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Svi Imm Tribrid Bullets Hitting Comp(keyholing)


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I need help!! I have a SVI IMM Tribrid in .38 super, and the bullets are hitting the comp, I miked the comp and it has been reamed to .374 I have tried Montana Gold, Zeros, and Hornady's .356 bullets the barrel looks new the lands also look good. Any suggestions? :( :(

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I need help!! I have a SVI IMM Tribrid in .38 super, and the bullets are hitting the comp, I miked the comp and it has been reamed to .374 I have tried Montana Gold, Zeros, and Hornady's .356 bullets the barrel looks new the lands also look good. Any suggestions? :( :(

What powder are you using? Also, why are you using .356 bullets?

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I need help!! I have a SVI IMM Tribrid in .38 super, and the bullets are hitting the comp, I miked the comp and it has been reamed to .374 I have tried Montana Gold, Zeros, and Hornady's .356 bullets the barrel looks new the lands also look good. Any suggestions? :( :(

What powder are you using? Also, why are you using .356 bullets?

You may want to read this,


I am using IMR 7625 and VV3n38, do you have the same pistol?

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If you look with a flashlight you should see which baffle is being grazed by the bullets. AND, if you really look carefully you may find the bullets are leaving really small shavings in some of the Hybrid/Tribrid ports. Just a touch there can send the bullet tumbling much more violently into the Ti comp at the end.

Try cleaning all the ports and the comp chambers [scrape as much as you need to] and then clean the barrel breach-to-comp extremely well. Then shoot only JHP bullets - .355 caliber, 124/125 weight - and see what happens.

I would not shoot exposed-lead bullets - like a normal FMJ - through that gun. Hard enough to keep a conventional comp-gun clean with FMJ, your gun would be a never-ending battle.

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Are you sure the bullets are hitting the comp? It could be that the barrel is just, well crap. This is not uncommon with AET barrels. Some will shoot forever, some will keyhole from the factory. If it's not hitting the comp, or the hybrid holes, you could have another problem. I'd get some ammo from a friend that you know can reload well. See if you still have the keyhole problem. It's alot easier to eliminate ammunition as the cause than to try messing with the gun. If it's not ammo related, and the gun is clean, with no lead shavings or brass colored rub spots on the comp baffles, you might have to look at the barrel as the culprit.

One last thing. Double check that the link is still intact. The last comp that I cracked was after the link developed a very tiny crack in it.

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I am using IMR 7625 and VV3n38, do you have the same pistol?

Yes, I have the same gun. I don't use anything but 3N38, N105 and sometimes N350. But I never shot .356 bulltes. Why are you shooting these bulltes?

can you please give me your load Data for your pistol using 3n38 and exactly which bullets :rolleyes:

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I am using IMR 7625 and VV3n38, do you have the same pistol?

Yes, I have the same gun. I don't use anything but 3N38, N105 and sometimes N350. But I never shot .356 bulltes. Why are you shooting these bulltes?

can you please give me your load Data for your pistol using 3n38 and exactly which bullets :rolleyes:

1.245 OAL

124 JHP Montana Gold .355

8.2gr of N350, chrono it, go up as necessary.


124 JHP Montana Gold .355

10.4gr of 3N38, chrono it, go up as necessary.

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I am using IMR 7625 and VV3n38, do you have the same pistol?

Yes, I have the same gun. I don't use anything but 3N38, N105 and sometimes N350. But I never shot .356 bulltes. Why are you shooting these bulltes?

can you please give me your load Data for your pistol using 3n38 and exactly which bullets :rolleyes:

1.245 OAL

124 JHP Montana Gold .355

8.2gr of N350, chrono it, go up as necessary.


124 JHP Montana Gold .355

10.4gr of 3N38, chrono it, go up as necessary.

thanks for the load data, with the N350 will the burn rate be to fast? or is it just right, I have N350 But I cannot find 3n38 if N350 works perfect I would rather shoot it.

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What leads you to believe that bullets are striking something in the gun? Are you just having poor accuracy, or are there other symptoms? Fiddling with loads isn't going to fix any of that, if it's a mechanical issue within the gun. You've got to correct the mechanical bits first, if something's wrong there.

If, after performing careful inspections of the comp wipes/baffles, and the Tribrid ports, the link, etc, and all seems well, and then the gun just doesn't seem to group, or keyholing doesn't go away (if that's what you're seeing), after playing with loads, it's time to go back to the factory with it. I would also double check by having someone else load ammo on their press, and shoot the gun for you, just to be sure it's not something wierd.

How new is this gun?

Also, if the gun just won't hold a group, and there's no keyholing or any of that, have you checked the scope, scope mount, etc? Something could be loose on one of the adjustments or the scope mount itself could be loose or cracked...

Edited by XRe
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What leads you to believe that bullets are striking something in the gun? Are you just having poor accuracy, or are there other symptoms? Fiddling with loads isn't going to fix any of that, if it's a mechanical issue within the gun. You've got to correct the mechanical bits first, if something's wrong there.

If, after performing careful inspections of the comp wipes/baffles, and the Tribrid ports, the link, etc, and all seems well, and then the gun just doesn't seem to group, or keyholing doesn't go away (if that's what you're seeing), after playing with loads, it's time to go back to the factory with it. I would also double check by having someone else load ammo on their press, and shoot the gun for you, just to be sure it's not something wierd.

How new is this gun?

Also, if the gun just won't hold a group, and there's no keyholing or any of that, have you checked the scope, scope mount, etc? Something could be loose on one of the adjustments or the scope mount itself could be loose or cracked...

I am seeing streaks of jacketing on the comp, when I try to group rounds the rounds are all over the target and sometimes not even hitting. When the bullets hit paper you can see that the bullets are tumbling. I checked the link no visible cracks the barrel locks up tight, there are no visible cracks on the dot mount. the comp has been bored out to .374 the gun has less than 10K rounds through it. I just bought the gun and the person who sold it says he never had any problems with it.

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I just bought the gun and the person who sold it says he never had any problems with it.

Sure he didn't.... ;)

Don't waste time farting around with loads. Send it to a competent smith to be checked out. If you're seeing jacketing streaks on the comp, the comp may be misaligned or the hole may be off center or something to that effect. No load combo is going to make bullets being disturbed by the comp more accurate.

Alternately, tell the guy you want a refund on the gun, cause he sold you a lemon...

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Dot scopes can look fine with no cracking visible or loosness in the mounts,

sometimes the little LED in the module can be loose.

But I have to agree with the last few posts about you having a problem with

the gun and not any of loads.

Sounds like only somebody with the right measuring tools is going to be able to

check this out.

(comp can be reamed out larger but if it's not concentric with the barrel bore then

you may have to go even bigger ---- don't do that, have a 'smith look at it)

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Dot scopes can look fine with no cracking visible or loosness in the mounts,

sometimes the little LED in the module can be loose.

But I have to agree with the last few posts about you having a problem with

the gun and not any of loads.

Sounds like only somebody with the right measuring tools is going to be able to

check this out.

(comp can be reamed out larger but if it's not concentric with the barrel bore then

you may have to go even bigger ---- don't do that, have a 'smith look at it)

You should have a gunsmith check it =it could be all it needs is reamed

I have a reamer and it sorta lines bores all of the comp.

Jim Anglin

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Dot scopes can look fine with no cracking visible or loosness in the mounts,

sometimes the little LED in the module can be loose.

But I have to agree with the last few posts about you having a problem with

the gun and not any of loads.

Sounds like only somebody with the right measuring tools is going to be able to

check this out.

(comp can be reamed out larger but if it's not concentric with the barrel bore then

you may have to go even bigger ---- don't do that, have a 'smith look at it)

You should have a gunsmith check it =it could be all it needs is reamed

I have a reamer and it sorta lines bores all of the comp.

Jim Anglin

I had a gunsmith ream it out to .374 we believe that it is a barrel issue?

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It could be a barrel issue like a burr, oversize, out of round, bulged... Could be alignment between the barrel and comp (depends on how the comp was reamed, i.e. was the reamer centered on the bore while reaming? if it was consider the barrel to be most probable cause). There could be other possibilities also.

I suggest having a reputable gunsmith check it out (like Matt Mclearn, Jim Anglin, Benny, Bob H., etc.)

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It could be a barrel issue like a burr, oversize, out of round, bulged... Could be alignment between the barrel and comp (depends on how the comp was reamed, i.e. was the reamer centered on the bore while reaming? if it was consider the barrel to be most probable cause). There could be other possibilities also.

I suggest having a reputable gunsmith check it out (like Matt Mclearn, Jim Anglin, Benny, Bob H., etc.)

yes, we used a reamer that was centered by the bore. I am thinking about sending it to SV

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  • 2 weeks later...
Dot scopes can look fine with no cracking visible or loosness in the mounts,

sometimes the little LED in the module can be loose.

+1 on THAT!

Recently went through a bit of agony with the old warhorse turning into random bullet-spewing device. Had the comp remounted and reamed, thinking the same thing, with SLIGHT improvement.

Started suspecting the barrel when the gun evinced its worst behavior to date (and, bravo for life's little ironies, on a Texas Star in the middle of a stage).

Turned out the Heuning mount I'd used forever had cracked BOTH scope rings - just didn't notice it hidden behind the mounting plate until the front one cracked all the way through!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I sold the gun to Bobbyblaze and did in fact refund his money for what he said was a bullet hitting comp/bullets tumbling/can't keep 'em on paper problem. After getting it back I went out and shot 120 rounds through it without any problems at all! I sent him a video of me shooting the gun at 15, 25, and 50 yards with all shots staying in the A-zone on paper and also hitting a MGM "mini" popper at 25 yards shot after shot. No tumbling, no bullets hitting comp!

My question is this: how is this possible? Could simple reloading errors cause such a dramatic problem as the ones he experienced? Could the altitude & atmosphere between my place & his be part of the problem? Any one experience anything like this before?

I'd like to sell the gun but I don't want to go through the same problems with someone else. Give me some ideas please!


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Yes on the reloading, no on the altitude and atmosphere. What you have there is a cursed gun. Ideally you should just unload it as soon as possible before the curse gets onto you other guns and stankifies them. You need to get it out of state to make sure, say somewhere like Oregon. I can probalby hook you up with a guy who specializes in buying cursed guns. He takes them to the Pope for an exorcism (hey if the guy can bless Ferraris I think he can do a quick gun exorcism). It's an expensive process so, or course the gun price is not the highest. But you get rid of the demon gun and you make $34.00 in the process, minus shipping. So just send me the gun and a check for $1.00 and I'll make sure everything is okay and it won't funk up the rest of your guns. Act quick though.

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