I apply that to email and phone conversations.


Did one of our local MDs just lose his Dad? Sorry to hear that.


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Hopefully someone can track him down one day.

I agre one hundred percent..

If you aren't willing to say it to someones face then STFU otherwise say it to thier face and deal with the consequences.

I think this is a by product of our current society. Used to be when you insulted a man you got your behind handed to you or worse. Now if you grab somebody's shirt it is assault.

Cowards will always hide but they will always be cowards.


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Cowards will always hide but they will always be cowards.

Cyber cowards are everywhere. They are the descendents of the “party line breathers” and local gossips. Occasionally they get turned out as recently happened on another shooting forum. At least two people were found to be total frauds.

I agree that re-arranging their bridgework would be the best solution, but… since we can’t get our hands on them then our only recourse is a “reply” with big bold letters:


Then set your mail software to delete that address in the future.

David C

Edited by geezer-lock
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I hope that this doesn't come off like a rebuttal, but unless you've got some good computer hacking skills, true anonymity on the Internet isn't practical. Email messages have headers, which reveal the IP address of the system that the email was sent from.

If you're using Outlook, you can view the headers this way:


If you're using Outlook Express, you can view the headers this way:


If the email was truly abusive, you can copy the headers and sent them in an email message to abuse@domain.com , where domain.com is the domain for the first SMTP server that handled the message. The same laws that govern fax machines apply to email (go figure!), so if the email was threatening, you can get ISPs to work with you on tracking down the person that sent it. Unfortunately, getting ISPs to cooperate with one another is difficult (unless you work for the FBI).

And, yes, cyber cowards suck. Doom on them!

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I hope that this doesn't come off like a rebuttal, but unless you've got some good computer hacking skills, true anonymity on the Internet isn't practical.

And, yes, cyber cowards suck. Doom on them!

No offense taken at all. What I really HATE is the F Wads that use Hotmail or Yahoo. They are tough to track.



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I post the same exact thing that I would say to anyone's face. Yeah I can be fairly rude at times, but rest assured I'd be just as rude to your face.

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