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F#@k 'em.

Your statement is brief but quite succinct! I concur. B)

Thanks, Merlin. Let me expand/vent a bit....

I used to manage a contract for the CDC (Centers for Diesease Control and Whatever) that supplied all of the PCs and most of the servers, and damn-near all of the network engineers to support the same. Back then, Novell was the Cats-Ass and Microsoft was an infant in the networking world. I had a wonderful relationship with Novell since I employed the most CNE's in any area at that time. Read as, got great lunches at places which promoted the exploitation of nekkid wimmin.

Doctors working a WHO (World Health Org.) incident always came back with the most interesting PC viruses/virii since they were bringing in computer-based plagues we hadn't seen. **At that time, Peter Norton's complete catalog of virii was maybe 2,000.

One day, one of the visiting doctors brought in something called "Chili Medera". This was in the days of WordPerfect 5.0 client/server technology. It jumped about a dozen servers in short order and I led a team that went from PC to PC to eradicate this evil demon. The fact that it occurred 2 days before Thanksgiving was a blessing because so many people were NOT there to connect to the server and infect their own PCs.

I went into places that producers only hint at in movies! There were labs that contained AIDS, Hanta, Lasha, and a myriad of other creepy-as-hell-latch-onto-your-ass goblins. Several times I asked for one of those "Boy In The Bubble" suits only to be laughed at by my escort(s). I failed to grasp their humor.

At the end of the ordeal I sent, and was paid from an invoice for some $136,000.00 worth of overtime labor to eradicate that menace (early-'80s dollars).

That's your tax dollars at work.....

We should take the scum who write these viruses and hang them by their thumbs in the cousthouse square and give every honest taxpayer a chance to pass by and throw excrement in their faces. When that task is complete, they should be fleshed per the ancient Apache laws of justice.

F#@k 'em.


Edited by ima45dv8
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I absoulutely agree with the idea that most punishments are too good for anyone doing malicious things on our networks and systems.

I do however, disagree with the idea that malicious tinkering with other folks systems is what the idea of hacking is all about. True hackers only explore, analyze, learn from and improve what they touch. Creating viruses and doing damage to systems is vandalism and would not be condoned by any true hacker under any circumstance. The word hacker has taken on a false sense of bad in recent years due to a popular mythos spread by the media and it's twisted portrayal much the same way as the shooting community is manipulated when desired by the media.

We should stop giving the real hacker community a generic rap and call the vermin we are discussing here by their true name, CRIMINALS. They are bottomfeeding lowlife engaged in unlawful acts of vandalism and sabatoge, but they are not, nor will they ever earn the designation of true hacker. A real hacker is either transparent to, or an asset to any system they visit, but never a detriment.

Here is something about what the idea of hacking is more properly about:


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I go mad on the one who hacked/cracked my homepage, just hosting Images of Aircooled Cars and Happy Birthday-icons and some other unimportant stuff.

I'm annoyed 'cause my homepage (22Mb, holy cow!) is my property even if it is virtual. A hacker or a cracker, this doesn't matter to me, it's just a matter of definition.

In other words: in real life they would be hard-running Moving Targets :angry: if I could see them...

(Edit: my homepage is terminated, E-mail is off-air...I'm under attack)

Edited by schmitz
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These days, most cracking is automated. "Script Kiddies" is the term for kids that find and run fully-automated network scanning and exploitation tools, while having very little or no knowledge of networking.

Virus and worm attacks cause worldwide economic impact in the tens of billions of dollars per year. The author of the piece below thinks that virus and worm writers should get the death penalty, because of the amount of dollar damage they do.


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Hacking/crackin' my homepage goes beyond damage concerning Money.

It's all about damaging ME. My homepage is unimportant to RoW, still it's hacked!

Why does someone hack/crack another ones page?

I want to know about this persons motives....the only thing this person does is hiding behind his/hers computer-knowlegde....

That's all there is to it, no open battle....no open discussion....no nothing....just hacking. Modern World! Bah! Fague pugue

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I went into places that producers only hint at in movies! There were labs that contained AIDS, Hanta, Lasha, and a myriad of other creepy-as-hell-latch-onto-your-ass goblins. Several times I asked for one of those "Boy In The Bubble" suits only to be laughed at by my escort(s). I failed to grasp their humor.


Infect my PC with a Virus, we infect you with a Real Virus! That way we don't have to use little fuzzy animals for medical testing, we use scuzzy little rats!


Remember go as fast as possible and take all unnecessary chances

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Maybe if these "towering intellects" played with their blow up dolls more often, we wouldn't have as big a problem.

The most malicious hackers of them all is (are) Microsoft and their band of beenie wearing code thugs.

The only positive is that some end up chewing on the barrel of a 12 gauge after the world misunderstands their genius.

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Why does someone hack/crack another ones page?

I want to know about this persons motives....the only thing this person does is hiding behind his/hers computer-knowlegde....

Well, I can explain most of the motivation. It's not about you, it's either about keeping score with their friends (think mailbox baseball), or malice addressed at your ISP or web hosting providor. The malice can range from political ideals to your ISP/host failing to meet their extorsion demands.

As was pointed out earlier, this BS costs a lot of money and time. A $10k payoff to some bank account can be a lot cheaper than being down for a week. They work on a sliding scale as well, in communist china, extorting a small porn site for $200 is not chump change.

The latest fad is worms that don't destroy your data, but encrypt it. Then they hold you over a barrel and extort money form you for the key that unlocks your data.

The motives are as old as civilization. It's just a new medium. Sometimes the blatant uncreativity of the human race as a whole astounds me.

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