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Friday Flamer 1-20-06


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I hate that my wife lost her part time educational consulting job as the result of Hurricane Katrina. I know there are people worse off but it still sucks. The job allowed her to earn the income we needed but still allowed her to be home most of the time for the kids. I hate that if she cannot find another part time job our kids might be in day care all day.

I hate that I have not had a raise with my job in six years and as a result my wife has to find work. I hate that the legal market is such that I cannot find another job.

I hate that I have been up for two hours already with a sick child. I am running out of clean sheets and clean pajamas.

I hate that my life at the moment is not what I envisioned.

I hate that I cannot think positively at the moment about all the things I am blessed with.

I hate that I have to end this rant to go tend to my son who just threw up again.

Edited by BismarckC
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Bill, I hate that I know how you feel, as my son is in surgery while we speak as I am home getting my daughter off to school.

I hate that we have to go through stuff like this to really truly appreciate all the wonderful gifts that we have with our children.

I hate that as a cop I have to deal with pieces of filth that neglect and ignore their children and then I have to attempt to parent them after their "parent" has left the job of instilling values and disicpline to the TV, which generally breeds discontent for any position of authority. It really is a melancholy moment when a 3 year old flips off a cop.....

Enough hate! Gonna go hug my kid.... :wub:

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I hate it when the people I work with seem to be more interested in flirting than working! There are a couple gals and a few dudes here that obviously “rotate” every month or two.

Most of them are married anyway. It frick’n pisses me off and it’s very distracting to hear flirty-little giggles throughout the day. I don’t think these people work more than 10hrs / week.

Just a bunch of smelly, shiet tossing monkeys smelling eachother's ripe, swollen genitalia.

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I hate when People confuse niceness for weakness and try to take advantage of you and then when you get in their face and confront them about it they act like you have no right to call them out.

I hate that the more I work on how I come across to others in a positive manner the worse they try to treat me.

I'm coming real close to reverting to my old ways.

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I hate these "Important information about your account" letters I keep getting from credit card companies, which are nothing more than a handful of checks that you are encouraged to write against the account (at some astronomical interest rate). If I wanted them, and I don't, I would ask for them. I shudder to think about some miscreant stealing them from my mailbox and running up a bunch of charges that I'll have to dispute later.

A friend was with me recently when I checked my mail and I held up just the face of the envelope and asked if he knew what it was. Without skipping a beat he said, "Yeah, they're checks."

Everybody knows what they are. Quit sending me the damn things!

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I went on vacation last week with my youngest daughter . Showed up for work on Tuesday morning . Boss called me into his office and layed me off. What a way to start the new year. The boss was a friend of mine . Friends like this who needs them. I trained him 15 years ago. What a prick.( On the bright side I found a new job yesterday).

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I hate that ('up here' in the Pacific Northwest) we're headed toward the 40-days-and-40-nights-of-solid-rain situation and the state and local highway/roadway infrastructure disintegration is going to cost us a FORTUNE in repairs when all this is over with--if it ever DOES get over with!!! Moreover, the slime, mold and mildew is killing me! Aarrrrggghhh!! :angry::angry::wacko:

Thank god for the nine or so Army Corps of Engineers dams in the Lane County area. They didn't USED to be here and apparently it flooded here with absurd frequency way-back-when. :rolleyes:

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I hate that one of our family friends broke up with his gf on Friday after 11 months of dating. I hate that I feel divided between loyalties. I hate that my daughter has grown pretty fond of her and because of the split, she too hurt at the moment to hang around with our group. She's very funny, bright, and seemed like a good match for him but he cited there wasn't any spark. All well and fine that you don't think someone is a match. Dating is like buying clothes, you try people out to see if they fit. But you don't spend nearly a year in the changing room!!! Sheesh!

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Glad you found a new job.

As for me, I hate OSHA, consultants, lawyers, consultants, contractors, consultants, anyone from Greece (sorry to the non-a$$holes), anyone from Italy (sorry to the non-a$$holes), consultants, anyone from Spain (sorry to the non-a$$holes), and anyone associated with creating the tons of regulations and BS associated with doing anything at my manufacturing plant, and of course consultants.

Putting a new production line in to try and generate more profit for the stockholders, and it turns into open season on the checkbook. I actually caught myself thinking "this would be a lot easier in Mexico". One would figure the pricks in the government would at least think of how much their BS regs cost.

I bought another production line in the UK, planning on having it shipped here. Turns out the US government is being such a bunch of pricks that I'm having to make other plans to avoid being totally raped. Looks like Brazil will get another couple hundred jobs that could have been in SC.

Then I have to hire freaking consultants and lawyers because any attempt to do this crap myself makes my head spin.

If I had time to sleep, I'd worry about nightmares.

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I hate that they just pushed a new load to our laptops and guess what, now all gun sites are band! Now the real pisser is some of the guys are still going to porn sites!!!! Makes no since to me!!! Other than I work for an anti-gun company! Does anyone know a back door into this site. Can't use brainenos.com anymore!!!! bad site!!!!! bad site!!!!!

I hate that my wife and can never have childern again as I am sitting at work eating my lunch and they are showing the piece of crap of a human that killed his son by throwing him through a wall. One of my good friends works in the ER and tried saving the little boy. The little boy also has a sister that was also brought into the ER! She was 2 almost 3 years old and weighted 19lbs, her hair was knoted and full of lice and had never been combed. My buddy Mike had to shave all her hair off and she though that was cool. He also feed her his lunch ( chicken nuggets and a coke) She told him she had never had any thing that good before. I guess it touches alittle differant when we know the real story and not just reading it in the paper or seeing it on TV.

I thank God everyday for the awesome daughter he did give us!

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I'm a little late due to time differences.

I hate missing family and friends who are as close as family.

I hate being in a country that doesn't allow firearms.

I hate it that the military doesn't want to allow me to go home to the place I love when I'm done here.

I miss the smell of burning powder. I miss the feel of my open gun in my hand.


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Gah! I hate that I forgot to set my fracking VCR to record BSG tonite! Double Frack! When does it repeat? Does it repeat? Argh!!!!!

We just finished watching it here (West Coast). It'll repeat again at 1am. Also, they show it again on Mondays at 11pm.

Failing that, it appears that they're having a marathon of this season's episodes on Tuesday, February 7th.

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