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Limited 9mm ?

big daddy

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Big Daddy, I have been doing for about a year now. It is definatelly an option. The only thing is you have got to call your shots a little better than shooting major. A few D hits will cost you big time. The long field courses with say 24-30 rounds you can get away with a D and a few Cs. But shoot a Classifier and drop a D and a couple of Cs, You screwed. You have to shoot As almost all the time. Good Luck

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I've got several local guys beating me shooting minor at every match. I hope I turned that around yesterday with one of them, but they're still very competitive.

I wouldn't do it by choice. Mostly I see IDPA crossover shooters with 9mm Glocks shooting Limited minor.

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The real disadvantages are movers/swingers that's where it costs you on points.

i shoot my production rig in limited some times, i've done pretty well with it.

It really doesn't help reloading just gives you a couple more options, because round counts work out close enough if one limited shooter has to reload all do.. i believe 23 is max you can run of 9mm in a 140, possibly 24 counting the one in the pipe and specially tuned mags.

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Matt tried it a couple years ago at Nats and said never again. The small difference in recoil and capacity won't make up for the difference in scoring. Don't go based on somebody saying that they are getting beat by somebody shooting minor... they would still get beat by the same guy if he was shooting major it would just be beaten by more points. You have to compare apples to apples.

Edited by Chriss Grube
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After shooting a couple of matches with major scoring I think it sucks to shoot minor, but I love shooting my production gun so I think I will still mostly shoot production this next year.

Buy the 9mm slide for practice that shouldn't hurt anything.

Congrats on your first post.

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I shoot 38 sup Minor in limited and L-10. and think it is the way to go. More rounds to play with, little to no recoil. cycles faster than the 45, and you don't have to reload a new calaber. I am looking into getting a 38 sup slide and barel for my S/S gun and use that rather then the 45.


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Shooting minor in Limited or Open just about always hurts your overall score.

Let's say you can shoot splits on each target that are about 20% faster with minor than with your Major loads - does that mean your hit factor will be 20% better? No. Because of all the time you have to spend drawing from the holster or better yet scooping the gun off a table then loading it before the first shot. Then moving into positions, presenting the gun onto the first target in an array, opening doors... your hit factor goes from Beep to Last Shot Fired.

Let's say you shoot a bunch of targets with hits of A and C. In Major that's 9 points on the target, you gave away 10% of your points for those 2 shots. In minor, Alpha-Charlie is 8 points, gave away 20% of your points. Are you now going to run to the next array & set up that much faster? Probably not.

The difference in mag capacity, going from 19+1 to 23+1 or whatever - that's going to gain you like 5 match points once-twice every 10 stages. Unless your local matches put up 22-round stages again & again, or you need 22 to complete an 18-round stage, there's really no gain.

Edited by eric nielsen
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It is darn near impossible to argue with Eric's logic in regard the competitive aspects of limited minor.

On the other hand if you happen to be a frugal soul, an eccentric mind, or if you have an affinity for a certain pistol that can only fit in Limited that also happens to be a 9mm...well then break out the CZ 75 Single Action, to hell with logic...smoke em if you got em. What fun!

Yeah, this is a big thread drift from a STI 9mm upper...

Edited by Middle Man
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  • 4 weeks later...

this has all been covered before, but another $.02

I asked TGO about this back at one of the SSC matches, where you are looking at a 25% increase in mag capacity going to minor. (8 vs. 10)

He said he'd considered it, and that on open targets, he thought he could do it, but as has been said here ad nauseum, on paritals, distance, and swingers, and shooting on the move, minor just kills you.

Besides, the best guys are shooting roughly 95% of the points on average. That means almost no CHARLIES shooting minor. And that's a slow, no shooting on the move snooze fest.

Take a 24 round field course, where your mag capacity should make the difference. Shooting major and wanting 95% of the points, I can shoot 6 charlies, you only get THREE!!! :huh: No Thanks, I’ll hit the reload. B)

Edited by dirtypool40
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